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Kungfu fighting animals that are pussies

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  • Kungfu fighting animals that are pussies

    Okay, I am just gonna knock on a few of the fighting animals of the kungfu systems that use them, and one of the theories, cuz I want to know people's opinion on this, and also because I am sick of so many of these stupid kung fu schools and websites and TV documentaries claiming these systems are so superior when it is not true.

    Now, I read on a website (and if this is wrong, blame the website), that the praying mantis system of kung fu was started when some guy wintessed a praying mantis and a cicada engaged in a fight. He observed the movements of the mantis to form the art. The part that bugs me is, the cicada has to be one of the DUMBEST insects on the face of the earth. Scientists even wonder how manages to survive. All you have to do is knock it onto its back and it can't even get up. Against a mantis, a cicada would ahve lost in 2 seconds, and that's if even the mantis had any reason to attack the cicada. Which means that this "fight" between the two cannot have occurred.

    Another animal that bugs me is the tiger. The tiger is made out in the Chinese arts to some brave, resilient, fighter animal that attacks with such skill and accuracy. Yeah, it can hunt that way, but as a fighter, a tiger is a pussy in the cat world. Against a male African lion, the tiger loses 99% of the time. The tiger is only "quiet, calm, and composed," as the Chinese arts describe it, when it is hunting prey. In the face of a male African lion, it gets super jumpy. The only tiger to ever match the lion consistently was the Bengal tiger, which was/is not in China and is only a match because of its size (600 pounds) and since it lives in a confined space, it is highly aggressive for food and mates. The tiger on average hates to fight and it does not know how to fight. That is even why they had tigers come out at Russel Crowe in Gladiator. In reality, it would have been lions, but in reality, Russel Crowe might be dead if they'd used those. Well-fed tigers are usually like giant pussy cats, just with a bit of wilderness instinct in them (and a bigger body).

    And that is not lying when people say "the heart of a lion" either, the lion is a very brave animal.

    And what's with the monkey? How is a monkey a fighter, agaisnt other than maybe human that it bites or scratches, or another monkey, or an animal smaller and weaker than it??

    Nowe the bear, at least the grizzly bear, I can understand. They have pretty much no match except for maybe an elephant, rhino, or hippo.

    And the snake to, they are tough fighter as well (anacondas and pythons can be) anyhow.

  • #2
    Whoops, didn't mean to make the same thread twice, computer messed up. the threads are the same, but slightly different cuz I had had to retype this one.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Broadsword2004
      That is even why they had tigers come out at Russel Crowe in Gladiator. In reality, it would have been lions, but in reality, Russel Crowe might be dead if they'd used those. And that is not lying when people say "the heart of a lion" either, the lion is a very brave animal.
      How about sigfried & roy? Its been months since the accidental tiger attack, and that guy is just starting to be able to talk again. maybe that tiger wasn't well fed. but those guys seem like they take good care of the animals.


      • #4
        You know actually I was thinking of that one, but occassionally even well-fed animals do that. And maybe there is more to the story (like the tiger eing a bit wacky or mistreatment maybe or something, who knows). But in general, tigers are a lot less aggressive than male lions. The thing is tigers just don't like to fight also, cuz it is not in their nature to fight. It is in their nature to hunt. Male lions are like the exact opposite. Can't hunt for beans, but are fighters.


        • #5
          Oh yeah, also I don't mean tigers won't fight either, if they have to they will, but they hate to do it in general and aren't too good at it. There was a circus back in the 1800s where they forgot to close the separation part that separated a male and a female tiger from this male lion. So the male lion comes in and attacks the tigers, both of them!! that was a huge fight, two tigers fighting a lion (two mates). They said all hell really might have broken loose had this super-huge male lion gotten free and joined in the fight. they tried to use hot irons to separate the animals, but even that didn't work. Don't know who won though (I think in that case the lion was losing; two tigers are a lot). Male and female tigers care about each other too.

          Hmm, maybe I made a mistake now that I think about it, I do not know how muc h the male lion cares for his females; he fights to keep them, but I don't know if that just so they can hunt for him or if he cares about them or both. I do know that male tigers care about their females. I saw a documentary where this one female tiger got caught under some truck on a road in Russia and dragged for some miles. The driver eventually caught on, but then he didn't know what to do, so he dragged her to the side of the road and left her there. Her mate tracked her down by scent, and found her, so he dragged her to a place in the forest next to the road, and stayed there 'till she died.

