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mixing Wing Chun and Boxing?

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  • mixing Wing Chun and Boxing?

    could it be possible to combine Wing Chun with boxing?

    their principles seem to be against each other

    in wing chun you bend the kness and your feet are well on the floor and you move only when you are attacked, in boxing you are on the toes and you are moving all the time

    in wing chun you keep your body facing the opponent in a parrallel way, in boxing you try to "hide" your body as much as you can so that you dont give a target

    in wing chun the punches are very different than the boxing punches

    could you use boxing punches after a tan sau?!
    if you can why dont we use them instead of these strange wing chun punches?

    could you take a boxing stance and be moving like a boxer?

    can the wing chun techniques be used in a boxing match?

  • #2
    bruce lee mixed them
    look into it


    • #3

      The structures would be different. Stick with one until you are really good at it.


      • #4
        There is such a thing called wing chun boxing


        • #5
          I've mixed them, it really isn't that hard unless you refuse to get out of the I.R.I.S. stance.


          • #6
            The two do clash in their principles, but sure they can mix.
            Just take what you prefer from each style and go from there. If you prefer the boxing stance use that, but I'm sure you'd find the evasive footwork and the trapping of Wing Chun useful, and don't forget the kicks. Don't be deterred by the apparent opposition, just take what you like from each and make it your own...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Panagiotis97
              could it be possible to combine Wing Chun with boxing?

              could you use boxing punches after a tan sau?!
              if you can why dont we use them instead of these strange wing chun punches?
              The boxing punch isn't so effective without gloves and you will probably hurt your knuckles if you use them. It is also harder to generate power with the boxing punch. You could use them at the same time as a tan sau but the force wouldn't be so powerful if you don't withdraw the fist before you attack, which will only make you loose time. Besides why wouldn't you want to use the normal wc punch? It's fast powerfull and protects your centerline.


              • #8
                in wing chun you keep your body facing the opponent in a parrallel way, in boxing you try to "hide" your body as much as you can so that you dont give a target
                What are you talking about? In Boxing you stand square with your opponent, torso bent forward, and chin tucked into the shoulder of the lead hand.

                The boxing punch isn't so effective without gloves and you will probably hurt your knuckles if you use them
                What are you talking about? A boxing punch would be a hell of alot more effective without the padding of a glove, and you'd only hurt your knuckles if your a pussy.


                • #9
                  you'd only hurt your knuckles if your a pussy.

                  have a look at this:


                  • #10
                    tons of professional boxers hurt there hands with gloves on. are they pussies?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by William Eriepa
                      What are you talking about? A boxing punch would be a hell of alot more effective without the padding of a glove, and you'd only hurt your knuckles if your a pussy.
                      I am saying it is a fact that the two knuckles on the left is easier to break than the three lower knuckles that are used in a vertical punch. The boxing punch might be more effective, depending on the practioner, but still it will hurt a lot when you hit with it. BTW Tyson broke his hand (?) when he was in a street fight.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Hot Sauce
                        The boxing punch isn't so effective without gloves and you will probably hurt your knuckles if you use them. It is also harder to generate power with the boxing punch. You could use them at the same time as a tan sau but the force wouldn't be so powerful if you don't withdraw the fist before you attack, which will only make you loose time. Besides why wouldn't you want to use the normal wc punch? It's fast powerfull and protects your centerline.
                        You say its harder to generate power? I dont know about you but the hardest punchers I have seen have been boxers. But the without gloves thing, thats only true if you dont train without gloves. If I can break a board with my knuckless without hurting them doesnt that stand to reason that I can hit someone with a knuckle punch without breaking my hand?

                        It again all comes down to the practioner. I am confident that I can use boxing in a street fight without breaking my knuckles or even hurting them. But this has only come from conditioning my knuckles to take added strain.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by shadowkiller
                          You say its harder to generate power? I dont know about you but the hardest punchers I have seen have been boxers. But the without gloves thing, thats only true if you dont train without gloves. If I can break a board with my knuckless without hurting them doesnt that stand to reason that I can hit someone with a knuckle punch without breaking my hand?

                          It again all comes down to the practioner. I am confident that I can use boxing in a street fight without breaking my knuckles or even hurting them. But this has only come from conditioning my knuckles to take added strain.
                          It takes longer time to generete power with a boxing punch than a wt vertical punch and therefore I say it's harder from my point of view. The "hardest" punch I have ever felt is a vertical WT punch to my chest, I flew straight into the wall, just imagine what could happen if that punch hits the solar plexus, head or throat, or even followed up with chain punches. Again I have to ask why you want to use boxing punches when you have wc punches? If you are going to try to take advantage of the wc concepts then it's better to stick with the wc punches otherwise the concept is lost.

                          However, if you train boxing punches without gloves and condition your knuckles,. that you hit with, then the chance of injuring yourself with them decrease. I must point out that using the "boxing punch" against the skull of a human will only hurt if you haven't condition it a lot before, since the skull is much stronger than the knuckles. To condtion or not is a matter of opinion. from what I know the cons outweight the pros and therefore normal people shouldn't conditon.


                          • #14
                            i'd rather train in wing chun then boxing any day


                            • #15
                              Wing Chun is a nice fariy tale, but in a hands only match your average boxer will wipe the floor with your average Wing Chun practitioner.

                              Again I have to ask why you want to use boxing punches when you have wc punches?
                              Because people actually want to have power in their punches?

                              To condtion or not is a matter of opinion. from what I know the cons outweight the pros and therefore normal people shouldn't conditon.
                              What are you talking about? Any fighter will tell you, if you gonna fight, then you'd better condition yourself to fight, otherwise go and take ballet.
                              But honestly conditioning is the biggest part of fighting, if your body is weak it doesn't matter how well you can pull off a technique, it's still gona be weak, simply because you are weak.

