20 years ago I used to read the shite about him being the only one taught "real" Wing Chun. Even I wanted to kick his arse. Honestly putting aside silly bravado, from what I hear I reckon I actually could. Some master.
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Wing Chun or Shaolin?
In fairness, maybe not. You can't judge a book by its cover.
But I'm not writing myself out of it altogether just because he specialises in WC. Not by a long way. It is not a complete style, and is very vulnerable to grappling, dsespite their ridiculous and totally unsubstantiated "anti grappling" claims.
And, looking at the picture, it looks like he's practicing one of Cheungs special pressure point moves! Haw haw haw!
Thai i have to admit even though he is getting older and loosing it unless you can move faster than your shadow he would break you ... but in my opinion anyone who was realy good would actualy be teaching in china not another country
I can run faster than my shadow. Will that help?
In all fairnes, I have seen WC guys punch so fast that there arms seem to disappear! It is impressive to watch. But those are usually thin air punches. They never seem to do it against a bag or anything. Not with anything like the same speed.
Originally posted by TameoCheck this outhttp://www.wingtsun.zigzag.pl/seminarium%20wegry.mpeg
Anyway, I’m just talking smack. I am a Cheung style practitioner and prefer his style over other WC. Cheung style gets off the centerline continuously but while you keep your opponent on yours. Much like a woman would have to fighting a larger stronger man. A woman can’t just go toe to toe as shown in this video with a man. In Cheung’s WC the speed of the feet is just as important and as fast as the hands. Similar to a western boxer. Cheung’s style is 50%/50% weight distribution for mobility in any direction. I also like the kicks of Cheung style WC vs. others.
For me its Traditional Cheung style WC or another Shaolin style for Chinese MA.
Enough talking smack. It’s all about who you are and how hard you train and condition yourself. Conditioning beats style.
Originally posted by Thai BriCheung did what? Haw haw haw! I wouldn't be surprised.
Shadowkiller - I seriously doubt that the best WC Master would beat the best Thai Boxer. But he might beat the worst one. If he got lucky......
I love that picture Tameo posted. Its ridiculous! Haw haw haw!
But then again if someone has been in MT all his life, he would be pretty beaten up by the time he was the greatest. But isnt Wing chun good for the elderly as well? Its less about power and more about momentum and using it against people.
So lets say the greatest MT fighter, who is all beaten up and has a lot of problems walking and all that would get beaten by the Wing chun practicioner, but that is only because the WC guy is pretty much in his prime because at this point he knows much more then he did when the MT guy was in his prime.
But prime vs prime the MT will win, and probably knock the little, decrepit old WC person out of the ring.
Originally posted by TameoWilliam Cheung is about 62 and still fights like the davilWing Chun is like Bak Mei and Lung Ying. A group of special techniques not a complete style. It was never meant to be a complete style. Folklore and myths say different. Facts don't match folklore
I really appreciate it, thanks.....
Thank you very much, cause that simple WingChun Clips is really an important for me to add my knowledge in WingChun. Cause i really believe that more techniques is better than fewer ones.
My KungFu is ChiDianBun and some GoCho(NgoChoKun) and many more Chinese Arts, teach me with my Chinese Instructor, its movement is also like those of wingchun. But wingchun is popular for its STICKING HANDS while chidianbun is popular for its WALKING HANDS.
I only learn wingchun through books of Randy Williams, heard and see the exhibition of the fake wingchun instructor here in the Philippines, and thru internet websites about the picture and purpose of the 18hands of wingchun. And i finally discover this forum defend.net on which you send me another additional techniques from simple video clips.
There is no WingChun Association here in the Philippines.
Im so very lucky because i have so many friends here who knows more on karate, kickboxing, boxing, aikido and all of them i beat them all using wingchun cause they have no time to attack but all of what they do is only defend. My only favorite things to do with most of my life is to sparred with my black belts friends and many here who knows non-chinese martial arts. But when i fight them they only defend by blocking, evading and having no time to launch an attack. Sometimes they hit me very hard once but i already hit them 15 times. If they hit me again a second time - i already hit them another 7 times.
When sparring they all surprise and ask me how many hands do you have? Cause i can hit them in any angles that they did not expected but most of my attacks it really hurts them. All of them cannot block and evade my WingChun, ChiDianBun, GoChoKun rapid hand attacks so what they do is to immediately run for a distance to have some gap.
I am now engaged in KungFu for at least more than 9 years in a day to day practice. All Solid KungFu.
For i believe that combining these 3 kungfu short distance fights like (WingChun, ChiDianBun, GoChoKun)
Wow!!!! one of the invincible fighting art.
Thanks for that WingChun Video Clips.
Sherwinc do you think that this guy is good at Wing Chun? watch these clipshttp://www.wingchuncalifornia.com/sifu_bag.mpg http://www.wingchuncalifornia.com/sifu_dummy.mpg http://www.wingchuncalifornia.com/sifu_sword.mpg
Originally posted by shadowkillerHow bout you take a look at this site and see the "six" hand attacks
The Art of Eight Limbs, Muay Thai is more far than a martial art – it is a reflection of Thailand's history and culture. Originating from ancient...
seems to me that there are quite a few techniques there.
While maybe I can agree with you one point. While greatest Wing Chun practicioner would most likely beat the greatest MT practicioner the point is moot. It would take you all your life to learn even a fraction of Wing Chun. And anyone training just as long in MT will kick your ass. Yeah you might be able to block a MT round kick but that wont help you when your arm is broken.
Block the kick? No, I won’t block the kick of a Thai Boxer, instead I use the GanSau ( dividing hands ) of WingChun to deflect that kick, or I use the TaiChiChuan leading of force to emptiness of that Thai Kick then as soon as I’m in an ultra-short distance to him then its my brutal play….
I just want you to know that WingChun’s IronBridge Forearm is most stronger than ThaiBoxer’s forearm….
Now, here’s a good question for you with regards to a Thai Forearm:
1. If the ThaiBoxer-A delivers a brutal roundhouse kick to a ThaiBoxer-B, what will gonna do with this ThaiBoxer-B is to block the shin kick of this ThaiBoxer-A? (Since WingChun has more stronger forearm than a ThaiBoxer’s forearm) Then what will happen is the forearm of the ThaiBoxer-B will not only broken but it will broken into pieces?
Since WingChun forearm is much stronger than a ThaiBoxer’s forearm
2. If I am not mistaken, it is really true that before you become a true good Thai Boxer – you first have to broke your forearm into pieces cause both of you and your opponent have a very strong kick shinbones?