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chinese death touch dim mak

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  • It is now time for this discussion with 47MartialMan to it is obvious that the further into the discussion, the more angered 47MartialMan appears in my humble opinion. Due to his inferring words such "weak" and "ignorance" in his last two responses directed at the opposing view, combined with his looking away from the majority of the opposing responses in his recent change to a selective response, as in those responses or numbers he selects to answer. His previous challenge to the blind MA who he knows nothing of, to come into his old neighborhood for a inferred MA lesson or fight, is also an emotional tell.

    Essentially 47MartialMan's opinion of Dim Mak is based soley on modern medical views and likely a handfull of CMA's and CMA Chi demonstrations. Doctor's, physicians and others in the medical field are mostly inexperienced or have none at all when it comes to CMA. Therefore what they have to say about any CMA's lacks credibility in these eyes. This is much like asking a Wrestler or Boxer to show one Kung Fu or Tai Chi. In taking a handfull of CMA or Chi views as opposed to a continued search for all views, is not truly the way to seek knowledge.

    47MartialMan often appears to miss the points in discussion, as in his response to Killuminati's efforts to show that the world was once thought of a flat by all...until it was proven round. In his suggestion of testing Dim Mak on animals, without doing the proper research and history of Dim Mak coming from those who believe not in harming animals or creatures. Chinese Monks who would sweep bugs aside, as opposed to walking over them in taking their lives. In his suggestion that a magician's monetary challenge should be sufficient enough for a CMA Grandmaster to come forth and show the world the secrets of Dim Mak...when this money means nothing to a CMA Grandmaster with this knowledge.

    Dim Mak is not a toy, nor is it something for display such as 47MartialMan's suggestion of a Faces of Death movie. How morbid to suggest killing another with a Dim Mak strike for the sake of showing it on a Faces of Death movie. The CMA Grandmaster's of which I am familiar with would have nothing to do with such. Would one really want the entire world to have this knowledge? Would one really want to be responsible for the amount of deaths caused by such an irresponsible show of arrogance?

    Until 47MartialMan loses this anger inside, becomes open minded to that which he does not see, and is more will never learn the truth of a Dim Mak. For those he seeks the answers from who do truly know of Dim Mak, will always be reluctant to ever teach this form to this type. One must show more control over ones emotions are much like fire in that they can be both positive and negative energy, depending upon the use.

    This does in no way make 47MartialMan a lessor individual or MA, just a different one who has a different philosophy from my own. I have enjoyed reading his posts, especially in some of the other forums...he is very knowledgable and experienced in his own right, with much to offer in what he says. We just happen to disagree on this particular subject...neither has been proven right...neither has been proven wrong.


    • enough already

      Originally posted by BulletProofMonk
      can anyone give me any pointers to learning dim mak. for those who dont knwo this is the death touch. The ancient masters of kungfu could kill just by looking at thier enemies. and were said to have eyes like daggers.

      Where the hell can I find info on this ?
      go see doc fai wong or visit his web site


      • Originally posted by DimMak
        Until 47MartialMan loses this anger inside, becomes open minded to that which he does not see, and is more will never learn the truth of a Dim Mak. For those he seeks the answers from who do truly know of Dim Mak, will always be reluctant to ever teach this form to this type. One must show more control over ones emotions are much like fire in that they can be both positive and negative energy, depending upon the use.

        This does in no way make 47MartialMan a lessor individual or MA, just a different one who has a different philosophy from my own.

        Actually, it sounds like he is living in the real world and you are living in your own little fantasy-boy comic book world.

        And if I had $50.00 I'd put it on him kicking your ass no matter how many times you watched 'Fist of the Northstar'.


        • Originally posted by jubaji
          Actually, it sounds like he is living in the real world and you are living in your own little fantasy-boy comic book world.

          And if I had $50.00 I'd put it on him kicking your ass no matter how many times you watched 'Fist of the Northstar'.

          It appears jubaji needs to work much harder since he lacks the $50 he wishes to bet...maybe with more hard work one could obtain these fantasy-boy comic books and Fist of Northstar movie you speak of.

          I have read your writings on these forums jubaji, you are quite the charmer...


          • Originally posted by jubaji
            Actually, it sounds like he is living in the real world and you are living in your own little fantasy-boy comic book world.

            And if I had $50.00 I'd put it on him kicking your ass no matter how many times you watched 'Fist of the Northstar'.

