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chinese death touch dim mak

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  • So your conclusion is that any hard strike to the chest cavity is dim mak.

    Again-wrong about what-I dont believe any strike to the chest cavity is Dim Mak. Dim Mak is not about striking hard to the chest. It is a theory of merdians. I think you have it confused on what it is.

    It is certainly not what its quacked up to be.

    Your words and continued posting are useless to me. For I STILL believe that it is folklore foolishness-and you cant change MY belief.

    Furthermore, I guess youre too afraid to go to that other forum and debate with them. They run you off there with your tail feathers flying.

    Where I come from if it looks like a duck...and sounds like a duck...then it is a duck
    Where I am from, it is not, cause we have "calls" and decoys. Therefore-IT is NOT a duck but an ILLUSION.


    • To this day I have never seen someone with the wind knocked out of them get hit with the paddles. Both of these did. I have also never seen someone who had the wind knocked out of them stay unconscious for more that 2 minutes and have no pulse.

      I also saw someone in a tournament take a kick to the head and stop breathin with no pulse. Paramedics rushed him out on a back board. Never found out his condition though.

      Cardial stuns are well documented. Hell when I was little one of my friends dads came to watch us compete. His dad (a cardiologist) freaked out because of the hits to the chest.

      It's a matter of timing though. I do not think there is anyway to know what phase the heart is in when they are being struck.

      I just know it is possible. Searching the medical links on the internet and you will find information on it.


      • Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
        To this day I have never seen someone with the wind knocked out of them get hit with the paddles. Both of these did. I have also never seen someone who had the wind knocked out of them stay unconscious for more that 2 minutes and have no pulse.

        I also saw someone in a tournament take a kick to the head and stop breathin with no pulse. Paramedics rushed him out on a back board. Never found out his condition though.

        Cardial stuns are well documented. Hell when I was little one of my friends dads came to watch us compete. His dad (a cardiologist) freaked out because of the hits to the chest.

        It's a matter of timing though. I do not think there is anyway to know what phase the heart is in when they are being struck.

        I just know it is possible. Searching the medical links on the internet and you will find information on it.
        But is it Dim Mak?

        Can it be a accurate analogy of it?


        • I don't know anything about dim mak, I was only responding to the idea that a punch or elbow could do a cardial stun.

          theoretically yes it could.

          Now can someone do it reliably every time, I have no idea.

          I'm not a CMA person just been in the martial arts a long time and have seen the dim mak argument about a thousand times.

          In the end you will both give up arguing. you will never convince the other that you are correct.


          • Originally posted by eXcessiveForce
            I don't know anything about dim mak, I was only responding to the idea that a punch or elbow could do a cardial stun.

            theoretically yes it could.

            Now can someone do it reliably every time, I have no idea.

            I'm not a CMA person just been in the martial arts a long time and have seen the dim mak argument about a thousand times.

            In the end you will both give up arguing. you will never convince the other that you are correct.
            This is the most sesnible thing I have yet read in this thread.
            Which is what I had mentioned to him in a couple of posts-saying that HE has his beliefs-I have mine.


            • [QUOTE=47MartialMan]So your conclusion is that any hard strike to the chest cavity is dim mak. (47MartialMan)

              No, my conclusion is that a 30MPH strike whether by softball or otherwise can be achieved by ones palm as in a Dim Mak strike...therefore making Dim Mak possible to most open minded observers (DimMak)

              Dim Mak is not about striking hard to the chest. It is a theory of merdians. I think you have it confused on what it is. (47MartialMan)

              While you "think" I do not understand it is a theory of meridians, I KNOW that you do not either read very well...or you enjoy speaking untruths at the expense of others to make yourself appear the more intelligent one. One should try speaking the truth or posting facts for ones side of the debate, as opposed to relying on falsehoods and magician challenges to support this side in attempts to discredit others.

              Once again please review my very first post on the subject of Dim Mak on page 6 and this will prove what you imply about my knowledge is not accurate. This is a copy of page 6 as to what I initially stated on the subject of Dim Mak oh confused one ...notice the last paragraph in which I explain in detail how "Dim Mak is all about the most precise strikes to the meridians"

              Page 6-
              The term Dim Mak is actually Cantonese (as opposed to Mandarin), while in Japanese Dim Mak it is known as Kyusho Jitsu.

