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chinese death touch dim mak

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  • #76
    and what has this to do with Dian Mak?


    • #77
      Originally posted by 47MartialMan
      Man, you were taken in my a knuckle head. One that made you believe.
      sorry I don't understand what you are trying to say.


      • #78
        Originally posted by chicken legs
        sorry I don't understand what you are trying to say.
        What do you think?


        • #79
          Originally posted by 47MartialMan
          What do you think?
          I think you should rephrase what you wrote so that it is legible.

          Your original quote -
          "man you were taken in my a knuckle head, one that made you believe"

          oh sorry its engrish... I was taken in BY a knuckle head, one that made me believe.. it still doesn't make sense.. are you trying to say that I'm the knuckle head for believing something or my teacher is a knucklehead. Its hard for me to accept criticism or advice from somebody quite obviously less educated than myself.

          If you would like to continue with your base less pathetic insults feel free.


          • #80
            Originally posted by chicken legs
            I think you should rephrase what you wrote so that it is legible.

            Your original quote -
            "man you were taken in my a knuckle head, one that made you believe"

            oh sorry its engrish... I was taken in BY a knuckle head, one that made me believe.. it still doesn't make sense.. are you trying to say that I'm the knuckle head for believing something or my teacher is a knucklehead. Its hard for me to accept criticism or advice from somebody quite obviously less educated than myself.

            If you would like to continue with your base less pathetic insults feel free.
            CL-trying to say that youre maybe a knuckle head for believing something -per- There is no tangible public evidence of Dim Mak.


            • #81
              Originally posted by npk9
              Correct if I'm wrong but I though Chi was proven in western medicine - or some form of it at least. If I remember correctly - they correlated it with electromagnetism w/in your body. I know that they actually do have Chi meters but beyond that - I really I know idea. I just thought that Western Medicine did recognize it.
              They know that electromagnetism exists in alll living things. Which makes sense because this is how your body (and all living things) communicates with itself, small electrical signals.
              The process that discovered this was Kirlian Photography. I don't think that western medicine recognized this as Chi, just that it's electromagnetism. Even if it was Chi, that would make it a natural occurrence and not some mystical, magical mystery. Western science recognizes that disuruption of these signals can cause health problems, but I would think the resistance to using the term Chi will remain strong. Western medicine is also beginning to recognize that acupuncture is a viable therapy is some instances.


              • #82
                Originally posted by polecat63
                They know that electromagnetism exists in alll living things. Which makes sense because this is how your body (and all living things) communicates with itself, small electrical signals.
                The process that discovered this was Kirlian Photography. I don't think that western medicine recognized this as Chi, just that it's electromagnetism. Even if it was Chi, that would make it a natural occurrence and not some mystical, magical mystery. Western science recognizes that disuruption of these signals can cause health problems, but I would think the resistance to using the term Chi will remain strong. Western medicine is also beginning to recognize that acupuncture is a viable therapy is some instances.
                Well from what I have read, such elctromagentism is not significant enough for registering/calibration.

                Western science recognizes this-per what science journal?

                Western Mediicine recognizng accupuncture-per what medical journal?

                Hmmm, by sister is a nurse, bro-in-law a physician (not her husband-my wife's brother), I had brought these subjects up with them and they looked at me strange.

                This is not to troll, but to ask for creditable/pertinent links, by these fields.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by 47MartialMan
                  Well from what I have read, such elctromagentism is not significant enough for registering/calibration.

                  Western science recognizes this-per what science journal?

                  Western Mediicine recognizng accupuncture-per what medical journal?

                  Hmmm, by sister is a nurse, bro-in-law a physician (not her husband-my wife's brother), I had brought these subjects up with them and they looked at me strange.

                  This is not to troll, but to ask for creditable/pertinent links, by these fields.
                  I didn't say you could register/calibrate it, or at least I've never heard that you could. You can however photograph it using the Kirlian process. It ain't rocket science, but it's close.

                  I'm not a Dr. so I don't have any journals handy, but I can tell you my dentist uses accupoints to decrease pain during some procedures. Snce he's never apparently seen a gym a day in his life I would assume he didn't learn this from some great master. My Chiropractor ( I know, he ain't really a Dr.) uses release points in his therapy and again he is no MA student. Any physical therapist worth a crap will have at least a basic understanding of pressure points. They may not call it accupuncture/accupressure, but that is what it is. (I know this because I've been to several PT's) SO no, I have no journal ref's, just some personal experiences.

                  If I have some free time I may do a little research on the subject. I'm in no way suggesting that the use of accupressure is main stream, just that it exist in modern western medicine.


                  • #84
                    I did a quick search and found a ref. to a study in a medical journal.....
                    Click Me!


                    • #85
                      Dim mak, chi, accupuncture, chinese medicine, chinese martial art etc. all this exist and all have prooven (Oriental studies) to have great medical and health benefits. What does not exist is "acceptance" in the west people have problem of accepting what is not theirs. In China, both western and orienatl medicine are practice and taught hand in hand.


                      • #86
                        The term Dim Mak is actually Cantonese (as opposed to Mandarin), while in Japanese Dim Mak it is known as Kyusho Jitsu.

