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chinese death touch dim mak

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  • #91
    Originally posted by DimMak
    1.) I knew there would be at least one to take a shot at the chosen forum name if I posted in this thread, yet that is not the issue only allows yourself to feel superior in demeaning the poster without warrant or reasoning.

    2.) I offered documented evidence about a specific hit to the chest
    area on an individual which resulted in a delayed death and what you offered in return as a response is "Anything can cause such injury". And actually I agree with that statement...where we differ is that I also know "Anything" includes a Dim Mak precision strike to the chest area which can result in a knockout, death or delayed death.

    3.) We also differ in the opinion of the "scam" aspect of Dim Mak in your my humble opinion the few CMA Grandmasters who truly know Dim Mak do not publicize this knowledge and rarely pass this knowledge on to others. There is no need for them to...

    4.) Now I will brew this stronger pot as you suggest so I can wake up, as it's obvious to you that I know not what I speak of...and that I also talk in my sleep.
    1.) Hey, you can choose whatever you like to call yourself. If I call myself Bush, I guess there will be alot said there. Everything has its scruntiny. However, I do not mean it as personal offense. I went after the name, thinking that such a person believes in such nonsense.

    2.) No, Dim Mak doesnt exist except by concept and name. There is no recored, modern document that says such a feat can be done.

    3.) Yes, that is always one excuse, em, answer why it hasnt been seen publicly.

    4.) You have been mislead. Ive been in the martial arts for nearly 40 years and I too had believed such tales. When I was a practicing magician and belonged to a local Magicians Guild, there was open disccusions of Chi demos. All of the ones we came across, could be propped and perform by the Guild. These are people without excepting Chi, and knowing the art of illusion. There is such a Magician, world reknown that disproves this (Chi and Dim Mak), as well as other martial art forums.No use linking this to you because your mind is made up on what to believe.

    You are still using decaf.

    Dim Mak ought to be changed to Dim Wit. (Not your name-the whole subject)


    • #92
      Originally posted by 47MartialMan
      1.) Hey, you can choose whatever you like to call yourself. If I call myself Bush, I guess there will be alot said there. Everything has its scruntiny. However, I do not mean it as personal offense. I went after the name, thinking that such a person believes in such nonsense.

      2.) No, Dim Mak doesnt exist except by concept and name. There is no recored, modern document that says such a feat can be done.

      3.) Yes, that is always one excuse, em, answer why it hasnt been seen publicly.

      4.) You have been mislead. Ive been in the martial arts for nearly 40 years and I too had believed such tales. When I was a practicing magician and belonged to a local Magicians Guild, there was open disccusions of Chi demos. All of the ones we came across, could be propped and perform by the Guild. These are people without excepting Chi, and knowing the art of illusion. There is such a Magician, world reknown that disproves this (Chi and Dim Mak), as well as other martial art forums.No use linking this to you because your mind is made up on what to believe.

      You are still using decaf.

      Dim Mak ought to be changed to Dim Wit. (Not your name-the whole subject)

      I see we are both online...good

      Are you a God fearing man? Or an athiest?


      • #93
        Originally posted by DimMak
        I see we are both online...good

        Are you a God fearing man? Or an athiest?

        If you are a God fearing man, then you are also a hypocrite...yourself being from Mississippi (The Bible Belt) one would assume you have a strong faith in God. Because God, much like Dim Mak hasn't "been seen publicly" either.

        So while you say prove Dim Mak does exhist, I say prove that it doesn't?
        We are apparently at a stalemate...although one might believe based on the previous example I have given in Steve Allen, that a precise strike to a particular area on one's chest can cause a delayed death as is already documented.


        • #94
          I see 47MartialMan just recently left the forum...most likely to brew that "stronger pot" that he enjoys speaking about so much.

          I have found after many years those who do not understand Chi and the power of the mind will unfortunately resort to comparing this aspect of MA to magicians and illusionists. Calling these parlor tricks and such. One tends to mock what one doesn't understand, it's often a defense mechanism for the individual.

          While I give 47MartialMan much respect for his 40 years in Martial Arts, that is an amazing feat in itself...said sincerely. Often 40 years is not enough to encounter all aspects and areas. While some may call 40 years a lifetime, others may call it just a beginning.

