I am sick and tired of hearing all you Traditional Martial arts guys and gals and especially you guys in Kung Fu say that “Ring fighting or fighting in the UFCs is not self-defense. I can’t use my art because all my techniques are Illegal”. I have heard this in thread after thread and post after post. This is a cop out and a crock of shit!
You mean to tell me in your MA class you use Illegal strikes or deadly strikes against your class mates during sparring? So you don’t unless it is semi/light or simulated contact Huh? Do you spar using your art? Then why in the hell can’t you do that against someone in the UFC, Pride, K1, or any MMA event?
If you are using light contact/semi contact simulated contact, or pre-arranged contact then you are training wrong! Its okay for beginners (training wheels) but at some point it’s time to put away the Gerber’s and begin eating meat! Maybe you need to find a different system.
I am not saying you should go around gouging eyes out in class; it’s just if you can spar in class without taking your partners eyes out then why do you feel you have to do it in the ring?
You are also assuming that just because someone is a MMA competition fighter they don’t’ know the dirty Illegal stuff. Listen eye pokes and gouges, kidney blows, brain stem and throat strikes, and etc are not a secret. And I have news for you neither are groin strikes.
If you can fight your classmates without using the “deadly stuff” while still performing your perspective art then you can enter the octagon and do the same thing. The same things that limit you in the octagon (rules) also limit them!
When you spar your classmates (full contact) you are limited by rules for safety, so don’t tell me you can’t do that in the ring, you do it every day in class. So quite your f***ing whining and put up or shut up!
You mean to tell me in your MA class you use Illegal strikes or deadly strikes against your class mates during sparring? So you don’t unless it is semi/light or simulated contact Huh? Do you spar using your art? Then why in the hell can’t you do that against someone in the UFC, Pride, K1, or any MMA event?
If you are using light contact/semi contact simulated contact, or pre-arranged contact then you are training wrong! Its okay for beginners (training wheels) but at some point it’s time to put away the Gerber’s and begin eating meat! Maybe you need to find a different system.
I am not saying you should go around gouging eyes out in class; it’s just if you can spar in class without taking your partners eyes out then why do you feel you have to do it in the ring?
You are also assuming that just because someone is a MMA competition fighter they don’t’ know the dirty Illegal stuff. Listen eye pokes and gouges, kidney blows, brain stem and throat strikes, and etc are not a secret. And I have news for you neither are groin strikes.
If you can fight your classmates without using the “deadly stuff” while still performing your perspective art then you can enter the octagon and do the same thing. The same things that limit you in the octagon (rules) also limit them!
When you spar your classmates (full contact) you are limited by rules for safety, so don’t tell me you can’t do that in the ring, you do it every day in class. So quite your f***ing whining and put up or shut up!