          So I guess in terms of pure bravery like that, tigers are good too. Maybe I change my mind now, maybe tiger is good for Chinese animal. Lion is very brave too though, it is just a born fighter; it is just evolved that way. Don't know how family-oriented it is though.


          • #6
            I don't think any of those stories should be beleived. Praying mantis just happens to resemble the animal. If it copied it exactly it would look silly. A praying mantis can only move its fore limbs in one plain. Lll those people were smoking to much opium when they made up those stories!


            • #7
              The theory behind animal forms

              The Meaning Of Animal forms

              In The Martial Arts!

              New article posted on my web site its the firts time ive ever done any backround studying on things like the shaolin animal forms and the theory behind using them etc so check it out if your itnerested rate me what you think i get out of 10 for my notes though lol


              • #8
                Kung fu fighting that are based on animal forms have proven itself to be a great fighting art. In fact the combat skills of early kung fu fighters were feared by its enemies & they have won many battles. When it comes to hand to hand fighting China has no equal at that time. Their empire expanded and many of its neighbors learned the kung fu fighting art & incorporated it into their own society.


                • #9
                  When it comes to hand to hand fighting China has no equal at that time. Their empire expanded and many of its neighbors learned the kung fu fighting art & incorporated it into their own society.
                  Nothing proves that Chinese fighting methods-weapons had no equal at their time....
                  Actually in the malay world (Malaysia-Indonesia-Philippines) there are many stories of chinese experts defeated by local masters (as well as local masters defeated by cma experts).

                  The Chinese were defeated by the Mongols, when the mongols tried to invade Indonesia they were defeated by Indonesian fighters (using silat fighting methods).....

                  Chinese merchants traveled a lot and it is also probable that indigeneous fighting methods and weapons were incorporated in kung fu....Actually double edged swords first appeared in Europe before chinese peoples started to use them.....
                  Exchanges happened but given the secrecy of chinese peoples concerning their martial arts I wouldn't say that so many natives learned cmas in south east asia...


                  • #10
                    at the end of the dat
                    y im open to all suggestions


                    • #11
                      I like the cock roach style (not for that...Geesh) because at the first sign of trouble they scurry away.

                      Actually I don't know how much is true about these guys sitting around watching animals fight and designing systems based on their observations. What a stupid way to go about it. If you want to design a system for humans then observe humans fighting. See what they do, see what works, see what doesn't, see what is common, see what are 1 or 2 time anomolies.

                      If you are human, then fight like one! Althouth there is nothing wrong in making comparisons like he has a heart of a lion, or he is like a bull becuase he is so head strong, and can take punishment but keep on going. Stuff like that.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by darrianation
                        I like the cock roach style (not for that...Geesh) because at the first sign of trouble they scurry away.

                        Actually I don't know how much is true about these guys sitting around watching animals fight and designing systems based on their observations. What a stupid way to go about it. If you want to design a system for humans then observe humans fighting. See what they do, see what works, see what doesn't, see what is common, see what are 1 or 2 time anomolies.

                        If you are human, then fight like one! Althouth there is nothing wrong in making comparisons like he has a heart of a lion, or he is like a bull becuase he is so head strong, and can take punishment but keep on going. Stuff like that.
                        They did, but it didn`t work. Not only kung fu but many early people from North America, Asia & Africa have always observed & adopt the fighting meathods of animals. The First Nation people have mostly identify their warrior spirit with that of the bears, eagle & mountian lion. In South East Asia native warriors would relate their fiercness in combat with that of tigers, strength of elephants & stelthness of the snakes.

                        Human fighting so far base on western definition is boxing, many nonewesterners have a reputation of "fighting like an animal".

                        Human fighting, what is human fighting style anyway? I don`t think there is any, prehistorically, humans would run, then they learn to throw rocks, then they learn to use weapons. But when it came to hand to hand fighting they were very weak & helpess. It was always the survival of the fittest, but with martial art that weakness has been offset.

