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chinese death touch dim mak

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  • #46
    Originally posted by kirko
    1.) Hey, im new here, but not new to martial arts. Im now 20 and have been taking American Kenpo since the 3rd grade.

    2.) One of my instructors has his black belt in Dim Mak, though i cant remember the style for the life of me. He has trained with Dim Mak for 8 years. The school i go to does not teach Dim Mak, though, but after a couple years of him seeing my interest in it, and me actually having a devotion to it and to be respectful of it, he has started teaching it to me on a one-on-one basis.

    3.) First off, there isnt a single 'death touch'. Its more of taking the moves you already know, and incorporating pressure points into them to develop a stronger move, or a knock out. I personally have been knocked out quite a few times. So the techniques do exist, and they do work. Its funny how a reinforced block to a jab turns into a move that will easily k.o. a person.... Its not easy, just learning the meridians alone will take a TON of time, then it comes points, how to incorporate them into your moves, then technique. Did you know there are 4 ways to activate the points, and each point on the body is activated a different way, the angle you strike the points varies on what you want the body to do? Im just starting out on this but have picked up a lot, and have accomplished my first k.o. not too long ago.... id be happy to discuss any questions anyone may have, but please dont ask me how to knock someone out....

    1.) Welcome!!!

    2.) One cannot get a black belt in Dim Mak. it would be like one getting a black belt in "side-kick". You are learning some pressure point study, but not Dim Mak, as the Chinese know it. Dim Mak is a Chinese term for certain specifics. 8 years of "Dim Mak training is hardly any.

    3.) True, there may not be a "single death touch". However, things long ago were exaggerated and told as entertainment. Also, such points that you feel sensitive to, will have little to no effect on someone else. Therefore, much cannot be appplied, in tome or situation, in a real fight.


    • #47
      Someone on another forum had a very interesting theory regarding the death touch. In the old days, you could target a strike and hit a vital point like a gland, organ, or lymph node and cause damage to it. Eventually that would lead to an infection and illness, possibly even death. Now with modern medicine available to us those kinds of problems can be rectified using drugs and/or surgery.

      I thought it was a pretty good theory and a plausible explanation.


      • #48
        I believe in Chi.

        I went to an energy healer last year, for personal reasons, she was an energy,light, colour and sound healer who is a friend of my sisters (they are both studying naturopathy). During my treatment, at one stage she was pulling toxins out of my liver for a good ten minutes (yeah too much hard drinking when I was younger) she wasn't actually touching me but I could feel her inside me pulling stuff out.

        Don't believe everything you hear but also don't disbelieve all you hear. You hear about people falling off buildings surviving, not to mention other miracles.

        edit another point

        a lot of people here believe that bruce lee was and is the greatest martial artist of all time, yet have no proof and never will but they still believe it.


        • #49
          I am not saying that it doesn't exist, only that it was a good theory as to the origins of the death touch. Besides, the existence of qi does not necessarily prove the existence of dim mak, or vice versa.


          • #50
            hi joe,

            qi hasn't technically been proven in western medicine either (as far as I understand) yet people still believe in that. People believe in religion as well (I don't/well long story) but if that gives somebody the power and strength they require to live their lives than cool.


            • #51
              Accepted. Belief is a personal thing. However if you don't believe, or are skeptical, then sometimes proof or at least an attempt at an explanation helps


              • #52
                Originally posted by 47MartialMan
                1.) Welcome!!!

                2.) One cannot get a black belt in Dim Mak. it would be like one getting a black belt in "side-kick". You are learning some pressure point study, but not Dim Mak, as the Chinese know it. Dim Mak is a Chinese term for certain specifics. 8 years of "Dim Mak training is hardly any.

