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Wing Chun or Shaolin?

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  • Well, I know for a fact that he regularly chokes his chicken. Does that count?


    • i haven't actually,maybe because i'm not a pure wing chun adept... but i know for a fact that cheung or botzepe could choke the chicken out of you.


      • "lethal"

        Originally posted by white devil
        i haven't actually,

        Then shut the fvck up!


        • Joking aside, you're a lucky lad to live in Montreaul. Take a look at these people

          Senshido is, at its heart, a Reality-Based Self-Defense system. What this means is that it teaches survival skills for real-world violent situations.

          and then pop in to see what you think. They're nice enough and will make you feel welcome. Get a few sessions under your belt and then come back and tell us whether or not you'd use Senshido or Wing Chun to defend yourself.

          I'm not trying to be insulting or threatening. These are nice guys. You don't have to make any challenge or even mention WC. Just go in as an ordinary guy and see what you think. I'd be genuinely interested in your response.


          • Originally posted by Thai Bri
            I studied the art under the lineage of Yip Chun, Yip Man's son. He taught Samuel Kwok, and he was the direct teacher of my own instructors.

            So I see you have not indeed studied under the same lineage Thai Bri as you claimed in your last post to me, and just so you can understand, Yip Chun was not taught by Yip Man, but by one of his students, and I think you will find the quality of their wing chun is below average, so if you want to go to the source, find yourself a decent Wing Chun teacher, and you may actually know what you are talking about. And as for proof of Wing Chuns effectiveness, well the proof of the pudding is in the eating.


            • Of course we are from the same lineage, you thick bastard.

              The proof of the pudding is, indeed, in the eating. So, tell us all what "eating" you are on about? Please leave out any mysterious roof-top challenges that didn't actually happen.......

              I await your evidence.


              • Originally posted by Thai Bri
                Of course we are from the same lineage, you thick bastard.

                The proof of the pudding is, indeed, in the eating. So, tell us all what "eating" you are on about? Please leave out any mysterious roof-top challenges that didn't actually happen.......

                I await your evidence.

                Why are we from the same lineage?? What because we have Yip Man at the top of our tree?? that doesn't mean we are from the same lineage, I will draw you a diagram one day. And please keyboard warrior, leave out the name calling, you are starting to reveal your true age. And please dont say because you studied some Mcdojo version of Wing Chun for a minute period of time that you have anything to do with the Wing Chun lineage. You have no understanding of Wing chun which I am sure the other Wing Chun practicioners here fully understand that. And as for the so called rooftop fights, only a complete moron would write what you did, look on the internet you will find plenty of pictures of these events


                • thanks for the link thai bri,ive heard about senshido a few times..and as a matter of fact i know some of my jkd buddies (basicaly wing chun practicioners) who went there.. and sure,i'll drive downtown tomorow and give the place a try..i'll let u know how it went


                  • Nice one white devil. They're nice folks. The main instructor is out of the country at the moment on a European tour. I think he's back next week.

                    bcbermen - I know they've taken place, and enjoyed watching footage of grown men fighting like kids - all eyes closed and jabby jabby nonsense. It is their expertise I doubt little fellah. Now, about this pudding. Where's your evidence again?


                    • Originally posted by Thai Bri
                      bcbermen - I know they've taken place,....Please leave out any mysterious roof-top challenges that didn't actually happen.......?

                      So which one is it thai? They did or didn't happen? You cant seem to make your mind up lad.

                      Originally posted by Thai Bri
                      and enjoyed watching footage of grown men fighting like kids - all eyes closed and jabby jabby nonsense.
                      Well post a video and lets see how you fight Thai. I have seen photo's and their fighting is not pretty but it is effective, which is what you said it wasn't, but your description does not match what I have seen

                      Originally posted by Thai Bri
                      It is their expertise I doubt little fellah.?
                      As I said before, you are all mouth, all the way

                      Originally posted by Thai Bri
                      Now, about this pudding. Where's your evidence again?
                      I have seen many fighting situations, but the greatest pudding for me is my own skill against other practicioners, have I been beaten before against other styles, yes, but I learn and adapt my Wing Chun looking for the answers in the system until I find them, clean effecient and more and more useful with every passing moment I train, I have my eveidence, as well as other emperical evidences from seeing good Wing chun in action against wing chun and other styles, where is your evidence that you actually have the right to shoot your mouth off, where is the evedence that you know so much about Wing Chun that you are in a position to judge it. You are a smart ass and a fool, because only a fool judges in totality what he only partially understands.


                      • Still no pudding. Still no surprize.


                        • Originally posted by Thai Bri
                          Still no pudding. Still no surprize.
                          You want pudding I will PM you my address, if you ever make your way down under you can come and have all the pudding you can eat, and perhaps a slice of humble pie


                          • bcbullshitman has, indeed, pm'd me an address (his maybe? who knows?). How sad is that?


                            • Originally posted by Thai Bri
                              bcbullshitman has, indeed, pm'd me an address (his maybe? who knows?). How sad is that?
                              is it the super secret Shaolin Temple in Ga that IronPalmArts claims lineage from??


                              • wha hoo!

                                Originally posted by BoarSpear
                                is it the super secret Shaolin Temple in Ga that IronPalmArts claims lineage from??
                                Cool! I’m gonna hunt down that penis Qigong link

