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Wing Chun or Shaolin?

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  • #16
    yea maybe those where a little fuzzy how about these?


    • #17
      It wasn't the picture quality, it was the fighting quality.

      As for the last two clips - Jeez, they were pretty appalling. In the first one, where the guy is patta caking the bag..... the only semi effective thing he did was a poor version of a Thai roundhouse! Lol! His little arms were tapping away at the bag. If there had been a fly on the bag he wouldn't even have given it a head ache! Awful!

      And the WC dummy? Patta cake patta cake. No power, nothing.

      Who is that guy? Is it you? My God! He wouldn't win a fight with an old lady and her hand bag. Appalling. I am not winding you up, that was real bad.


      • #18
        Obviously you know nothing about wing chun and its principles. Power is not achieved by strength but by speed. A Thai punch would knock u down a wing chun punch would go through you.


        • #19
          Funny how it never seemd to go through anyone in any real fights that were documented. Only with those secret ones..........

          WC is strutcturally weak. There is no getting round it. The fist doesn't even travel any faster than a boxers jab. Slower in fact. They can just fit them in at a faster rate because the wiggle their fists about without any body torque. But even boxers admit that their jab is just a distraction and a range finder - with or without gloves.

          You are deluding yourself. Go into any Thai Boxing club and ask to take on their best fighter. No, ask to take on their most mediocre fighter. Say that you are not going to wear gloves, so that your Kung Fu power can have its full effect. Then let me know which hospital you go to, I'll send you some grapes.

          And we haven't even started on grappling yet.........

          Wing Chun can provide a base for growth, like it did for Bruce Lee himself. But, on its own, it is nothing like a complete fighting art. And the clips you've shown are just embarrassing. Any reasonable WC enthusiast must be shuddering in embarrassment at them. Appalling!

          Haw haw haw!


          • #20
            William Cheung was considered by Bruce lee to be the superior fighter. Bruce lee is about 1/2 of Cheungs hand.And the Wing Chun deflects punches and kicks does not block em. Making the structure strong


            • #21

              Originally posted by Thai Bri
              You guys are so sad. Why believe these lies? These deep rooted morons wouldn't last 5 seconds with any wrestler. Deep rooted self delusion maybe!

              And all this about "See? Wing Chun won in 8 seconds......" What nonsense and lies. Secrect competitions....signing waivers..... Haw haw haw!

              And Cheung was jumped form behind? I don't think so. Boztepe walked up to him, showed him a magazine article in which Cheung said he would take anyone on, and then said "So here I am, lets do it", or words to that effect. And then he beat Cheung to a pulp.

              And those films are awful! They show guys whizzing their arms around really fast, and an "opponent" how duly falls over when its his turn........ Not an ounce of power in any of it.

              The self delusion on this thread is so thick I can taste it. It is harmful to your mental well being! SNAP OUT OF IT!

              WingChun is very effective, it really doesnt fight force by force, nor it is not a soft system like taichi, but WingChun is in the Scientific Category of KungFu In-Fighting. Before you can execute your 1st punch the WingChun hit you already 8 times at your glasshead. Then before you attempt to execute your 2nd punch the WingChun Practitioner already hit you another 9 attacks at you glasshead make a total of 17 hand attacks to your head, and you no longer attempt at the third time cause you are already fall to the ground.


              • #22
                Yeah yeah yeah. Does anyone have a reference to Bruce Lee saying that Cheung was the better fighter? Do you? I doubt it. All you have is blind belief in a second rate, already exposed fraud. You've got to be a troll. Who else could believe this nonsense?

                I understand the theory of deflecting strikes instead of meeting them head on. Fine. But that doesn't mean you have strong punches that go "into" people now does it? No.

                An expert WC fighter could probably hit as hard as an average man's haymaker. But this is ok, as smacking haymakers into someone at the rate of 4-5 per secod would be good......... But, it isn't fine. As they demonstarte power under controlled conditions, and lose much of it in a real fight.

                You are sad, man. Get yourself into that Thai gym and grow.

                Sherwinc - you're just as bad. WC wiggles their hands about. Thats about it. All these theories about hitting the other person x number of times before they hit you are just that - theories! Show me where the theory has been put into practice! And, for God's sake, make your video clips better than the horse shit already on the thread!


                • #23
                  William Cheung did 8.3 punches per second and each one was 170-200 pounds of pressure. The guy in the last clips i showed trained with Bruce lee under Cheung and he heard bruce say that Cheung is the ultamate fighter


                  • #24
                    The dude in the last clip beat a boxer with one hand when he was getting a job as a bodyguard.


                    • #25
                      You have got to be a troll........ Haw haw haw! I like the way you make totally unsubstantiated comments and then post the odd smileycon as though you've scored a goal! Haw haw haw!

                      Cheung is an old fraud who tried to claim that he was the only person taught "real" Wing Chun. He got loads of MA press coverage by laying down his big challenge to all and sundry. Boztepe was some unknown kid when he took him up on it, and he beat Cheung half to death, fair and square. Face facts! Why lie to yourself?