                        Animals are born fighters, they donot need any special training nor weapons to defend themselves. Humans are inventors they need a source of guidance.

                        Even our modern airplanes or flying machines were all base on the physics of birds & other mamals with flying abilities. Without those birds, probably we won`t have any airplanes.


                        • #13
                          I wouldn't fully agree with that. Animals are not born fighters per se, they have certain hunting and/or fighting methods ingrained into them from years of evolving to their environment. That is why most of the time a tiger will lose to a male African lion in fighting. Tigers are excellent hunters, but they don't know beans about actual fighting. Male African lions are the martial artists of the cat world. We humans usually study martial arts based on how to fight other humans, and sometimes on how to fight other animals too (though usually with weapons). Well it's sort of that way with animals. There are certain ways animal types can fight each other. The male African lion is the true born fighter of the cat world. When it comes to fighting, no other cat has the "training," if you will, of the African lion. He knows how to fight in ways that other cats don't have any idea of. Most cats just know what they do for hunting, which is bite at the neck to kill, and scratch and such. And some know both fighting and hunting. But male lions, for whatever reason, are horrible at hunting. They can't hunt for beans. So they fight for females, so the females can hunt for them. This constant fighting is what has led the lion to have the big mane protecting its neck. Against other cats, it knows how to attack the cat, how to scratch at it and such, and how to protect itself. Other cats, though better hunters, don't know how to fight like this. The male African lion doesn't necessarily dominate the tiger in fighting because of size, or speed. It dominates because of its inherent knowledge of how to fight. And it likes to fight too. Tigers, while brave animals that love their fellow tigers, just aren't natural fighters. They will fight though, to help their fellow tigers, if they must. But male lions will fight just for fun even. Unless it's maybe like a really mean Bengal tiger or something, in circuses, it's the male lions that will go in and start fights with the tigers if the cages are left connected for some reason (and screw their females too!!, creating lion-tiger hybrids). But tigers very rarely start fights with male lions.

                          Tigers don't have this fighting ability because they have never had to fight. They hunt and mate and are generally friendly to each other. So evolution never gave them that fighting ability. But it gave them hunting ability. The only tigers to ever match the lion is the Bengal tiger, which is 600 pounds, so it is BIG, and also, it is very vicious, because since it lives in such a confined area, competition is fierce for food and mates. It has not lived that long for evolution to give it a mane like the African male lion, but it has been there enough generations to make it a lot more vicious and willing to fight then the usual tiger.

                          Animals like grizzly bears, they just have a size advantage, and a weight advantage. A bear has those big thick bones and thick fur, plus huge sharp claws, plus it will stand up and slash down and bite down on their opponent's head. When the Mexicans would pit grizzlies against bulls, the bears kept killing the bulls with one swipe. So they had to find an animal to match it. So they brought in the male African lion. The lion was famous for, liek with the "heart of a lion," bravely charging out at the bear. And it died in one second, with one swipe from the bear's claw. To date I think no known animal can match a grizzly, except maybe a rhinocerous or elephant or hippo, but I don't think they ever match those.

                          Humans do have an innate primal fighting instinct in us, which is the punch. Studies have shown that making a fist and punching is something inherent in all primates pretty much. Apes will get into fist fights over fruit trees even. What is not instinctive in us is the kicking, also, even though making a fist is instinctive, HOW to PROPERLY make a fist so you don't break your hand is not (which is why untrained people make horrible fists oftentimes). Gorillas, especialyl mountain gorillas, will pick people up and drop them too (which oftentimes they do for fun, because they don't realize that people are not as tough as they are lol). They will walk over and lift you five feet up then just drop you, thinking they are being fun.


                          • #14
                            From this website the lion seems to be the loosers, there are some good arguments there...

                            Interspecies conflict. Which animal is the ultimate carnivore? Which animal would win in the battle between a lion and tiger?

                            For further into other similar highly interesting topics have a look at

                            enjoy .


                            • #15
                              From this website the lion seems to be the looser, there are some good arguments there...

                              Interspecies conflict. Which animal is the ultimate carnivore? Which animal would win in the battle between a lion and tiger?

                              For further into other similar highly interesting topics have a look at

                              enjoy .