          Just because one does not see something, it does not mean that it fails to exhist. I know a blind man who also owns a black belt (and deservingly so)...he does not see the black belt in which he owns...yet he knows he owns a black do those he encounters and trains with. He does not see his opponents, yet he knows they are there and defends himself accordingly.

          Anyone who would admit to performing or witnessing a Dim Mak death strike in modern times, would also be admitting to performing or witnessing a murder. Which would likely result in a jury and trial to determine punishment. This is why one will never see Dim Mak in this way.

          In closing, there is no "well known magician who disproves Chi and Dim Mak". Now that is truly an illusion by this well known magician...which is what magicians do.

          Enjoyed the discussion 47MartialMan and good luck with your next 40 years of training


          • #95
            Originally posted by DimMak
            I see we are both online...good

            Are you a God fearing man? Or an athiest?
            Hmmmn, I was getting to that. Beliefs and faith.


            • #96
              Originally posted by DimMak
              1.) If you are a God fearing man, then you are also a hypocrite...yourself being from Mississippi (The Bible Belt) one would assume you have a strong faith in God. Because God, much like Dim Mak hasn't "been seen publicly" either.

              2.) while you say prove Dim Mak does exhist, I say prove that it doesn't?
              We are apparently at a stalemate...although one might believe based on the previous example I have given in Steve Allen, that a precise strike to a particular area on one's chest can cause a delayed death as is already documented.
              1.) I am not from Mississippi. And were I am from, certainly isnt a Bible belt.

              2.) Stalemate-no. No one can prove God exists the same as Dim Mak.
              Steve Allen-any sufficient impact to the chest would/could cause death euther instantly or post medical.
              Or well, everyone medically that had injuries to the chest, via whatever that suffered greatly or died, did so out of Dim Mak. Yeah-right (sarcastoc sigh)


              • #97
                Originally posted by DimMak
                1.) I see 47MartialMan just recently left the forum...most likely to brew that "stronger pot" that he enjoys speaking about so much.

                2.) I have found after many years those who do not understand Chi and the power of the mind will unfortunately resort to comparing this aspect of MA to magicians and illusionists. Calling these parlor tricks and such. One tends to mock what one doesn't understand, it's often a defense mechanism for the individual.

                3.) While I give 47MartialMan much respect for his 40 years in Martial Arts, that is an amazing feat in itself...said sincerely. Often 40 years is not enough to encounter all aspects and areas. While some may call 40 years a lifetime, others may call it just a beginning.

                4.) Just because one does not see something, it does not mean that it fails to exhist. I know a blind man who also owns a black belt (and deservingly so)...he does not see the black belt in which he owns...yet he knows he owns a black do those he encounters and trains with. He does not see his opponents, yet he knows they are there and defends himself accordingly.

                5.) Anyone who would admit to performing or witnessing a Dim Mak death strike in modern times, would also be admitting to performing or witnessing a murder. Which would likely result in a jury and trial to determine punishment. This is why one will never see Dim Mak in this way.

                6.) In closing, there is no "well known magician who disproves Chi and Dim Mak". Now that is truly an illusion by this well known magician...which is what magicians do.

                Enjoyed the discussion 47MartialMan and good luck with your next 40 years of training
                1.) No, I dont drink coffee. Therefore, I do not need my senses awakened.

                2.) The defense of a mindset believer is to say that people mock what they do not understand. However, I understand that Chi and Dim Mak isnt medically or humanly possible. Go ahead and argue with modern medicine. Every Chi demo that I have witnessed and spoke to others about are propped.

                3.) Yes, 40 years is alot compared to how many of yours? True, I havent stopped learning. And I nevered said it was a lifetime. However, a lifetime will depend on the culture and person's opinion of exactly how long is a lifetime. years ago a liftime was 50.

                4.) Hmmn, let him come onto my old neighborhood and see, not to pun, how well he does. Also, one sees a mirage and it isnt true. Therefore, not everything one sees is accurate.

                5.) Yes, I had come across people saying that. However, this is weak. Why not perform it on a animal? Surely there are someone that can do it int front of a camera. There are morbid film, such as Faces of death that would display such a macabe.

                6.) Yes there is, he has a website and offers a million dollars for anyone to prove such extraordinary feats. The fact that you say there is no such person, clearly demonstrates that you require substantial proof of the existence of such a person. Therefore, intead of blindly believing in tales of feats, that you should also seek proof of these tales.

                Your coffee is still weak-time to get another brand.