            Don't be a fool jubaji, the fist of the North and South aren't supposed to fight


            • Originally posted by DimMak
              1.) It is now time for this discussion with 47MartialMan to it is obvious that the further into the discussion, the more angered 47MartialMan appears in my humble opinion. Due to his inferring words such "weak" and "ignorance" in his last two responses directed at the opposing view, combined with his looking away from the majority of the opposing responses in his recent change to a selective response, as in those responses or numbers he selects to answer. His previous challenge to the blind MA who he knows nothing of, to come into his old neighborhood for a inferred MA lesson or fight, is also an emotional tell.

              2.) Essentially 47MartialMan's opinion of Dim Mak is based soley on modern medical views and likely a handfull of CMA's and CMA Chi demonstrations. Doctor's, physicians and others in the medical field are mostly inexperienced or have none at all when it comes to CMA. Therefore what they have to say about any CMA's lacks credibility in these eyes. This is much like asking a Wrestler or Boxer to show one Kung Fu or Tai Chi. In taking a handfull of CMA or Chi views as opposed to a continued search for all views, is not truly the way to seek knowledge.

              3.) 47MartialMan often appears to miss the points in discussion, as in his response to Killuminati's efforts to show that the world was once thought of a flat by all...until it was proven round. In his suggestion of testing Dim Mak on animals, without doing the proper research and history of Dim Mak coming from those who believe not in harming animals or creatures. Chinese Monks who would sweep bugs aside, as opposed to walking over them in taking their lives. In his suggestion that a magician's monetary challenge should be sufficient enough for a CMA Grandmaster to come forth and show the world the secrets of Dim Mak...when this money means nothing to a CMA Grandmaster with this knowledge.

              4.) Dim Mak is not a toy, nor is it something for display such as 47MartialMan's suggestion of a Faces of Death movie. How morbid to suggest killing another with a Dim Mak strike for the sake of showing it on a Faces of Death movie. The CMA Grandmaster's of which I am familiar with would have nothing to do with such. Would one really want the entire world to have this knowledge? Would one really want to be responsible for the amount of deaths caused by such an irresponsible show of arrogance?

              Until 47MartialMan loses this anger inside, becomes open minded to that which he does not see, and is more will never learn the truth of a Dim Mak. For those he seeks the answers from who do truly know of Dim Mak, will always be reluctant to ever teach this form to this type. One must show more control over ones emotions are much like fire in that they can be both positive and negative energy, depending upon the use.

              This does in no way make 47MartialMan a lessor individual or MA, just a different one who has a different philosophy from my own. I have enjoyed reading his posts, especially in some of the other forums...he is very knowledgable and experienced in his own right, with much to offer in what he says. We just happen to disagree on this particular subject...neither has been proven right...neither has been proven wrong.
              1.) I am not angered. You dont know me personally enough to determine what angers me. As I cast judgement on Dim Mak, you cast judgement of my words being out of anger. News flash for you, I am not angered but sadden by how many still believe in such tales. So, using the words "weak" and ignorance" show anger? As for such a person that is blind, I do feel sympathy for, however YOU brought him into the discussion. I state that outside his classroom study, in the real world, or the environment I know, he will not stand a chance. This is a reality.

              2.) And your view is not based on solid scientific evidence. As with anything, sure there can be many sites that have support either way. Here is a site, that if YOU can prove it, you have some money coming to YOU.

              You are like a "holy roller", that want to spread the "word". When one opposses your "word", you make such remarks against what they desire to seek-which I seek proof-scientific.

              3.) Ah oh, a animal rights activist? Humans kill and consume animals by the thousands. Instead of killing one the quick processive way-Dim Wit it. Dont try to make historic relation that Dim Mak came from monks in non-violence of squatting bugs and such. Dim Mak is an internal art coming from Taoist practices. You may need to perform more of your research. Money means everything to a CMA. If not money, then the support of their claim to Dim Wit. Typical of fantasy people whom are lead by fantasy "masters". Typical it is easy to claim such a thing without physical and scientific proof.

              4.) Let's examine morbid. Is it morbid to even learn or teach, if such a tactic exists, to kill another with a touch of death? Hmmnnn, why would such a thing be invented, studied, and spoke of in the FIRST place?


              • Originally posted by academian
                go see doc fai wong or visit his web site
                Speaking of people looking to make a buck...........

