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Chi Forces - Real or Fake?

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  • Chi Forces - Real or Fake?

    Hey, I persoanlly don't believe in chi forces necessairily in terms of like being able to throw people around like in Star Wars (ala The Force), but I do believe in chi such as like the iron body methods and and liek being able to focus one's chi downward to make them rooted to the ground or upward so that they can "walk on teacups" and jump very high. The reasons I believe in these are because of like those cultures where they walk over hot coals and so forth, and like those monks that go out into freezing weather practically naked and such, but I mean also look at the science of like matter: we have NO CLUE WHATSOEVER as to WHAT a positive or a negative force is; what the electrical force is, I guess I should say. It just is there. We have no real clue as to what gravity is. Yet these forces are there. We have no clue what light really is even. So I mean if these forces exist, then who's to say that chi isn't like the channeling of these or some force like this through our bodies somehow. Cuz I mean science also has no clue as to HOW the brain itself functions either. They just know what area in general controls what, but not how.

    So, while I definitly know there are a LOT of fakes out there on this chi force thing, I do believe it does exist and is known and used by a few. What do you guys/gals think???

    (personally I think the best way to know for sure would be to go train with a legit instructor for 15 years and find out for oneself if it exists)

  • #2
    I think that the average scientist would disagree. We do know what light is, and we do know what gravity is.

    We even know how to walk on hot coals, and scientists have replicated it many times.

    But Chi?


    • #3
      No science does not know what light is; nor gravity. They just know they exist and they know that light is capable of being bent by gravity. But no one knows WHAT light is or WHAT gravity is. Or even what the electrical force is.

      Light is considered to be either a wave or a particle; it cannot be both, so it is considered either when convenient. Which is why they have the wave/particle duality theory.

      Science, as far as gravity, assumes maybe it is a "bend" in space-time, but in 3 or more dimensions.

      As far as electricity, electricity is like light; it is supposed to consist of particles (in electricity's case, electrons) yet, it also behaves identical to a wave. And despite the electrons, science has no idea WHAT the positive force is or WHAT the negative force is; they're just there. Yet, a positively charged magnet and a negatively charged magnet pull each other together. How?? No one knows. And a positive to a positive or a negative to a negative repel each other. Again, no one really knows.

      We do know that the electrical force is far, far, FAR stronger than the gravitational force though.

      But no one knows WHAT these all are.They just know what they SHOULD be, however what they SHOULD be contradicts themselves (like light SHOULD be particles but it also should be waves, but it cannot be both, yet it is somehow, or it is something weirder).

      So what I mean is maybe chi control is like controlling the electrical force somehow or something like that.

      As for walking on hot coals, I didn't know about that, how is that done, scientifically??


      • #4
        You take off your shoes and walk. As long as you move swiftly, the coals cannot heat up your feet to burn. The quick steps cool your feet as much as the contact with the coals heats them.

        next time you see it done, look out for the chi master who stands still, or even walks slowly....... You won't find him.

        ps - you're talking bullshit about science too. Why is it that people try so hard to believe in these wierd and wonderful theories?


        • #5
          Chi is like the human soul nobody really knows if we humans have souls or not? nor do we know if there is heaven & earth? Sceince can only prove on what it can be seen, what it cannot see is consider theories.

          Chi is a chinese term for "internal", in martial art it is always ideal to train & develop both th internal & external strength. But in most fighting arts the internal strength is develop they just don`t know it but they know they feel stronger & more powerful, and it is not just the external strength but becuase the internal muscle parts have develop as well. A good comparison is a weight lifter & a martial artist. A weight lifter is all external power no or very little internal power. What are the internal strength? it is the internal muscles tendons & nerves as well as exercising the heart, lungs & kidneys. And these parts are exercise through breathing in coordination of intricate hand & body movements ( forms ).

          A healthy heart will result in better blood circulation, a good lungs will enhance better air movements in our body & a good kidney will cleanse our body of toxic substances.

          For those who train extensively in martial the chi is the powess that cannot be find in non martial artist.