                        Here is a link for you to get an general idea of Dim Mak
                        This link also has quick references on most MA

                        One will most likely never get the chance to truely learn and master Dim Mak, although mastering Tai Chi Chuan would be a very sufficient start in one's journey of the ultimate knowledge in CMA. Unless you are a military fighting soldier, there is really virtually no need in learning Dim Mak in the way in which the original poster posed this (resulting in death).

                        Dim Mak is all about the most precise strikes to the meridian, these strikes may be directed inward, up or down at 90 degrees, diagonally at 45 degrees, or horizontally in either direction.

                        For those who doubt this technique and the flow of chi thru one's body, I will simply point to a well known celebrity automobile accident which resulted in death as proof of how this works. Late night talk show pioneer Steve Allen was in an apparent minor traffic accident in which I believe he bumped his chest ever so slightly on the steering wheel. Mr Allen went home believing everything was fine with regards to his health, only later to be rushed to the hospital in ultimately dying from a heart attack caused by this seemingly minor bump to the chest. This particular chest bump disrupted the blood flow, resulting in a delayed death. Much in the same way Dim Mak works when applied properly.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by polecat63
                          I did a quick search and found a ref. to a study in a medical journal.....
                          Click Me!
                          Not credible enough


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by polecat63
                            I didn't say you could register/calibrate it, or at least I've never heard that you could. You can however photograph it using the Kirlian process. It ain't rocket science, but it's close.

                            I'm not a Dr. so I don't have any journals handy, but I can tell you my dentist uses accupoints to decrease pain during some procedures. Snce he's never apparently seen a gym a day in his life I would assume he didn't learn this from some great master. My Chiropractor ( I know, he ain't really a Dr.) uses release points in his therapy and again he is no MA student. Any physical therapist worth a crap will have at least a basic understanding of pressure points. They may not call it accupuncture/accupressure, but that is what it is. (I know this because I've been to several PT's) SO no, I have no journal ref's, just some personal experiences.

                            If I have some free time I may do a little research on the subject. I'm in no way suggesting that the use of accupressure is main stream, just that it exist in modern western medicine.
                            Well I did not state anything about accupressure, but accupuncture. All which are not readily accepted by Occidental. The New England Journal of medicicne and others credible medical sources.

                            the problem is many non-credible medical sources do not agree upon it.
                            Of course there are going to be off-the-wall-"heatlh gurus who claim to be doctors and that it works.

                            Go to any regular doctor and ask.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by DimMak
                              The term Dim Mak is actually Cantonese (as opposed to Mandarin), while in Japanese Dim Mak it is known as Kyusho Jitsu.

                              Here is a link for you to get an general idea of Dim Mak
                              This link also has quick references on most MA

                              One will most likely never get the chance to truely learn and master Dim Mak, although mastering Tai Chi Chuan would be a very sufficient start in one's journey of the ultimate knowledge in CMA. Unless you are a military fighting soldier, there is really virtually no need in learning Dim Mak in the way in which the original poster posed this (resulting in death).

                              Dim Mak is all about the most precise strikes to the meridian, these strikes may be directed inward, up or down at 90 degrees, diagonally at 45 degrees, or horizontally in either direction.

                              For those who doubt this technique and the flow of chi thru one's body, I will simply point to a well known celebrity automobile accident which resulted in death as proof of how this works. Late night talk show pioneer Steve Allen was in an apparent minor traffic accident in which I believe he bumped his chest ever so slightly on the steering wheel. Mr Allen went home believing everything was fine with regards to his health, only later to be rushed to the hospital in ultimately dying from a heart attack caused by this seemingly minor bump to the chest. This particular chest bump disrupted the blood flow, resulting in a delayed death. Much in the same way Dim Mak works when applied properly.
                              Coming from someone who chose this name on the forum-yeah right (sarcastic).

                              Anything can cause such injury and it isnt dim mak, soon you make wake up if someone brews a stronger pot for you.

                              I find young martial artists blieving such crap, older martial artitsts know that certain pain is associated with certain stmulus and all is commen knowledge. Any older martial artists beleiving such carap (very few) are actually trying to scam.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by 47MartialMan
                                Coming from someone who chose this name on the forum-yeah right (sarcastic).

                                Anything can cause such injury and it isnt dim mak, soon you make wake up if someone brews a stronger pot for you.

                                I find young martial artists blieving such crap, older martial artitsts know that certain pain is associated with certain stmulus and all is commen knowledge. Any older martial artists beleiving such carap (very few) are actually trying to scam.
                                I knew there would be at least one to take a shot at the chosen forum name if I posted in this thread, yet that is not the issue only allows yourself to feel superior in demeaning the poster without warrant or reasoning.

                                I offered documented evidence about a specific hit to the chest
                                area on an individual which resulted in a delayed death and what you offered in return as a response is "Anything can cause such injury". And actually I agree with that statement...where we differ is that I also know "Anything" includes a Dim Mak precision strike to the chest area which can result in a knockout, death or delayed death.

                                We also differ in the opinion of the "scam" aspect of Dim Mak in your my humble opinion the few CMA Grandmasters who truly know Dim Mak do not publicize this knowledge and rarely pass this knowledge on to others. There is no need for them to...

                                Now I will brew this stronger pot as you suggest so I can wake up, as it's obvious to you that I know not what I speak of...and that I also talk in my sleep.