                3.) True, there may not be a "single death touch". However, things long ago were exaggerated and told as entertainment. Also, such points that you feel sensitive to, will have little to no effect on someone else. Therefore, much cannot be appplied, in tome or situation, in a real fight.
                true, they cannot get their black belt in Dim Mak, but he was training in the style that incorporated the Dim Mak, which i cannot remember.... Ill probably see him today and ask him if u want to know. Points can be incorporated into a real fight as easily as a self defense move can... Its the learning on how and what points to hit while using the move that makes presure point fighting effective... it can be very practical. On the flip side of things though, i would think it to be very hard to use while in an actual fist fight of sorts, only used in a one-move defensive situation.... Pressure points effect everyone different, i agree with you. Ive seen some people not even be affected by single points, but the multiple point attacks are what you need to use to do anything to your offender... People may react differently from single points, but the outcome of multiple point attacks are usually the same no matter who you are or how big you are.... Usually the bigger you are, the harder you fall when using pressure points. A small person, the activation point on the body is usuall the size of a dime. On a larger person, like me, the activation point can be the size up to a 50 cent piece.....


                • #53
                  I disagree with you people who say Bullet Proof being misunderstanded about thing that ancient chinese could only look to someone making him die...

                  I have also heard about this before I heard about death touch, I understood it as a myth about chinese masters who have so much qi that they could drop a weaker enemy with a look.

                  Don`t take me wrong, I still believe this is a myth and has many ways of explaining.

                  The way you people say ``Qi doesn`t exist, I know it. All who disagree are absolutely wrong`` is indeed stupid .

                  If you havent think about this from both points of view you can`t say you know, you can say what you remeber from your parents and people in your childhood when you learn to count on 10 and such.

                  Again dont take me wrong, I agree with people who say they don`t BELIEVE in chi because I can`t be sure about it by myself.

                  And I agree with people who believes in chi because I believe there are secrets human is too young to uncover correctly.

                  I have been very interested about Qi whole my time with Kungfu. And I do believe there is a thing behind all those mysterious acupunction and biomagnetism, a thing thats - well, read above


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Killuminati
                    I have been very interested about Qi whole my time with Kungfu. And I do believe there is a trick behind all those mysterious acupunction and biomagnetism, a trick thats - well, read above
                    There is no trick in accupunture or on any Chinese or herbal medicine. It is all scientific and medical, procedures. The same procedures that western doctors would perform on their patience when performing major operation like heart bypass, hip replacement etc.

                    Procedures that require doctors to sedate their patience put them on temporary life or breathing apparatus, clip blood vessels to prevent lost of blood, use microscopic lenses and lasers to carefully cut throw and take out any blood clots.

                    In accupancture it is no different, the only different is that they don't cut or open you up. The needles that are inserted target certain vains that would increase blood and oxygen flow that would help push any dead blood cells causing clots.

                    Herbs are given in conjucntion with accupuncture or any serious internal injuries it is to help prevent blood stasis and improve circulation and healing.


                    • #55
                      Sorry I didnt mean a trick :S my bad.. I mean there is something mysterious we maybe do not understand correctly yet


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by chicken legs
                        hi joe,

                        qi hasn't technically been proven in western medicine either (as far as I understand) yet people still believe in that. People believe in religion as well (I don't/well long story) but if that gives somebody the power and strength they require to live their lives than cool.
                        Correct if I'm wrong but I though Chi was proven in western medicine - or some form of it at least. If I remember correctly - they correlated it with electromagnetism w/in your body. I know that they actually do have Chi meters but beyond that - I really I know idea. I just thought that Western Medicine did recognize it.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by npk9
                          I know that they actually do have Chi meters

                          Oh they do, do they?


                          • #58
                            I think he was smoking a roach during one of those Time Life: Rockin' to the Oldies infomercials and saw the Chi Lites perform and in a delusional fit, was inspired to invent a 'chi meter' with a potato, vaseline and some kebab skewers...


                            • #59
                              how old are you two fuckwits?

                              its good to see that your martial arts training is making you a better person - I'd hate to see how you were before. Losers.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by chicken legs
                                how old are you two fuckwits?

                                its good to see that your martial arts training is making you a better person - I'd hate to see how you were before. Losers.

                                To whom are you directing your displeasure sir?