                • #98
                  Originally Posted by DimMak
                  I see we are both online...good

                  Are you a God fearing man? Or an athiest?

                  Originally posted by 47MartialMan
                  Hmmmn, I was getting to that. Beliefs and faith.
                  You were? Well maybe along the way you will decide to answer the question posed to you...then again maybe you won't.


                  • #99
                    Originally Posted by DimMak
                    1.) If you are a God fearing man, then you are also a hypocrite...yourself being from Mississippi (The Bible Belt) one would assume you have a strong faith in God. Because God, much like Dim Mak hasn't "been seen publicly" either.

                    2.) while you say prove Dim Mak does exhist, I say prove that it doesn't?
                    We are apparently at a stalemate...although one might believe based on the previous example I have given in Steve Allen, that a precise strike to a particular area on one's chest can cause a delayed death as is already documented.

                    Originally posted by 47MartialMan
                    1.) I am not from Mississippi. And were I am from, certainly isnt a Bible belt.

                    2.) Stalemate-no. No one can prove God exists the same as Dim Mak.
                    Steve Allen-any sufficient impact to the chest would/could cause death euther instantly or post medical.
                    Or well, everyone medically that had injuries to the chest, via whatever that suffered greatly or died, did so out of Dim Mak. Yeah-right (sarcastoc sigh)
                    1.) Yet you still refuse to answer the question, Mississippi (your current listed location) or not. One must assume then that you are a God fearing man...and thus, also a hypocrite since neither (God or Dim Mak) has been proven in the way in which you demand proof.

                    2.) No need to twist words 47MartialMan. In it's simplest terms a minor chest bump from a minor automobile accident resulted in a delayed death (heart attack). No where did I state that "everyone medically that had injuries to the chest did so out of Dim Mak"...those are your words 47MartialMan, not my own...despite what you may attempt to have others believe.

                    I simply pointed out the fact that a minor chest bump resulted in a delayed death effect. Therefore a precision strike or a Dim Mak strike to the chest area could also produce the same delayed result, could it not? Why is this so difficult for you to believe? Is it because the doctors and coroners refuse to call the steering wheel in which Mr Allen's chest struck a Dim Mak steering wheel? Or is it your own pride that tells you that in 40 years of your training if you haven't learned it, then it is not possible? I believe it is the latter...


                    • Originally Posted by DimMak
                      1.) I see 47MartialMan just recently left the forum...most likely to brew that "stronger pot" that he enjoys speaking about so much.

                      2.) I have found after many years those who do not understand Chi and the power of the mind will unfortunately resort to comparing this aspect of MA to magicians and illusionists. Calling these parlor tricks and such. One tends to mock what one doesn't understand, it's often a defense mechanism for the individual.

                      3.) While I give 47MartialMan much respect for his 40 years in Martial Arts, that is an amazing feat in itself...said sincerely. Often 40 years is not enough to encounter all aspects and areas. While some may call 40 years a lifetime, others may call it just a beginning.

                      4.) Just because one does not see something, it does not mean that it fails to exhist. I know a blind man who also owns a black belt (and deservingly so)...he does not see the black belt in which he owns...yet he knows he owns a black do those he encounters and trains with. He does not see his opponents, yet he knows they are there and defends himself accordingly.

                      5.) Anyone who would admit to performing or witnessing a Dim Mak death strike in modern times, would also be admitting to performing or witnessing a murder. Which would likely result in a jury and trial to determine punishment. This is why one will never see Dim Mak in this way.

                      6.) In closing, there is no "well known magician who disproves Chi and Dim Mak". Now that is truly an illusion by this well known magician...which is what magicians do.

                      Enjoyed the discussion 47MartialMan and good luck with your next 40 years of training

                      Originally posted by 47MartialMan
                      1.) No, I dont drink coffee. Therefore, I do not need my senses awakened.

                      2.) The defense of a mindset believer is to say that people mock what they do not understand. However, I understand that Chi and Dim Mak isnt medically or humanly possible. Go ahead and argue with modern medicine. Every Chi demo that I have witnessed and spoke to others about are propped.

                      3.) Yes, 40 years is alot compared to how many of yours? True, I havent stopped learning. And I nevered said it was a lifetime. However, a lifetime will depend on the culture and person's opinion of exactly how long is a lifetime. years ago a liftime was 50.