              Here is a link for you to get an general idea of Dim Mak
              This link also has quick references on most MA

              One will most likely never get the chance to truely learn and master Dim Mak, although mastering Tai Chi Chuan would be a very sufficient start in one's journey of the ultimate knowledge in CMA. Unless you are a military fighting soldier, there is really virtually no need in learning Dim Mak in the way in which the original poster posed this (resulting in death).

              Dim Mak is all about the most precise strikes to the meridians, these strikes may be directed inward, up or down at 90 degrees, diagonally at 45 degrees, or horizontally in either direction. (DimMak)

              Furthermore, I guess youre too afraid to go to that other forum and debate with them. They run you off there with your tail feathers flying. (47MartialMan)

              Oh yes of course unwise one who has been caught here in this forum more than once in posting erroneous statements...I fear that forum about as much as I fear your misleading words in this forum

              As we have already been through the subject of your chosen forum once and as was previously indicated, I have a difficult time with your fellow Louisianians post which blindly speaks of this Chinese MD, yet refuses to even list his name (= lack of credibility).

              Since you are so fond of this forum you speak so highly of, maybe you should be the one posting there...for then you will have many to agree with your own thoughts and words...therefore you will not have the need to thoroughly read or to mislead others on ones thoughts and posts that oppose your own. You appear to post on this forum as much or more than anyone else I have seen, so lack of time to post in various other forums should not be a deterrent in your case (DimMak)


              • [QUOTE=DimMak][QUOTE=47MartialMan]
                No, my conclusion is that a 30MPH strike whether by softball or otherwise can be achieved by ones palm as in a Dim Mak strike...therefore making Dim Mak possible to most open minded observers (DimMak)
                But Dim Mak isnt about striking someone so hard as to kill them.
                And just because someone is struck so hard, isnt the same as practicing Dim Mak. For that matter, any non-martial artists can strike someone and achieve the same results. Your analogy of hard strikes is not correct of Dim mak

                While you "think" I do not understand it is a theory of meridians, I KNOW that you do not either read very well...or you enjoy speaking untruths at the expense of others to make yourself appear the more intelligent one. One should try speaking the truth or posting facts for ones side of the debate, as opposed to relying on falsehoods and magician challenges to support this side in attempts to discredit others.
                Your just another person whom has a fanatasy of folklore superstitions. My side of debate, as you call it, is my VIEW, rather you think it is to your liking or not. Therefore you speak un-intelligently to me about this folklore.

                Once again please review my very first post on the subject of Dim Mak on page 6 and this will prove what you imply about my knowledge is not accurate. This is a copy of page 6 as to what I initially stated on the subject of Dim Mak oh confused one ...notice the last paragraph in which I explain in detail how "Dim Mak is all about the most precise strikes to the meridians"
                So given it is precise strikes to the merdians, some of the mederians on the hands and arms are suppose to caused illness and death, and yet peopl hurt themselves there every day and yet dont become ill or die. Furthermore, if it is so much precision, then why a simple strike to the chest cavity even been considered as Dim Mak. No prescison or meridain there. just raw energy force. The human body is desinged to take so much force there anyway. Might as well call anything that someone dies from Dim Mak. For it seems that you suggest that SDim mak is about dying from a strike.

                Page 6-
                The term Dim Mak is actually Cantonese (as opposed to Mandarin), while in Japanese Dim Mak it is known as Kyusho Jitsu.

                Here is a link for you to get an general idea of Dim Mak
                This link also has quick references on most MA

                One will most likely never get the chance to truely learn and master Dim Mak, although mastering Tai Chi Chuan would be a very sufficient start in one's journey of the ultimate knowledge in CMA. Unless you are a military fighting soldier, there is really virtually no need in learning Dim Mak in the way in which the original poster posed this (resulting in death).
                Sounds like a excuse why one will never see Dim mak in action.

                Dim Mak is all about the most precise strikes to the meridians, these strikes may be directed inward, up or down at 90 degrees, diagonally at 45 degrees, or horizontally in either direction. (DimMak)
                No, according to you, Dim Mak is about striking the chest cavity forcefully. Therefore no precision is required to do this.