                Although he may be a good martial artist, I dont agree with what he is "pitching".


                • Originally posted by jubaji
                  Actually, it sounds like he is living in the real world and you are living in your own little fantasy-boy comic book world.

                  And if I had $50.00 I'd put it on him kicking your ass no matter how many times you watched 'Fist of the Northstar'.
                  Precisely, I would like to know how old and how long a martial artist is the fanatasy member here is has/been?

                  In other words how old is the member Dim mak?

                  How long has he been a martial artist?


                  • Originally posted by 47MartialMan
                    1.) I am not angered. You dont know me personally enough to determine what angers me. As I cast judgement on Dim Mak, you cast judgement of my words being out of anger. News flash for you, I am not angered but sadden by how many still believe in such tales. So, using the words "weak" and ignorance" show anger? As for such a person that is blind, I do feel sympathy for, however YOU brought him into the discussion. I state that outside his classroom study, in the real world, or the environment I know, he will not stand a chance. This is a reality.

                    2.) And your view is not based on solid scientific evidence. As with anything, sure there can be many sites that have support either way. Here is a site, that if YOU can prove it, you have some money coming to YOU.

                    You are like a "holy roller", that want to spread the "word". When one opposses your "word", you make such remarks against what they desire to seek-which I seek proof-scientific.

                    3.) Ah oh, a animal rights activist? Humans kill and consume animals by the thousands. Instead of killing one the quick processive way-Dim Wit it. Dont try to make historic relation that Dim Mak came from monks in non-violence of squatting bugs and such. Dim Mak is an internal art coming from Taoist practices. You may need to perform more of your research. Money means everything to a CMA. If not money, then the support of their claim to Dim Wit. Typical of fantasy people whom are lead by fantasy "masters". Typical it is easy to claim such a thing without physical and scientific proof.

                    4.) Let's examine morbid. Is it morbid to even learn or teach, if such a tactic exists, to kill another with a touch of death? Hmmnnn, why would such a thing be invented, studied, and spoke of in the FIRST place?
                    1.) "For I was forced into martial art training, by my mother, at age 10, in order to calm/control my temper-which is another long writing itself." -47MartialMan quoted in BJJ forum titled "So I had a little episode today" Page 2

                    Besides this recent admission on the BJJ forum of your temper issues, the progression of the discussion showed your anger to any true thinker. First your fight challenge to the blind man I spoke of, next your response implying I was weak, following that your response stating I was ignorant, which shows the progression of your anger...compared to your earlier writings. When you started avoiding answering my responses is in direct correlation to the challenge and insults you delivered. Anyone could see this rather easily.

                    2.) I have no interest in this magician's site or offer, whatever it may be. And I offered Steve Allen's death in a minor traffic accident with an apparent minor bump to the chest which resulted in a delayed death (heart attack) as proof how a Dim Mak strike would work from one with the knowledge. You can deny this as possible, but a true seeker of knowledge with an open mind would not...a true seeker of knowledge with an open mind would not be satisfied with a few discussions with a few CMA's and a few modern medicine men as you have (along with some magician challenge that you speak of) and call that "scientific proof" of Dim Mak not exhisting as you have.

                    3.) Dim Mak is from Shaolin Temple Warrior Monks and they were to only react to an attack, not to intitiate one as you might suggest (on animals). Only a fool would discuss Dim Mak or Chi as I have and believe it to be anything else than an internal CMA. One can tell from your writings that you are a man who is highly motivated by money...unfortunately that is no reason for you to slander all CMA's by saying "Money means everything to a CMA"

                    4.) The way in which I used morbid was that it would be morbid to kill an individual simply for the use of a movie as you have suggested previously. In my eyes it is morbid to kill for no purpose as you suggested. Although it might also be considered morbid by some to teach death strikes to individuals of lessor character or with character issues as I have stated.

                    I see from your profile that you practice CMA's...which ones?
                    It would be interesting to hear which ones you practice, considering that you are anti Chi. After seeing this one might say you are quite the living contraction....


                    • Originally posted by Dimwit
                      You can deny this as possible, but a true seeker of knowledge with an open mind would not...a true seeker of knowledge with an open mind would not ....

                      blah, blah, blah, etc, etc

                      Same old shit that every yahoo with a looney story to sell drags out when inevitably faced with people who don't buy the bullshit that some charlatan stuffed into your malleable little head at the Koolaid Klub.