                      4.) Hmmn, let him come onto my old neighborhood and see, not to pun, how well he does. Also, one sees a mirage and it isnt true. Therefore, not everything one sees is accurate.

                      5.) Yes, I had come across people saying that. However, this is weak. Why not perform it on a animal? Surely there are someone that can do it int front of a camera. There are morbid film, such as Faces of death that would display such a macabe.

                      6.) Yes there is, he has a website and offers a million dollars for anyone to prove such extraordinary feats. The fact that you say there is no such person, clearly demonstrates that you require substantial proof of the existence of such a person. Therefore, intead of blindly believing in tales of feats, that you should also seek proof of these tales.

                      Your coffee is still weak-time to get another brand.
                      1.) Aaah finally we do agree on one thing, neither drinks coffee.

                      2.) How do you understand "Chi and Dim Mak is not possible"...because of this magician's challenge you speak of? How many Chi demo's have you witnessed as compared to the amount of Chi demo's performed world wide...or acts of Chi performed not in demo's?

                      And I know those who have lived many lifetimes in the eyes of some, who have not used any modern should not be so close minded to believe modern medicine is a cure all. One day you may find this out for yourself. There are current aids patients and others who live longer by the use of cannabis than by the use of modern medicine (as just one example).

                      3.) I am not here to blow my own horn in hopes of impressing others by stating my years of MA training. I have been taught to be humble with regards to this. And please accept my apologies if you think I have slighted your 40 years of training...I thought I made it clear that I was sincere in how impressive it is to have 40 years in MA training. I was just hoping we both could agree that 40 years does not mean you know all. I know persons with almost 80 years of MA training who do not claim to know all.

                      4.) I am quite sure he feels no need to come into your old (or new) neighborhood to prove himself. Not everyone enters into MA's to be a tough guy by challenging others in fights. That may be your way, but it is not the way of all. In 40 years of training surely you must have come across those who do not think in your way...

                      5.) If you knew your history then you would also know the origin in which Dim Mak was founded by Monks who believed in not hurting any creatures or animals. They used this in self defense the research. And as previously stated the CMA's today who know this Dim Mak would not teach it to the reckless individuals who would use it for self promotion, such as a Faces of Death.

                      6.) Again you do not understand that money is not the answer for the well respected CMA Grandmaster's who do know Dim Mak. Often the best and most knowledgable teachers are also the one's who charge amongst the least to their students. For money is not the primary gratification for them.

                      Once again you choose to misprepresent my spoken words...I never doubted a magician claiming this, I only stated he has no proof of this as you claimed. You should also not assume one who you know nothing of is "blindly believing in such tales"...although it does sound better for your side of the discussion or debate to accuse the other of being "blind".

                      Once again, I am not a coffee drinker...nor am I weak as you may attempt to imply.


                      • 47MartialMan: What martial arts and how long EACH have you studied ? You see, different martial arts even understand Qi in different forms, so do you understand their image of Qi correctly ? If you do not, how comes you talk things you have no experience about ?

                        40 years of martial art training means not that you know about Qi.. You could be a boxer for 40 years: Surely good fighter, but not aware of ancient chinese secrets that are mostly destroyed at the time of China's culture revelation.

                        So DimMak who has actually trained many forms of Qi, as I understood from his pub. profile, Is a astronom telling you (priest) that the world is not actually flat. Sure you ignore his words in the name of 50 years lifetime, where you surely have learned about, that if the World was actually a ball, people on the another side of the World should fall into deep space...

                        No disrespect, but I want to ask you to open your eyes about thing that maybe you are still a child learning things, but came too far to understand it, and judging yourself as a nothing-need-to-learn-anymore person, that 'knows' that every secret of the world has already uncovered, thanks to all-aware mankind who can't even solve their own problems, but suffer in the plane of hate and confusion.

                        I myself don't say that I believe all those things: that would actually mock my former words. But I do believe there is a mystery behind everythings this, as told before, I like to believe it's Qi, but I cannot say it's 100% reality, because then I would be only a victim in the middle of the storm of misinformation and real facts.


                        • Originally posted by Killuminati
                          [ Surely good fighter, but not aware of ancient chinese secrets that are mostly destroyed at the time of China's culture revelation.



                          • Originally posted by DimMak
                            Originally Posted by DimMak
                            I see we are both online...good

                            Are you a God fearing man? Or an athiest?