                Oh yes of course unwise one who has been caught here in this forum more than once in posting erroneous statements...I fear that forum about as much as I fear your misleading words in this forum
                Yeah, you wont go. Cause you know you couldnt handle it

                As we have already been through the subject of your chosen forum once and as was previously indicated, I have a difficult time with your fellow Louisianians post which blindly speaks of this Chinese MD, yet refuses to even list his name (= lack of credibility).
                But, that was only one THREAD on that need to start a new thread or search for other threads. I told this to you once before, yet you refuse to go further with it. Thus, to me, you do not want to debate wuith others on this out of fear. BTW-I dont care if you have a difficult time, and it is these Dim Wit believers whom lack credibility.

                Since you are so fond of this forum you speak so highly of, maybe you should be the one posting there...for then you will have many to agree with your own thoughts and words...therefore you will not have the need to thoroughly read or to mislead others on ones thoughts and posts that oppose your own. You appear to post on this forum as much or more than anyone else I have seen, so lack of time to post in various other forums should not be a deterrent in your case
                Yes, I post on other forums and yet I find a few Dim Wit believers. Much of the subject is moot. Even members here dont care to talk about such a supersitious subject. Last, I said it before-I say it again. You are entiltled to your beliefs, I am entitled to mie. So why dont you put a end to this and let this thread die-and not a Dim Wit death.


                • No, my conclusion is that a 30MPH strike whether by softball or otherwise can be achieved by ones palm as in a Dim Mak strike...therefore making Dim Mak possible to most open minded observers (DimMak)

                  But Dim Mak isnt about striking someone so hard as to kill them.
                  And just because someone is struck so hard, isnt the same as practicing Dim Mak. For that matter, any non-martial artists can strike someone and achieve the same results. Your analogy of hard strikes is not correct of Dim mak (47MartialMan)

                  This is very humorous. 47MartialMan is calling a 30MPH softball pitch as "striking someone so hard" would hate to see how 47MartialMan would react to being hit with a 80MPH fastball in baseball...evidently these 37 years of training that you puff your chest out and speak of often in this forum has not taught you the difference between hard and soft strikes (DimMak)

                  Dim Mak is not about striking hard to the chest. It is a theory of merdians. I think you have it confused on what it is. (47MartialMan)

                  While you "think" I do not understand it is a theory of meridians, I KNOW that you do not either read very well...or you enjoy speaking untruths at the expense of others to make yourself appear the more intelligent one. One should try speaking the truth or posting facts for ones side of the debate, as opposed to relying on falsehoods and magician challenges to support this side in attempts to discredit others.

                  Once again please review my very first post on the subject of Dim Mak on page 6 and this will prove what you imply about my knowledge is not accurate. This is a copy of page 6 as to what I initially stated on the subject of Dim Mak oh confused one ...notice the last paragraph in which I explain in detail how "Dim Mak is all about the most precise strikes to the meridians"

                  Page 6-
                  The term Dim Mak is actually Cantonese (as opposed to Mandarin), while in Japanese Dim Mak it is known as Kyusho Jitsu.

                  Here is a link for you to get an general idea of Dim Mak
                  This link also has quick references on most MA

                  Dim Mak is all about the most precise strikes to the meridians, these strikes may be directed inward, up or down at 90 degrees, diagonally at 45 degrees, or horizontally in either direction. (DimMak)

                  No prescison or meridain there. just raw energy force. The human body is desinged to take so much force there anyway. Might as well call anything that someone dies from Dim Mak. For it seems that you suggest that SDim mak is about dying from a strike. (47MartialMan)

                  Your first sentence shows your lack of knowledge of the meridians young Danielson why not educate yourself on the basic locations of the meridians by opening this link

                  Yes there are several examples of Dim Mak death strikes...there are also Dim Mak knockout strikes. This has all been posted in this thread before.

                  No, according to you, Dim Mak is about striking the chest cavity forcefully. Therefore no precision is required to do this. (47MartialMan)

                  Once again you attempt to confuse the readers with using your own words and attempting to claim them as my words. YOU 47MartialMan are the one who claims the example I have given of a 30MPH softball pitch as a "forcefull strike"...I am the one who is trying to educate you so that you understand a 30MPH softball pitch has very little force. This was already posted once two pages prior.

