I dont know what to take Wing Chun or Shaolin? both look verry effective. Can anyone give me some info on both? thx
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Wing Chun or Shaolin?
You want the folklore and myth? Wing Chun was created by a Buddhist Nun according to some. Ng Mui was her name. Myths say she was 1 of the 5 surviving Elders from the Shaolin Temple. They survived burning of temple after Bak Mei sold them out. Real good version of myth is that first 8 survived but 3 died from their injuries. By folklore and myth Wing Chun is Shaolin style.
You don't say Shaolin what. Lots of Chinese styles make a claim to go back to Shaolin in the South or North. By what's in myths there must of been thousands of Monks doing nothing but fighting all the time
Wing Chun kind of like Southern Praying Mantis and kind of like Bak Mei. Not a complete style but a collection of special techniques. Choy Li Fut has a good record of beating them in gong sau and so does H'ung Ga. Good up close or in fighting style because punches are short and on a tight line. I've seen a couple Wing Chun guys who were supposed to be good spar with west boxers. Wing Chung guys got flattened pretty fast and failed anything like trapping their jab. Instead of trapping the jab they got the snot knocked out of them by the right hand coming behind the jab. They blocked west boxers short hooks from lead hand most excellently with the side of their faces too
Go to the schools and try them out for a month or so to see what you think.
Some pretty crazy guys and Pee-Pee Heads on this forum and why take some guys word you never meet or will meet? Might wind up spending a lot of time doing something you don't really like. I say do what you like and have fun with.
First you ask a question about 2 styles. 1 part of your question doesn't mean any thing without more added to it. Then you make a statement about some Wing Chun guy wiping out a Thai boxer in 8 seconds. Cool. You're a Wing Chun guy so be happy with what you found. Why ask why?
Because he's talking shite.
His little picture is of Willaim Cheung. He used to boast how he could beat anyone and he put out his challenge for anyone to take him on! He had the only "genuine" Wing Chun you see. Oh yes! Yip Man taught everyone else "flawed" technique on purpose, leaving the "real" stuff for him...... Yeah, right.
A young Emil Boztepe took him up on his challenge. He showed Cheung one of those Challenge articles in a martial arts magazine and took up the challenge. What occured wasn't anything like Wing Chum anyway, but Cheung got his arse kicked.
Since that time he has released bastardised films of the fight, with essential nbits missing.... pretending he didn't lose! At the time itself he blamed his Kung Fu slippers.....Lol.
Originally posted by Thai BriBecause he's talking shite.
That doesn't add up. He asked question like he didn't know. His question is so bad he can't know. No sense at all.
At the time itself he blamed his Kung Fu slippers.....Lol.
I watched the exchange between Boztepe and Cheung atleast a dozen times. Boztepe sweeps Cheung to the floor from the clinch if you watch carefully and then lands about 5 punches before Cheung starts blocking.
Bri, doesn't wing chun teach a few basic techniques for putting your opponent off balance, like sweeps and leg reaps?
Boztepe would make a great addition to the MMA community. He punches extremely fast!
How devastating is an art of Wingchun....
Originally posted by TameoWell i dunno iv seen a WingChun dude totally beat a Thai boxer in about 8 secs
When a non-chinese kungfu ring tournament - the fight last up to 12 rounds but still both of the fighter are active.
In a chinese kungfu deathfight - the fights last only seconds with no rules, no fouls and no disqualifications but with a waiver signed by both fighters.
The reason why KungFu has no record and kungfu is not allowed in the tournament with rules and regulations cause its kungfu moves is all in foul. you cant apply fook sau while you are wearing fist gloves. If you execute chain punch with a wu sau to opponents head the referree will shout the word "Foul", another foul and foul will reward you disqualification.
This is a demonstration of Wing Chun rootedness. Rootedness is the ability to weight one's body into the ground so as to seem immovable.
http://www.insidekungfu.com/videos/rooted.ziphere is a defence against a kickhttp://www.insidekungfu.com/videos/highkick.zip
You guys are so sad. Why believe these lies? These deep rooted morons wouldn't last 5 seconds with any wrestler. Deep rooted self delusion maybe!
And all this about "See? Wing Chun won in 8 seconds......" What nonsense and lies. Secrect competitions....signing waivers..... Haw haw haw!
And Cheung was jumped form behind? I don't think so. Boztepe walked up to him, showed him a magazine article in which Cheung said he would take anyone on, and then said "So here I am, lets do it", or words to that effect. And then he beat Cheung to a pulp.
And those films are awful! They show guys whizzing their arms around really fast, and an "opponent" how duly falls over when its his turn........ Not an ounce of power in any of it.
The self delusion on this thread is so thick I can taste it. It is harmful to your mental well being! SNAP OUT OF IT!
Originally posted by Thai BriYou guys are so sad. Why believe these lies? These deep rooted morons wouldn't last 5 seconds with any wrestler. Deep rooted self delusion maybe!
And all this about "See? Wing Chun won in 8 seconds......" What nonsense and lies. Secrect competitions....signing waivers..... Haw haw haw!
And Cheung was jumped form behind? I don't think so. Boztepe walked up to him, showed him a magazine article in which Cheung said he would take anyone on, and then said "So here I am, lets do it", or words to that effect. And then he beat Cheung to a pulp.
And those films are awful! They show guys whizzing their arms around really fast, and an "opponent" how duly falls over when its his turn........ Not an ounce of power in any of it.
The self delusion on this thread is so thick I can taste it. It is harmful to your mental well being! SNAP OUT OF IT!
Doesn't fight force with force..... WC is a HARD style! Youre strikes have got to have some force ya dim wit! HAW HAW HAW!
Cheung had a big mouth, and Boztepe shut it. He's now sinking even lower by propulgating these silly lies!
Those clips are appalling. Are they the best WC you can find? I've seen better WC than that close up, in my face. And I still won.
You are a sad sad individual.