                            You were? Well maybe along the way you will decide to answer the question posed to you...then again maybe you won't.
                            I did answer it. Both are based on beliefs.


                            • Originally posted by DimMak
                              1.) Yet you still refuse to answer the question, Mississippi (your current listed location) or not. One must assume then that you are a God fearing man...and thus, also a hypocrite since neither (God or Dim Mak) has been proven in the way in which you demand proof.

                              2.) No need to twist words 47MartialMan. In it's simplest terms a minor chest bump from a minor automobile accident resulted in a delayed death (heart attack). No where did I state that "everyone medically that had injuries to the chest did so out of Dim Mak"...those are your words 47MartialMan, not my own...despite what you may attempt to have others believe.

                              3.) I simply pointed out the fact that a minor chest bump resulted in a delayed death effect. Therefore a precision strike or a Dim Mak strike to the chest area could also produce the same delayed result, could it not? Why is this so difficult for you to believe? Is it because the doctors and coroners refuse to call the steering wheel in which Mr Allen's chest struck a Dim Mak steering wheel? Or is it your own pride that tells you that in 40 years of your training if you haven't learned it, then it is not possible? I believe it is the latter...
                              1.) You can assume anything. You are looking for a tagible structure to prove something. If I say I am not a believer in God, given no proof, than the same applies to Dim Mak. If I say I am a believer in God, and require no proof but based upon my belief, then you can say the same for Dim Mak. However, if I was into certain religion that believed in neither without proof, then you would ask of said religion. Therefore, my faith or belief will have no bearing on actual evidence. Therefore, since there is no substantial proof of either, than they exist only to the person's beliefs. Therefore, one can conclude that a belief isn't concrete evidence to support.

                              2.) No twisting words. You posted that in relation to it being like Dim Mak. Therefore since YOU had used that example, and incorrectly, you left yourself open to state that any delayed death is Dim Mak.

                              3.) Does your ignorance to see past the myth keep you from realising that it is a legend/myth? CMA, want/desire to have their arts more intriguing. Back long ago someone that had died from internal injuries could be easily thought of a special strike. The result of death is a blow with damage cause thereof without medical assistance as of modern medicine. Therefore, any forceful blow can result in post death. Might as well call all of these Dim Mak.

                              No pride, I woke up after speaking to medical people and finally getting older CMA to admit it as folklore.



                              • Originally posted by Killuminati
                                47MartialMan: 1.) What martial arts and how long EACH have you studied ? You see, different martial arts even understand Qi in different forms, so do you understand their image of Qi correctly ? If you do not, how comes you talk things you have no experience about ?

                                2.) 40 years of martial art training means not that you know about Qi.. You could be a boxer for 40 years: Surely good fighter, but not aware of ancient chinese secrets that are mostly destroyed at the time of China's culture revelation.

                                3.) So DimMak who has actually trained many forms of Qi, as I understood from his pub. profile, Is a astronom telling you (priest) that the world is not actually flat. Sure you ignore his words in the name of 50 years lifetime, where you surely have learned about, that if the World was actually a ball, people on the another side of the World should fall into deep space...

                                4.) No disrespect, but I want to ask you to open your eyes about thing that maybe you are still a child learning things, but came too far to understand it, and judging yourself as a nothing-need-to-learn-anymore person, that 'knows' that every secret of the world has already uncovered, thanks to all-aware mankind who can't even solve their own problems, but suffer in the plane of hate and confusion.

                                5.) I myself don't say that I believe all those things: that would actually mock my former words. But I do believe there is a mystery behind everythings this, as told before, I like to believe it's Qi, but I cannot say it's 100% reality, because then I would be only a victim in the middle of the storm of misinformation and real facts.
                                1.) Qi, as many could define it as the essence of life. Like blood and oxygen.
                                Some define it as electro magnetic forces. No matter the definition, it is to glamorize modern medical science. This was a term used before medical science terms and human anatomy.

                                2.) Sure, most everyone associated with QI and Dim Mak desire it to be a "lost secret" so there can be no substantial proof of it. Reminds me of people who follow the Bible as written by God.

                                3.) We are not talking about proven science. The earth has been proven-scientifically as round. Dim Wit has not been proven scientifcally.

                                4.) Actually, it is the believers of such garbage that remain the "children". Children hold on to fantasies.

                                5.) So given this statement would post you as contradicting your own words.