                  One would think with all your bragging of your 37 years of training that you would have had some fighting or sparring contact that would enable you to see this 30 MPH softball is very little force, and therefore would require precision strikes as I have stated. How many people in the forum here do you honestly believe that you are going to convince your words are my words? Do you treat everyone here with such disrespect as to claim they are so ignorant to believe your lies over what they read with their own two eyes? Most have read my post two pages ago which states "Relatively little force is required for the killing blow--one researcher estimates that the blunt instrument need be moving at only 30 mph." and know I have not differed from it since. (DimMak)

                  Your just another person whom has a fanatasy of folklore superstitions. My side of debate, as you call it, is my VIEW, rather you think it is to your liking or not. Therefore you speak un-intelligently to me about this folklore. (47MartialMan)

                  Your post states a 30MPH softball strike is "striking someone so hard" or a "forcefull strike" and you claim I speak attempt to mix your own words with mine repeatedly and you claim I speak un-intelligently? (DimMak)

                  Oh yes of course unwise one who has been caught here in this forum more than once in posting erroneous statements...I fear that forum about as much as I fear your misleading words in this forum (DimMak)

                  Yeah, you wont go. Cause you know you couldnt handle it (47MartialMan)

                  I can handle your ridiculous assertions that a 30MPH softball pitch is a "hard or forcefull strike"...I can handle your constant attempts to mix your words with my own. What makes you think I cannot handle your favorite forum? (DimMak)

                  As we have already been through the subject of your chosen forum once and as was previously indicated, I have a difficult time with your fellow Louisianians post which blindly speaks of this Chinese MD, yet refuses to even list his name (= lack of credibility). (DimMak)

                  But, that was only one THREAD on that need to start a new thread or search for other threads. I told this to you once before, yet you refuse to go further with it. Thus, to me, you do not want to debate wuith others on this out of fear. (47MartialMan)

                  Possibly out of fear that I will waste more of my time correcting the uneducated poster on the subject much like yourself, as I have done over and over in this Dim Mak discussion. (DimMak)

                  Since you are so fond of this forum you speak so highly of, maybe you should be the one posting there...for then you will have many to agree with your own thoughts and words...therefore you will not have the need to thoroughly read or to mislead others on ones thoughts and posts that oppose your own. You appear to post on this forum as much or more than anyone else I have seen, so lack of time to post in various other forums should not be a deterrent in your case (DimMak)

                  Yes, I post on other forums and yet I find a few Dim Wit believers. Much of the subject is moot. Even members here dont care to talk about such a supersitious subject. Last, I said it before-I say it again. You are entiltled to your beliefs, I am entitled to mie. So why dont you put a end to this and let this thread die-and not a Dim Wit death. (47MartialMan)

                  Yes one can see the lack of interest in this forum on the subject of Dim Mak with almost 3,000 reads
                  Very little is known of Dim Mak by most and only one like yourself would attempt argue without knowledge of the subject...this has been proven.


                  • troolin', trollin', trollin, dim mak keeps are trollin'-rawhide!

                    Originally posted by DimMak
                    No, my conclusion is that a 30MPH strike whether by softball or otherwise can be achieved by ones palm as in a Dim Mak strike...therefore making Dim Mak possible to most open minded observers No, this is not Dim Mak

                    This is very humorous. 47MartialMan is calling a 30MPH softball pitch as "striking someone so hard" would hate to see how 47MartialMan would react to being hit with a 80MPH fastball in baseball...evidently these 37 years of training that you puff your chest out and speak of often in this forum has not taught you the difference between hard and soft strikes
                    Why attack my experience? By attacking my experience makes you look like a troll. Dim Mak is about belief. I have yet to see proven data.

                    Once again please review my very first post on the subject of Dim Mak on page 6 and this will prove what you imply about my knowledge is not accurate. This is a copy of page 6 as to what I initially stated on the subject of Dim Mak oh confused one ...notice the last paragraph in which I explain in detail how "Dim Mak is all about the most precise strikes to the meridians"
                    Once again, I do not believe in Dim Mak. Once again whatever you write WILL not convince me.

                    Once again you attempt to confuse the readers with using your own words and attempting to claim them as my words. YOU 47MartialMan are the one who claims the example I have given of a 30MPH softball pitch as a "forcefull strike"...I am the one who is trying to educate you so that you understand a 30MPH softball pitch has very little force. This was already posted once two pages prior.
                    The reader? You and I seem to be the only ones posting here. As if this thread is about you or I. Others do not desire to waste their time with subject of folklore.

