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chinese death touch dim mak

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  • #31
    I have never heard that variation on the theme before but hey...
    If the art has something to offer then it only makes sense to investigate...


    • #32
      Originally posted by Tameo
      Here is some info on Dim Mak that i got off a site:

      Dim mak (death touch) is an ancient martial art that consists of striking certain points on the body to cause illness or death. The points are usually called dim mak points, but they are also referred to as vital points and pressure points. The majority of these points correspond to the same locations as acupuncture points. Dim mak is an extremely dangerous martial art, which can cause a great deal of damage to the human body. The effects of attacking the dim mak points include knockout, death, and a delayed death. Many have seen videotapes and seminars where a subject looses consciousness after being struck on certain points. Although this is a very dramatic demonstration method, it could have dangerous consequences.

      Many believe that dim mak was created centuries ago by the same man who is believed to have developed the original tai chi form. Some have postulated that this form contained the founder's methods of attacking the most dangerous dim mak points. According to legend, this knowledge spread rapidly and influenced the development of many Chinese martial arts. These martial arts then influenced the ancient Okinawan martial art called karate. It is believed by many that the traditional katas of the Okinawan martial arts also contain the secrets of striking the dim mak points. This is interesting because Okinawan karate has had a major impact on the martial arts of Korea and Japan. Thus, it is conceivable that the traditional katas of these other martial arts could also contain the secrets of dim mak.

      In the past, this knowledge was only taught to the most advanced and trusted students. As the martial arts spread around the world, the knowledge of dim mak (pressure point fighting) remained in seclusion. Thus, the true nature of many martial arts remained shrouded in secrecy. Recently this tradition of secrecy has been broken and there are martial arts masters who teach the methods of attacking the points to the public. This information is now available at seminars, in books, and on videotapes. Although this has had a positive effect on the martial arts, it does raise the issue of safety.

      In most instances, dim mak is explained and taught using ancient theories based on acupuncture. Although this has been the tradition for many years, it has led to a great deal of skepticism and confusion. Because of this, many have disregarded the warnings about dim mak and started to experiment with the points. This practice could have tragic consequences. If the dangerous effects of dim mak could be explained scientifically, the warnings about the points might have more credibility. There is a definite need for a reference on dim mak that is based on modern medical science.

      Dr. Michael Kelly has spent years studying the medical effects of dim mak and has found a great deal of medical research that provides evidence of dim mak's lethal effects. He has compiled all of his research into a new book, which explains the effects of dim mak on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Topics such as the delayed death touch, knockouts, and attacking the internal organs are explained in detail using modern medical science. The book has been written in a format that will assist one in finding the dim mak applications contained within the traditional forms of many styles.
      I am sorry-I dont believe it.

      From my Chinese sifu, the best possible explanation is a hit with a contusion and below surcafe blot clot that travels to a organ-like the heart.

      Dim=translates (romatcistic) as "to point"
      "pointing to the pulse/veins.

      there are other references:
      "diam mai"


      • #33
        Have you ever been to a George Dillman Or Erle Montaigue school or seminar?
        I agree there is much hooey to be found. But some of the things I thought were hooey 15 years ago I am beginning to understand. I will never believe people shoot chi balls and knock each other down with a look or wave of the hand. However I certainly believe there are soft and hard targets so to speak. A strike collapsing your wind pipe is in fact a death blow, or death point striking. KO or death may result form interrupting flow of blood, air and perhaps one day when im 70, chi. Note that many points would in fact effect all 3. These are high percentage targets. If you hit someone and stand there admireing your handywork you are in deep s**t. However if you hit this guy 9-10 times in vital areas hes is going to be softened up nicely for the rest of the party.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Ironpalm
          Have you ever been to a George Dillman Or Erle Montaigue school or seminar?
          I agree there is much hooey to be found. But some of the things I thought were hooey 15 years ago I am beginning to understand. I will never believe people shoot chi balls and knock each other down with a look or wave of the hand. However I certainly believe there are soft and hard targets so to speak. A strike collapsing your wind pipe is in fact a death blow, or death point striking. KO or death may result form interrupting flow of blood, air and perhaps one day when im 70, chi. Note that many points would in fact effect all 3. These are high percentage targets. If you hit someone and stand there admireing your handywork you are in deep s**t. However if you hit this guy 9-10 times in vital areas hes is going to be softened up nicely for the rest of the party.
          But this is my opinion:

          Not everyone will respond to the same points.
          Lethal points are common knowledge.
          All points are very hard to do in a confrontation.
          It is hard to hit someone 9-10 times in vital areas.
          Chi is not real (unless you speeking of it in terms of psych-out/mind over matter.). Esp the demostrations which are parlor tricks
          I have been in many bar brawls and street fights, those point are not going to even be considered once someone is in your face and punding at you.


          • #35
            How do u know chi isn't real, the fact is people can't prove or disprove chi being real or not, if chi is real maybe we don't know because we aren't scientifically advanced enough. u have a typical "world is flat" view because that is what can be proven, and what u are comfortable believing. Why not open your mind to things instead of living in a psychological box. I'm not saying that I believe or disbelieve only that I keep my mind open.


            • #36
              Originally posted by LoneWolf1
              How do u know chi isn't real, the fact is people can't prove or disprove chi being real or not, if chi is real maybe we don't know because we aren't scientifically advanced enough. u have a typical "world is flat" view because that is what can be proven, and what u are comfortable believing. Why not open your mind to things instead of living in a psychological box. I'm not saying that I believe or disbelieve only that I keep my mind open.
              Until it is proven, it is not real.

