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chinese death touch dim mak

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  • #61
    Originally posted by jubaji
    To whom are you directing your displeasure sir?

    often times when I come in here for a read I'm reminded of my 6 y/o nephew who has finally finished with the "why" stage - Questioning everything that they hear not because they want to learn something but because they want to quite simply be a pain in the arse.


    • #62
      Originally posted by chicken legs
      often times when I come in here for a read I'm reminded of my 6 y/o nephew who has finally finished with the "why" stage - Questioning everything that they hear not because they want to learn something but because they want to quite simply be a pain in the arse.

      Then you might be happier staying away.



      • #63
        maybe instead you could pull your head out of your arse and be a little constructive.


        • #64
          Originally posted by chicken legs
          maybe instead you could pull your head out of your arse and be a little constructive.
          Or maybe you could bite my ass, you self-important piece of shit!


          • #65
            you just sound like a little bully.

            Here is a thought for you.

            People are having interesting discussions in these forums, like minded people who are eager to learn new skills and talking about them, theorising comments by their instructors, offering suggestions and help to each other.. most people on these boards are positive about what they do instead of just dwelling on the negatives as it appears you do.

            all I'm hearing from your posts is "blah, blah, blah"


            • #66
              Originally posted by chicken legs
              you just sound like a little bully. "

              Shut up and give me your lunch money, bitch.


              • #67
                Originally posted by chicken legs

                Here is a thought for you.

                People are having interesting discussions in these forums, like minded people who are eager to learn new skills and talking about them, theorising comments by their instructors, offering suggestions and help to each other.. most people on these boards are positive about what they do instead of just dwelling on the negatives as it appears you do."

                Here's one for you:

                Stop taking yourself so seriously, champ.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by m.artist
                  can u tell me what website u got that from?
                  I like your signature...some peeps in theses forums need to practice it.Anyways,if u are intersted,


                  • #69
                    bad breath

                    instead of trying to kill each other with talk
                    i suggest a discussion about kidney one on sole of the feet
                    or delayed dim mak stricking
                    what are the best kara te forms or gung fu forms for teaching dim mak
                    also their is a indian martial art that speicialis in dim mak
                    da mo would be proud
                    also regeneration exercises and chi restoreation


                    • #70

                      ...the angle you strike the points varies on what you want the body to do? Im just starting out on this but have picked up a lot, and have accomplished my first k.o. not too long ago.... id be happy to discuss any questions anyone may have, but please dont ask me how to knock someone out....


                      ?Have you developed the confidence to walk away yet!?


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by taoistscholar
                        Study Traditional Chinese Medicine and Chi Gong it will help you get a basic understanding of this style. Dr. Yang Jwing Ming teaches Chin na/Dim Mak at YMAA in Boston. there are many other teachers that teach it too. Just look around.
                        Man, dont even go there about Dr Ming....

                        It is still not scientifically proven


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by joedoe
                          Someone on another forum had a very interesting theory regarding the death touch. In the old days, you could target a strike and hit a vital point like a gland, organ, or lymph node and cause damage to it. Eventually that would lead to an infection and illness, possibly even death. Now with modern medicine available to us those kinds of problems can be rectified using drugs and/or surgery.

                          I thought it was a pretty good theory and a plausible explanation.
                          I had said nearly the same thing.....are you sure it wasnt I?


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by chicken legs
                            I believe in Chi.

                            I went to an energy healer last year, for personal reasons, she was an energy,light, colour and sound healer who is a friend of my sisters (they are both studying naturopathy). During my treatment, at one stage she was pulling toxins out of my liver for a good ten minutes (yeah too much hard drinking when I was younger) she wasn't actually touching me but I could feel her inside me pulling stuff out.

                            Don't believe everything you hear but also don't disbelieve all you hear. You hear about people falling off buildings surviving, not to mention other miracles.

                            edit another point

                            a lot of people here believe that bruce lee was and is the greatest martial artist of all time, yet have no proof and never will but they still believe it.
                            Man, you were taken in by a knuckle head. One that made you believe.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by kirko
                              true, they cannot get their black belt in Dim Mak, but he was training in the style that incorporated the Dim Mak, which i cannot remember.... Ill probably see him today and ask him if u want to know. Points can be incorporated into a real fight as easily as a self defense move can... Its the learning on how and what points to hit while using the move that makes presure point fighting effective... it can be very practical. On the flip side of things though, i would think it to be very hard to use while in an actual fist fight of sorts, only used in a one-move defensive situation.... Pressure points effect everyone different, i agree with you. Ive seen some people not even be affected by single points, but the multiple point attacks are what you need to use to do anything to your offender... People may react differently from single points, but the outcome of multiple point attacks are usually the same no matter who you are or how big you are.... Usually the bigger you are, the harder you fall when using pressure points. A small person, the activation point on the body is usuall the size of a dime. On a larger person, like me, the activation point can be the size up to a 50 cent piece.....
                              Man, get off it. A bigger person cannot be affected or more affected than a smaller. what are you saying. The pressure point and its pain/discomfort is only has good to whom can tolerate it. Big or small. Pressure point striking is not effective in real combat. Perhaps, the common known areas are. But then again depends if one gets a chance to use any. In real fights, you dont have enough time to employ, or even think of what tactics to use. Wake up and smell the coffee.

                              Wham, a bigger person hits you in the jaw....Wham a smaller person hits a larger in the jaw.....


                              • #75
                                stomack 9 and ten

                                if you hit a person the neck with a rigde hand or chop
                                if you kick the grion with a teo poke (sanchin stane deosnt alwas work)
                                if you heel kick the inside of the knee knee joint
                                what kata teach most effective technic
                                sanchin nanhanchi