                    One would think with all your bragging of your 37 years of training that you would have had some fighting or sparring contact that would enable you to see this 30 MPH softball is very little force, and therefore would require precision strikes as I have stated. How many people in the forum here do you honestly believe that you are going to convince your words are my words? Do you treat everyone here with such disrespect as to claim they are so ignorant to believe your lies over what they read with their own two eyes? Most have read my post two pages ago which states "Relatively little force is required for the killing blow--one researcher estimates that the blunt instrument need be moving at only 30 mph." and know I have not differed from it since. (DimMak)
                    You are seeking support from others, yet you wont go on another forum to further your debate. Hmmnn, what are you afraid of?

                    Your post states a 30MPH softball strike is "striking someone so hard" or a "forcefull strike" and you claim I speak attempt to mix your own words with mine repeatedly and you claim I speak un-intelligently? (DimMak)
                    Whatever....what are you trying to do? It isnt woking. Dim Wit is a folklore-MY OPINION AND YOU CANT CHANGE IT.

                    Oh yes of course unwise one who has been caught here in this forum more than once in posting erroneous statements...I fear that forum about as much as I fear your misleading words in this forum (DimMak)
                    It is you that post in response and continue to do so, DESPITE, what I believe. My contiuing to attack from supposed angeles, you are close to a troll

                    I can handle your ridiculous assertions that a 30MPH softball pitch is a "hard or forcefull strike"...I can handle your constant attempts to mix your words with my own. What makes you think I cannot handle your favorite forum? Again-you wont go. Cause you know you couldnt handle it (DimMak)

                    Possibly out of fear that I will waste more of my time correcting the uneducated poster on the subject much like yourself, as I have done over and over in this Dim Mak discussion. (DimMak)
                    Yeah, more double talk. You still refuse and are afraid to go to the other forum (Which I had seen another use Dim Mak as a member...was this yourself?) Perhaos that os why you wont go there, you have been defeated there and cannot return.

                    Yes, I post on other forums and yet I find a few Dim Wit believers. Much of the subject is moot. Even members here dont care to talk about such a supersitious subject. Last, I said it before-I say it again. You are entiltled to your beliefs, I am entitled to mie. So why dont you put a end to this and let this thread die-and not a Dim Wit death.


                    • Originally posted by 47MartialMan
                      troolin', trollin', trollin, dim mak keeps are trollin'-rawhide!
                      Feel better? Good...(DM)

                      Originally Posted by DimMak
                      No, my conclusion is that a 30MPH strike whether by softball or otherwise can be achieved by ones palm as in a Dim Mak strike...therefore making Dim Mak possible to most open minded observers (DM)

                      No, this is not Dim Mak (47)

                      Never said it was Dim Mak, 47MM. I stated the example I have given makes a Dim Mak death strike possible also, as one can strike the same area in the same way as a 30MPH softball can. (DM)

                      This is very humorous. 47MartialMan is calling a 30MPH softball pitch as "striking someone so hard" would hate to see how 47MartialMan would react to being hit with a 80MPH fastball in baseball...evidently these 37 years of training that you puff your chest out and speak of often in this forum has not taught you the difference between hard and soft strikes (DM)

                      Why attack my experience? By attacking my experience makes you look like a troll. Dim Mak is about belief. I have yet to see proven data. (47)

                      Why do you insist on stating that a 30MPH softball pitch is "striking someone so hard" or "with much force...forcefully etc" when it is not true?
                      Do those false statements not show one you may lack experience in this area?

                      Why do you whine and complain about this analogy to the forum when I have heard equal or worse directed at myself from your posts?
                      At least there is reason for one to question your experience in striking when you make statements such as you have about a 30MPH softball pitch. I have heard this trendy word troll used numerous times from you in the discussion...yet you do not give reasons for calling me this...but you have not heard me whine or complain about this as you have just done when I question your experience based on what you have incorrectly stated.

                      If one wants to research this thread (and another), one will see you questioned my experience many moons ago...and without reason. Which makes one a hypocrite when they complain about another for something they themself has previously done.

                      If you want to give one then prepare yourself to take one in return without complaining. Surely all of your MA instructors have not taught you this (complaining) to be the way?