                      You'll be saying that Cheung is from a superior race of Martians next, sent down to earth to educate us all.... and that your mate beat Mike Tyson with nothing but his nose....and you know its true because someone in a crap video clip says he heard Bruce Lee say it under his breath in 1964..........


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Thai Bri
                        You have got to be a troll........ Haw haw haw! I like the way you make totally unsubstantiated comments and then post the odd smileycon as though you've scored a goal! Haw haw haw!

                        Cheung is an old fraud who tried to claim that he was the only person taught "real" Wing Chun. He got loads of MA press coverage by laying down his big challenge to all and sundry. Boztepe was some unknown kid when he took him up on it, and he beat Cheung half to death, fair and square. Face facts! Why lie to yourself?

                        You'll be saying that Cheung is from a superior race of Martians next, sent down to earth to educate us all.... and that your mate beat Mike Tyson with nothing but his nose....and you know its true because someone in a crap video clip says he heard Bruce Lee say it under his breath in 1964..........
                        You prefer Thai Boxing and this is the negative side of your beloved art:

                        1. Thai Boxing have only 6 hand attacks. And most of the kicking attacks is the front push kick, the roundhouse kick and shit that's all? Very few options. I know all your attacks. I almost know all your combinations. Then i know how you fight using Thai Boxing. But in WingChung you dont know the application of fook sau, the taan sau and its totally 18 to 108. You know there are more that 6 application in a single alphabets, but WingChun has 108 alphabets times 6 or more application equals 648 devastating alphabets all in all. What the danger is you dont even know one of the 108 alphabets of it. What the Wingchun's advantage is WingChun are familiar to the 6 hand alphabets of Thai Boxing and its very few kicks. Before you can launch your Thai Boxing elbows and knees the WingChun practitioner already hit you 16 hand combination alphabets to your adam's apple. Now, how can u eat if your adam's apple is in pain? And not to mention the WingChun's Autopilot "ChiSau" that's like a glue ( WHEN YOUR HAND MEETS MY HAND, YOUR HAND IS ALREADY MY HAND ) do you know what i mean? Its the IRON BRIDGE HAND. Not to mention the WingChun IRON PALM and the famous 1 and a 3 inch punch to your chest.

                        Now, using your Thai Boxing, what other options would you use in order to match the IRON PALM, THE 108 SCIENTIFIC HAND ATTACKS OF WINGCHUN, THE 1 AND A 3 INCH PUNCH, THE IRON BRIDGE HAND, AND ETC.?

                        Maybe you'll answer me stupid nonsence comments again, cause there's nothing more to add on only stupid comments. You cannot learn using stupid comments using your mouth.


                        • #27
                          Actually I can learn a great deal, and spent 12 months at a Wing Chum school doing so. But I kept an open mind, and saw that much of this theory translated into nothing practical. Its like time travel. People can prove it in theory......but they can never do it.

                          You dimwit, more is not better. The art with most techniques doesn't mean it is more effective. It means it is less effective. And Chis Sao? Yeah yeah yeah, we've heard all the theories. But we have never seen it effectively used against anyone other than a Wing Chun participant!

                          Funny, isn't it, how TMAs always talk theory when they "prove" the effectiveness of their arts. On the rare occasions they point to real fights, they are almost always of 2 kinds....

                          1 - Fights that are totally unsubstantiated, either because they were "secret", or only witnessed by a select few of very quiet people........or
                          2 - Sporting competitions, where someone fights under a TMA banner, but clearly trains the methodology of Thai Boxing and/or Grappling!

                          "Now, using your Thai Boxing, what other options would you use in order to match the IRON PALM, THE 108 SCIENTIFIC HAND ATTACKS OF WINGCHUN, THE 1 AND A 3 INCH PUNCH, THE IRON BRIDGE HAND, AND ETC.?"

                          How about a straight right in the jaw? Especially since you all stick your chins out like idiots! Haw haw haw!

                          Get yourself in a Thai Boxing gym and find out for yourself. Mind you, looking at the mentality in this thread, you would get the shit kicked out of you and then tell everyone how you SHOULD have won! Haw haw haw!


                          • #28
                            Sherwin, more is not better. I'm not saying wing chun is crap, cause I've seen its potential (Boztepe) and have sparred wing chun once. Wing chun is good enough to stun your opponent so you can get the heck out of a situation; if you're as good as Boztepe and some of the Leung-Ting guys in Germany, its probably alot more dangerous. I've also heard that some of the old school Chinese in NY are really impressive too.

                            The front push kick confuses wc fighters because they stand squarely and block with the knee as if the kick coming at you is a karate style snap kick. FYI - the push kick has weight behind it, hips and push off power. So when you go to cover it (with center line forward and knee up and inward) you will get knocked off balance. So if you spar a thaiboxer who checks with the push kick, don't try to stand square and knee block it, unless you're trying to loosing your balance and get set up for a barrage of leg kicks.