              Yes, it is easy to state:
              I'm not saying that I believe or disbelieve only that I keep my mind open.

              Mind mind is open UNTIL it is proven.

              BTW-I am was a performing Magician for 15 years. We had a Magicains Guild. So I know that every Chi demo I had seen, was a parlor trick.


              • #37
                To live with eyes shut and ears unwilling to hear, what bliss. Anyways chi/ ki can be proven if you consider it a combination of good body physics and the electric chemical energy/ magnetic energy running through your body, and these are all scientifically proven things. As for your comment,

                "Until it is proven, it is not real."

                thats more of an opinion than a fact. Just because you have not seen something does not make it fake. A hundred years ago if I were to say that we are made trillions appon trillions of atoms they would have called me a complete fool, but does that change the fact that we are? Just my opinion and u a certainly entitled to your own.


                • #38
                  Here we have another hyped up subject.

                  The idea that you can strike certain points of the body to kill.

                  Well you can. Anybody heard about the temples,

                  There are probably other places as well.

                  Thing about Dim Mak is that when people hear it they think of this master touching you with his pinky and you just drop dead on the spot or a little later.

                  The human body is fragile, but there are limits. Who cares when you have Dim AK 47 anyway.

                  That's a good one by the way. All credit to the creator.

                  All that shit about chi. You need to calm down the wowo factor.
                  The chinese at the time didn't know the difference between a nerve signal, hormones and how the brain works. So they credited it to the concept of chi.

                  Hormones are cycles. So they talk alot abot time of day and such. Nerves are energy. Hence the meridians. The power of thought are their Yi.

                  They made a lot of excellent observations back then. Real science.
                  That said, you need to realice that they didn't have all the facts then and we still don't have all the facts.

                  So stop pretending that you know everything just because some chinese guy with a beard wrote some grand theory in a book.


                  • #39
                    No offense...
                    Originally posted by LoneWolf1
                    To live with eyes shut and ears unwilling to hear, what bliss.

                    To believe what the eyes see and what the ears hear is always correct?

                    Anyways chi/ ki can be proven if you consider it a combination of good body physics and the electric chemical energy/ magnetic energy running through your body, and these are all scientifically proven things.
                    Good body physics? Magnetic energy-please

                    As for your comment,

                    "Until it is proven, it is not real."

                    thats more of an opinion than a fact. Just because you have not seen something does not make it fake. A hundred years ago if I were to say that we are made trillions appon trillions of atoms they would have called me a complete fool, but does that change the fact that we are?
                    But atoms were proven. the earth being round was proven

                    Just my opinion and u a certainly entitled to your own.
                    How true


                    • #40
                      Study Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chi Gong it will help you get a basic understanding of this style. Dr. Yang Jwing Ming teaches Chin na/Dim Mak at YMAA in Boston. there are many other teachers that teach it too. Just look around.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by BulletProofMonk
                        can anyone give me any pointers to learning dim mak. for those who dont knwo this is the death touch. The ancient masters of kungfu could kill just by looking at thier enemies. and were said to have eyes like daggers.

                        Where the hell can I find info on this ?
                        It's not only the Chinese but any martial arts system if you put your time in. But are you sure you are ready for it. It sounds like to me you may be headed to prison. If you just wanna kill someone then get a gun or knife. If you wanna learn dim mak; just put your time in whether it be japanese, korean, brazillian, phillipino or chinese.

                        Bowing Out


                        • #42
                          Anybody heard about the temples,
                          Speaking to my bro-in-law, whom is a physician, this is myth.
                          Death is caused by a sufficient blow to the head. The temples are not a mysterious area to strike and kill.

                          BTW, I do not beleive in Chi and Dian Mai


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by BulletProofMonk
                            can anyone give me any pointers to learning dim mak. for those who dont knwo this is the death touch. The ancient masters of kungfu could kill just by looking at thier enemies. and were said to have eyes like daggers.

                            Where the hell can I find info on this ?

                            Now remember people - don't feed the troll.

                            Hey BPM ->


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by LoneWolf1
                              thats more of an opinion than a fact. Just because you have not seen something does not make it fake.
                              Or HAVE SEEN (not shouting-just emphasis) something makes it real....per a mirage....hmmnnn


                              • #45
                                Hey, im new here, but not new to martial arts. Im now 20 and have been taking American Kenpo since the 3rd grade. One of my instructors has his black belt in Dim Mak, though i cant remember the style for the life of me. He has trained with Dim Mak for 8 years. The school i go to does not teach Dim Mak, though, but after a couple years of him seeing my interest in it, and me actually having a devotion to it and to be respectful of it, he has started teaching it to me on a one-on-one basis. First off, there isnt a single 'death touch'. Its more of taking the moves you already know, and incorporating pressure points into them to develop a stronger move, or a knock out. I personally have been knocked out quite a few times. So the techniques do exist, and they do work. Its funny how a reinforced block to a jab turns into a move that will easily k.o. a person.... Its not easy, just learning the meridians alone will take a TON of time, then it comes points, how to incorporate them into your moves, then technique. Did you know there are 4 ways to activate the points, and each point on the body is activated a different way, the angle you strike the points varies on what you want the body to do? Im just starting out on this but have picked up a lot, and have accomplished my first k.o. not too long ago.... id be happy to discuss any questions anyone may have, but please dont ask me how to knock someone out....