                      As for this data, you have asked for both modern medical data and animal testing...and I have given you both in prior postings. But instead of discussing or debating these datas you asked for and were given, you appear to find it much easier to make false statements and accuse me of saying and thinking in ways which are no where to be found in my posts. BTW, Where is your data 47? (DM)

                      Once again please review my very first post on the subject of Dim Mak on page 6 and this will prove what you imply about my knowledge is not accurate. This is a copy of page 6 as to what I initially stated on the subject of Dim Mak oh confused one ...notice the last paragraph in which I explain in detail how "Dim Mak is all about the most precise strikes to the meridians" (DM)

                      Once again, I do not believe in Dim Mak.
                      Once again whatever you write WILL not convince me. (47)

                      This particular paragraph of mine above yours and the other paragraphs that you conveneintly failed to include were not meant to convince you of Dim Mak, and you know this to be true. These paragraphs were written in response to yours, due to you falsely accusing me of not understanding the meridians, when I posted much about these meridians in my very first post on the subject here in this very Dim Mak thread. (DM)

                      Once again you attempt to confuse the readers with using your own words and attempting to claim them as my words. YOU 47MartialMan are the one who claims the example I have given of a 30MPH softball pitch as a "forcefull strike"...I am the one who is trying to educate you so that you understand a 30MPH softball pitch has very little force. This was already posted once two pages prior. (DM)

                      The reader? You and I seem to be the only ones posting here. As if this thread is about you or I. Others do not desire to waste their time with subject of folklore. (47)

                      Yes, the reader...ones who read this discussion and not participate in it would be the readers. Roughly 3,000 views...and the majority of views are not either mine or yours.
                      Yes, that would make us the recent posters. Many others have posted on this interesting subject or "waste their time" as you say.

                      Using words such as "Folklore" is just a way for you to attempt to discredit Dim Mak. So far you have shown nothing but false words in your attempts, while I have posted many facts on death strikes and examples that prove a death strike can be done by human hands, as well as these documented softballs thrown at 30MPH and such. Again not to say this covers all areas of Dim Mak, as Dim Mak knockout strikes have been effectively posted by others here earlier. (DM)

                      Your post states a 30MPH softball strike is "striking someone so hard" or a "forcefull strike" and you claim I speak attempt to mix your own words with mine repeatedly and you claim I speak un-intelligently? (DM)

                      Whatever....what are you trying to do? It isnt woking. Dim Wit is a folklore-MY OPINION AND YOU CANT CHANGE IT. (47)

                      I am responding sarcastically to your calling my posts or what I speak as "un-intelligent(ly)". (DM)

                      Oh yes of course unwise one who has been caught here in this forum more than once in posting erroneous statements...I fear that forum about as much as I fear your misleading words in this forum (DM)

                      It is you that post in response and continue to do so, DESPITE, what I believe. My contiuing to attack from supposed angeles, you are close to a troll (47)

                      No that is false, we both post in response to each others words...I am starting to believe this "troll" is your favorite word with as often as you use it. (DM)

                      I can handle your ridiculous assertions that a 30MPH softball pitch is a "hard or forcefull strike"...I can handle your constant attempts to mix your words with my own. What makes you think I cannot handle your favorite forum? (DM)

                      Again-you wont go. Cause you know you couldnt handle it (47)

                      And a famous actor once said "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" (DM)

                      Possibly out of fear that I will waste more of my time correcting the uneducated poster on the subject much like yourself, as I have done over and over in this Dim Mak discussion. (DM)

                      Yeah, more double talk. You still refuse and are afraid to go to the other forum (Which I had seen another use Dim Mak as a member...was this yourself?) Perhaos that os why you wont go there, you have been defeated there and cannot return. (47)

                      No as I have told you, this is the only MA forum I have been on. My writing style and thought process should be enough for one to tell this when comparing two. Your chosen words of "afraid" and "defeated" do not apply to me. If anything those words apply more to you in our discussion here in my humble opinion (DM)

                      Yes, I post on other forums and yet I find a few Dim Wit believers. Much of the subject is moot. Even members here dont care to talk about such a supersitious subject. Last, I said it before-I say it again. You are entiltled to your beliefs, I am entitled to mie. So why dont you put a end to this and let this thread die-and not a Dim Wit death.