          Maybe another good example is: take two people, one an ordinary person who has no fighting or martial expereince another one is a martial expert. Have them both throw a punch: the ordinary person`s punch is akward no intensity no speed, lack of power no " shushing sound". The martial art expert`s punch has power, steady, has a " shushing sound" that is "chi" internal power join together with external exertion. Even weight lifters cannot punch with a shushing sound. Boxers when they punch have that sound becuase they punch not with external muscles power but with hip-shoulder movements of internal muscles.

          The only thing?, many westerners have no term for chi, all they know is that when one train as a fighter somehow that person develop extraordinary skills that are not present in ordinary people.

          Not just becuase the west have no english term for "Chi" means that chi doesn`t exist. In fact the only reason that this post is here is because of "kung fu bashing" nothing more.


          • #6
            Delete Delete


            • #7
              Originally posted by darrianation
              Chi is the fine white myst that comes out of your nose when you sneeze.
              So that is what westerners think of chi so there is chi after all. Hahaha


              • #8
                Originally posted by darrianation
                Chi is the fine white myst that comes out of your nose when you sneeze.
                Yakky!, I prefer the kung fu chi.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by konghan
                  Chi is like the human soul nobody really knows if we humans have souls or not? nor do we know if there is heaven & earth? Sceince can only prove on what it can be seen, what it cannot see is consider theories.

                  Chi is a chinese term for "internal", in martial art it is always ideal to train & develop both th internal & external strength. But in most fighting arts the internal strength is develop they just don`t know it but they know they feel stronger & more powerful, and it is not just the external strength but becuase the internal muscle parts have develop as well. A good comparison is a weight lifter & a martial artist. A weight lifter is all external power no or very little internal power. What are the internal strength? it is the internal muscles tendons & nerves as well as exercising the heart, lungs & kidneys. And these parts are exercise through breathing in coordination of intricate hand & body movements ( forms ).

                  A healthy heart will result in better blood circulation, a good lungs will enhance better air movements in our body & a good kidney will cleanse our body of toxic substances.

                  For those who train extensively in martial the chi is the powess that cannot be find in non martial artist.

                  Maybe another good example is: take two people, one an ordinary person who has no fighting or martial expereince another one is a martial expert. Have them both throw a punch: the ordinary person`s punch is akward no intensity no speed, lack of power no " shushing sound". The martial art expert`s punch has power, steady, has a " shushing sound" that is "chi" internal power join together with external exertion. Even weight lifters cannot punch with a shushing sound. Boxers when they punch have that sound becuase they punch not with external muscles power but with hip-shoulder movements of internal muscles.

                  The only thing?, many westerners have no term for chi, all they know is that when one train as a fighter somehow that person develop extraordinary skills that are not present in ordinary people.

                  Not just becuase the west have no english term for "Chi" means that chi doesn`t exist. In fact the only reason that this post is here is because of "kung fu bashing" nothing more.
                  So, if you do calisthenics instead of weight training you'll be fitter in the cardio department. And if you train how to punch, you'll have better punches than someone who doesn't.........

                  But WTF has any of this got to do with chi? Try this experiment. Get ANY Chi Master whatsoever, give him a tennis raquet and then put him on the court with a Pro. Lets see how his Chi helps then.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Thai Bri
                    You take off your shoes and walk. As long as you move swiftly, the coals cannot heat up your feet to burn. The quick steps cool your feet as much as the contact with the coals heats them.

                    next time you see it done, look out for the chi master who stands still, or even walks slowly....... You won't find him.

                    ps - you're talking bullshit about science too. Why is it that people try so hard to believe in these wierd and wonderful theories?

                    ThaiBri, what are you talking about (in relation to science)?? What I said is true, we DO NOT know WHAT electricity is or WHAT gravity is; we just know they're there. And like I said, we don't know WHAT the electrical forces are; we just know they're there. We don't really have too many theories as to what those are; it's beyond our comprehension. As for theories, yeah, they'll make theories to try and explain something as best they can. They don't try to believe so hard in those theories. For example, no scientist literally fully believes that light is a wave or a particle. It cannot be both yet all of our experiments show it is. So, they just make up that wave-particle duality theory so it can be either whenever necessary, so that engineers and such can build stuff how they want to. All of the electrical products and circuits and computers and all that that are built by humans to date are based off of the mathematics and ideas that electricity and light are particles, or waves, whenever most well suited. All of our electrical engineering is based off of those ideas. But no one knows why they are both. For radios, light is always a wave. For stuff like lights, it is particles oftentimes. In electrical engineering problems, all the math and physics deal with electricity as either particles or maybe waves, depending on the application. For the applications, it's fine to refer to whatever is the most useful. The problem is that IT MAKES NO SENSE IN TERMS OF WHAT LIGHT OR ELECTRICITY ACTUALLY ARE. Now engineers usually don't mind this, because they MAKE things. To them it doesn't matter that electricity is particles for certain applications and waves for others, while scientifically, it can't be both. But scientists like to DISCOVER things, and when humanity continues to construct and engineer stuff based off an idea that actually makes no sense overall, just sense for the given situation, it drives them crazy. The problem though is it is sort of beyond our reasoning at the moment.