                            Wing chun has some seriously fast hands; I won't deny it, but put a boxer and wingchun guy together of equal talent and the boxer has better power and keeps more elusive, but the wc fighter has an edge on speed. No doubt that a really good, experienced wingchun fighter could beat an average amateur boxer; they don't expect to get hit on the collar bone, neck and ears. High level wc fighters and experienced boxers can find the smallest openings (quarter size) and hit them quickly and fiercly.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Tom Yum
                              Sherwin, more is not better. I'm not saying wing chun is crap, cause I've seen its potential (Boztepe) and have sparred wing chun once. Wing chun is good enough to stun your opponent so you can get the heck out of a situation; if you're as good as Boztepe and some of the Leung-Ting guys in Germany, its probably alot more dangerous. I've also heard that some of the old school Chinese in NY are really impressive too.

                              The front push kick confuses wc fighters because they stand squarely and block with the knee as if the kick coming at you is a karate style snap kick. FYI - the push kick has weight behind it, hips and push off power. So when you go to cover it (with center line forward and knee up and inward) you will get knocked off balance. So if you spar a thaiboxer who checks with the push kick, don't try to stand square and knee block it, unless you're trying to loosing your balance and get set up for a barrage of leg kicks.

                              Wing chun has some seriously fast hands; I won't deny it, but put a boxer and wingchun guy together of equal talent and the boxer has better power and keeps more elusive, but the wc fighter has an edge on speed. No doubt that a really good, experienced wingchun fighter could beat an average amateur boxer; they don't expect to get hit on the collar bone, neck and ears. High level wc fighters and experienced boxers can find the smallest openings (quarter size) and hit them quickly and fiercly.
                              You know Biu Jee? Its the art of trusting fingers and the 3rd curriculum of WingChun. How about rapid trusting fingers to the eye of that Boxer? for at least rapid 11 fingers hit the eyes, but you have only two eyes, and you still have credit 9 eyes to me. What the Boxer counters is his only fist but when the WingChun's sticking hands, the boxer have a problem of why he could not pull off his arms away from the wingchun's bridge forearm and its like a glue that his arms stick to the arms of a wingchun.

                              You know, more technique is better than fewer ones.

                              Remember the Maxim:
                              Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add especially what is your own.

                              The force of the WingChun's attacking hands?
                              WingChun does not need full force just to break the Glass Head of the Boxer.

                              1. You dont need power striking just to strike the opponents eyes.
                              2. You dont need power chopping just to strike the opponents adams apple.
                              3. But WingChun's hand attacks has more power and it is enough reason to defeat you even you have the power of 30tons of boxing power punch. I will only strike you only 2tons of power to hit your adams apple and you die cause you cannot eat cause when you eat the brain signals you are only pain when you swallow food.
                              4. How about the 1 and a 3 inch punch? It is really enough to loose your adam's apple?

                              More Hand options is better for a plenty of reasons:
                              1. How can you apply for a job if you have a limited knowledge?
                              2. How can you speak professional to someone if you are un-schooled?
                              3. How can you store more information if you have a limited number of bytes in your harddisk?
                              4. How can you buy something you like if you have 1 dollar left in your pocket?
                              5. How can a Boxer's 6 hand attacks fight for a WingChun's 108 hand attacks?
                              6. Why did you educate yourself to school and universities? In order to learn more knowledge and more options to find job with a competent rivals.

                              You still dont know what i mean?


                              • #30
                                read this.....

                                Originally posted by Thai Bri
                                Actually I can learn a great deal, and spent 12 months at a Wing Chum school doing so. But I kept an open mind, and saw that much of this theory translated into nothing practical. Its like time travel. People can prove it in theory......but they can never do it.

                                You dimwit, more is not better. The art with most techniques doesn't mean it is more effective. It means it is less effective. And Chis Sao? Yeah yeah yeah, we've heard all the theories. But we have never seen it effectively used against anyone other than a Wing Chun participant!

                                Funny, isn't it, how TMAs always talk theory when they "prove" the effectiveness of their arts. On the rare occasions they point to real fights, they are almost always of 2 kinds....

                                1 - Fights that are totally unsubstantiated, either because they were "secret", or only witnessed by a select few of very quiet people........or
                                2 - Sporting competitions, where someone fights under a TMA banner, but clearly trains the methodology of Thai Boxing and/or Grappling!

                                "Now, using your Thai Boxing, what other options would you use in order to match the IRON PALM, THE 108 SCIENTIFIC HAND ATTACKS OF WINGCHUN, THE 1 AND A 3 INCH PUNCH, THE IRON BRIDGE HAND, AND ETC.?"

                                How about a straight right in the jaw? Especially since you all stick your chins out like idiots! Haw haw haw!

                                Get yourself in a Thai Boxing gym and find out for yourself. Mind you, looking at the mentality in this thread, you would get the shit kicked out of you and then tell everyone how you SHOULD have won! Haw haw haw!
                                Then why is it that in the KungFu Sparring the fight last for only more or less 60 seconds? (in real fight, not in the movie)

                                Then why is it that in the Thai Boxing, Kick Boxing, Boxing ring sparring the fight last for 12 rounds and still both of the fighters still stand and still fighting. Will they wait for another next 13th round? Why is it that the referee always frequently pause the fight if an illegal hit is been delivered? Why is it that there is always a rest between the rounds?

                                In a KungFu sparring if the fight reach 120 seconds then you are a kungfu student. You are not even worth for a kungu practitioner.