                      BTW-I am was a performing Magician for 15 years. We had a Magicains Guild.(47)

                      I have seen many intelligent open minded posts by members here on the subject of Dim Mak in this very thread.

                      Why must I be the one to put an end to this thread? Can you not be the one to walk away? Or must you always have the last word? I have seen you preach to others in posts how one must walk away from disagreements...maybe one should practice what one preaches

                      A magician for 15 years you say? I do not believe it 47...prove it to me and make yourself disappear for ever from this Dim Mak thread (DM)


                      • Go back and count the number of posts given to smite of it in comarison to you coming to its aid.

                        It's hard to find evidence against things that don't exist. Your eviodence is not proving the existence of Dim mak, but the existence of chest related injuries. Your beliefs on mythology.

                        It's not the skeptic's job to prove a negative ("such and such doesn't exist"). It's the job of the believer/claimant to prove it does, and so far you onle have analgoes and not actual data.

                        If by Dim Mak you mean hitting them in the chest with a sledge hammer, then yes Dim Mak does exist and can cause massive chest trauma. Otherwise, Dim Mak is total nonsense.

                        If you punch someone with enough force in the chest, then yea, you could hurt them badly. However, that is not "Dim Mak", that's just hitting someone hard.

                        A celebrity´s death in a car accident is not the best proof of Dim Mak, if you ask me. How was his heart condition at the time? Did he got some kind of arterial trauma in the accident?

                        So was the car trained in Dim Mak when it killed him?

                        While I certainly think a person could be seriously injured with a very hard strike to the chest, I don't think it is likely to occur in unarmed combat. Certainly even if it could happen it wouldn't be reliable enough to rely upon for fighting. At a minimum I ask the question how you become a Dim Mak master without practicing killing people? How do you train the technique to know you're doing it right if it does exist?

                        A person who dies from a misdiagnosis of an accident is not evidence that Dim Mak works, especially considering that Dim Mak is supposed to only be performed by the most highly trained chi masters.

                        To me, analogy of proving the actual existance (not the theory, term, and fantasy) of Dim Mak is the same as trying to prove UFOs and planetary aliens.

                        So think of this from the point of view of a peasant with no knowledge of martial arts or of medicine. You see some master have a disagreement with another peasant. The master is an evil bastard who wants to show off so they hit the lymph nodes. The guy collapses in agony, never really gets better and a little while later he dies. The peasant doesnt know what he saw, to him it just looks like the master touched the guy, and then he died. Instant Death Touch Legend. Makes sense if something is not explain like it is nowadays medically and scientifically.

                        The car accident means shit when it comes to dim mak, it's a huge jump to conclusion to say that the car accident hit the "meridian" that poisoned the man's chi. This is because it hasn't been established as fact that such meridians exist, that chi exists let alone dim mak. A heavy object striking someone at 30mph isn't a light "bump".

                        The "medical experiment" is scrap too, those dim mak techniques don't tend to work on people who have no idea what the goal of the chi master is. If the victim knows what you intend to do and believe you have the power to do it, it really doesn't matter where you hit them, they'll get KO'd.

                        There was a news article clip about "the Human Stun Gun" who could do both "dim mak" and even no-touch KO's, on his own students. They did tests on his own students with paramedics (experts?) on hand to see if the people really are getting KO'd. The paramedics concluded that the students really were suffering some form of physical response. However, when they took the chi-master's show down the street, his powers ceased to work on the jujitsu students, who didn't believe in his superpowers. Heck, his powers didn't even work on the journalist chick who was doing the story.

                        Dim Mak is bs. you have not proven its existence but given inaccurate analogies of it.

                        You are still trolling and I have my belief and you have yours.


                        • hi,

                          sorry to chime in here and i am not taking sides.

                          the way i see it one is using common medical knowledge to support the existence of.

                          the other making valid skeptic points.

                          each have their opposite opinions.

                          surely any sufficient forceful blow will cause medical problems without knoweldge of these meridians.

                          and these will have to be understood to work consistant each time.

                          in order to prove it there has to be a actual test subject.

                          not one to be killed but prove that these meridians actual make some ill.

                          i tend to agree-until proven it is theory.

                          now if only a mod could dim mak this thread.