                    So theories for electricity and light are very valuable, and can lead to new discoveries.

                    What you're talking about I think is how there are just SOOOOO many scientists out there who wanna be famous, so they make up all these weird theories to try and explain stuff. Like one scientist argued vehemently that the universe was really one giant proton I think!!

                    Now, my point on chi, we know there is a force we call the positive electrical force. And there is another one, opposite, called the negative electrical force. These forces literally hold the entire earth and all matter on it together. But we do not know WHAT these forces are. They're just there! We don't know, when a positive force meets a negative force, WHAT physical action takes place that causes the two to pull each other together, or for two positives to repel each other. This question is something that most physicists will spend the rest of their lives pondering about. Now the thing is, since those forces exist, what I meant was maybe then a force like Chi could be real. After all, we don't know HOW the brain functions either. We just know the areas of the brain that control certain things, but we don't know HOW they work really. So maybe chi is real, like somehow the electrical force controlled by the human brain or something; I dunno, maybe that one makes no sense scientifically. And there are a lot of phony chi "masters" out there as well; so, I would consider it a possibility.

                    As for theories of like gravity being a bend in space-time, first off, that's not meant in a literal sense. "Space-time" is 3 or more dimensions; saying gravity "bends" it is just a term used to simplify the idea for non-scientists. It actually is a lot more mathematical than that. But it is theoretical still.

                    And then the idea of time itself is a human one; there are books out about one of the reasons maybe why science is having such a hard time these days in these areas is because, like, in Einstein's theory of relativity, which a lot of people follow, time is the 4th dimension; That works good mathematically, but no one knows if time itself is real or somethign we made up, which the books point out. They say it is our adamant belief in time's existence that we have trouble. If we take the idea of time out, maybe stuff would make more sense.

                    Remember, theories are made to try to explain events we can't quite prove or understand. People try so hard to believe in them because they spark the imagination and if a lot of scientific evidence points towards a theory being real, people believe in it as best they can to try and prove it. If more evidence is found and the theory is disproven, well, oh well then. If it is proven, then GREAT! new discoveries.

                    So please don't say I'm talking "bullshit" about science because I am just stating known knowledge of what we know and what we don't know.


                    • #11
                      By the way, try taking the professional tennis player and have him do an advanced breathing form with a chi master; see who comes out okay then.

                      By the way, doing calisthenics will make you stronger than weights ever could, just not nearly as defined. You just have to know how and what calisthenics to do.


                      • #12
                        So, basically Chi is responsible for everything good.

                        Is your name sherwinc?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Thai Bri
                          So, basically Chi is responsible for everything good.

                          another example for Chi:

                          my instructor's instructor perform his KungFu Flexible Sword(Jian), notice his left swordfinger to balance his right hand holding the sword......


                          when he attack his opponent using "Sword Straight Thrust" - notice the waiving flexibility of the tip of the swords blade.... while his left swordfinger is in the opposite direction.......


                          when he attack his opponent using his "Sword Slicing Technique" - notice that the Sword's blade is not as flexible like what he did trusting before..... and notice also that his left swordfinger touches the bottom of the handle of the sword holding by his right hand......

                          the chi came from his left swordfinger finger transfer to his right hand until the chi goes to the entire of its blade.... making the KungFu Flexible Sword is not Flexible.....
                          if he release his swordfinger, the Flexible Sword becomes Flexible again......


                          • #14
                            These Chi guys seem pretty good at fingering things.


                            • #15
                              Too see is to believe for them. Use the search engine