                      Hey man, you're just not like open-minded man. Its like you don't see the truth in the beauty of the truly beautiful open mind like truth-beauty thing man. Man, you just don't get it man. YOU'RE JUST LIKE THE FUZZ TRYIN' TO KEEP US DOWN MAN JUST 'CAUSE LIKE OH MAN WE HAD LIKE A LITTLE WEED IN THE THING MAN! I MEAN, HOW TOTALITARIAN FASCIST OPPRESSOR CAN YOU LIKE GET MAN?


                      • edit.......troll and behold;
                        Originally posted by DimMak
                        1.) "For I was forced into martial art training, by my mother, at age 10, in order to calm/control my temper-which is another long writing itself." -47MartialMan quoted in BJJ forum titled "So I had a little episode today" Page 2

                        Besides this recent admission on the BJJ forum of your temper issues, the progression of the discussion showed your anger to any true thinker. First your fight challenge to the blind man I spoke of, next your response implying I was weak, following that your response stating I was ignorant, which shows the progression of your anger...compared to your earlier writings. When you started avoiding answering my responses is in direct correlation to the challenge and insults you delivered. Anyone could see this rather easily.

                        Oh wow....I had temper issues.....martial arts had taught me not to get so are borderline troll

                        2.) I have no interest in this magician's site or offer, whatever it may be. And I offered Steve Allen's death in a minor traffic accident with an apparent minor bump to the chest which resulted in a delayed death (heart attack) as proof how a Dim Mak strike would work from one with the knowledge. You can deny this as possible, but a true seeker of knowledge with an open mind would not...a true seeker of knowledge with an open mind would not be satisfied with a few discussions with a few CMA's and a few modern medicine men as you have (along with some magician challenge that you speak of) and call that "scientific proof" of Dim Mak not exhisting as you have.
                        Steve Allens' death is NO proof of Dim Mak. Of course you have no interest into anything that disputes almighty Dim Wit. A true person of knowledge would want scientific data before believing such fanatasy

                        3.) Dim Mak is from Shaolin Temple Warrior Monks and they were to only react to an attack, not to intitiate one as you might suggest (on animals). Only a fool would discuss Dim Mak or Chi as I have and believe it to be anything else than an internal CMA. One can tell from your writings that you are a man who is highly motivated by money...unfortunately that is no reason for you to slander all CMA's by saying "Money means everything to a CMA"
                        Only a fool would continue to believe such foolishness.

                        4.) The way in which I used morbid was that it would be morbid to kill an individual simply for the use of a movie as you have suggested previously. In my eyes it is morbid to kill for no purpose as you suggested. Although it might also be considered morbid by some to teach death strikes to individuals of lessor character or with character issues as I have stated.
                        The whole thing of learning something to kill someone is morbid. For what purpose does it serve?

                        I see from your profile that you practice CMA's...which ones?
                        It would be interesting to hear which ones you practice, considering that you are anti Chi. After seeing this one might say you are quite the living contraction....
                        And yet-you keeping ducking how old are you and how long have you studied martial arts....looks like you were trolled off a couple of other forums...I hope you are not the same...I am not the living contraction, but wiser
                        Last edited by 47MartialMan; 06-06-2005, 11:34 PM. Reason: edit


                        • The profound words of jubaji, how could say jubaji is one tough hombre' in listening to his words...I've heard one can pick his own nose and flick jubaji off his finger and jubaji will not even suffer injury from the fall


                          • Originally posted by DimMak
                            The profound words of jubaji, how could say jubaji is one tough hombre' in listening to his words...I've heard one can pick his own nose and flick jubaji off his finger and jubaji will not even suffer injury from the fall
                            And least he doesnt claim that anyone resulting from any fatality suffered from Dim Wit


                            • Originally posted by Dimbulb
                              The profound words of jubaji, how entertaining...

                              I couldn't even come close to being as foolish as you, and I was trying!


                              • Originally posted by 47MartialMan
                                And least he doesnt claim that anyone resulting from any fatality suffered from Dim Wit
                                Any reply to your continued lies and attempted ruse regarding what was stated by me would just be a further waste of time...everyone can read what was written by each of us and determine the truth of what was stated.

                                You claim I was trolled off of a couple other boards, you should offer proof of this lie...but it appears it is much easier for 47MartialMan to pull his thoughts and words from his sphincter as opposed to speaking the truth.

