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James Lacy, 18 Daoist Palms

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  • James Lacy, 18 Daoist Palms

    Does anybody have any exposure, experience or training time with the Five Elder Kung Fu System also known as 18 Daoist Palms most commonly associated with James Lacy. Thanks.

  • #2
    None whatsoever sorry, however I have always been intrigued by his expertise in iron palm.

    I apologise in advance for deviating slightly from the topic. has anyone purchased any of his videos your thoughts good & bad would be appreciated ?

    Originally posted by DAT
    Does anybody have any exposure, experience or training time with the Five Elder Kung Fu System also known as 18 Daoist Palms most commonly associated with James Lacy. Thanks.


    • #3

      i have trained this system for some time now. and i would recomend it. James Lacy can get you stsrted but when you contact him let him know all if any experence you might have. Good Luck


      • #4

        Just a few of the things about Lacy


        • #5

          Our good friend Koto does not train in the Chinese Martial Arts But he gives his advise all over this Forum. Take it from the source.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 4141
            Our good friend Koto does not train in the Chinese Martial Arts But he gives his advise all over this Forum. Take it from the source.
            How do you know I never have? I'm just trying to save people the time, effort, and money of finding out they're learning under frauds, Bullshido if you will


            • #7
              Fraud ?

              Well Koto i did what you did i got on line and someone told me you don`t just like you do. So i guess that is as good as it`s going to get. And if you do train in the chinese M.A. then why wolud you get mad the truth is not that important to you and your kind.


              • #8
                Originally posted by 4141
                Well Koto i did what you did i got on line and someone told me you don`t just like you do. So i guess that is as good as it`s going to get. And if you do train in the chinese M.A. then why wolud you get mad the truth is not that important to you and your kind.
                I actually do seek the truth in all things, hence why I'm showing how Lacey is a fraud. If you can prove to me people can break them without baking them, I'd be willing to believe it but until then, it's just one of the many little breaking tricks people can do. Not all that impressive once you get down to the details about them.


                • #9

                  Hey Koto you talk about proof where is it. All you do is put out a web site address and call that proof. That is just gossip. So i say to you show me the proof YOU have. and i will look at it. And saying that people realy can`t break coconuts they bake them. Well that is a very broad statment you are calling a LOT of people lyers. SHOW THE PROOF.


                  • #10
                    All I can say is that baked cocount pie ROCKS

                    carry on...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 4141
                      Hey Koto you talk about proof where is it. All you do is put out a web site address and call that proof. That is just gossip. So i say to you show me the proof YOU have. and i will look at it. And saying that people realy can`t break coconuts they bake them. Well that is a very broad statment you are calling a LOT of people lyers. SHOW THE PROOF.
                      How can I be calling them liars if none of them can prove it to me? Besides, how does that coincide with saying I have no experience in any form of Chinese MA?

