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The reality of Kungfu

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  • The reality of Kungfu

    Dear Brothers

    I respect you all a good fighter and a great warrior. But please do not put
    down kungfu as it is old and has such a large traditional emphasis that goes
    back to the dawn of time

    Kungfu is a way of not just learning to defend oneself but to become a
    better person in all walks of life. Both spiritually and mentally it allows
    one to transcend to higher levels and learn how to deal with a confrontation
    with out the use of physical force.

    Let me ask you this question. A thai boxer recieved crushed bones and problem
    with joints by the time he is 25 years old. Now I ask you how old are the
    great wushu/wingchun masters who have iron shirt iron hand yet they live
    till 80 years old ?

    Why because they have become 'immortals' they have drunk he elixir of youth
    they have crossed the barriers of time and space and are peace with themselves.

    Does it not make u gape in aw when u see an elderly wing chum man take on
    a thai boxer and deflect his every punch whilst he smiles and the thai boxer
    growls and sweats pours from his forehead as he becomes more and more frustrated

    so please have respect for our kungfu brothers.

  • #2
    Originally posted by holyman
    Dear Brothers

    I respect you all a good fighter and a great warrior. But please do not put
    down kungfu as it is old and has such a large traditional emphasis that goes
    back to the dawn of time

    Kungfu is a way of not just learning to defend oneself but to become a
    better person in all walks of life. Both spiritually and mentally it allows
    one to transcend to higher levels and learn how to deal with a confrontation
    with out the use of physical force.

    Let me ask you this question. A thai boxer recieved crushed bones and problem
    with joints by the time he is 25 years old. Now I ask you how old are the
    great wushu/wingchun masters who have iron shirt iron hand yet they live
    till 80 years old ?

    Why because they have become 'immortals' they have drunk he elixir of youth
    they have crossed the barriers of time and space and are peace with themselves.

    Does it not make u gape in aw when u see an elderly wing chum man take on
    a thai boxer and deflect his every punch whilst he smiles and the thai boxer
    growls and sweats pours from his forehead as he becomes more and more frustrated

    so please have respect for our kungfu brothers.

    i already told some of them that KungFu is the best martial arts.... they dont believe me, they dont believe my advice for their own good.....

    perhaps, they also dont believe what advice of their parents for their own good also.....


    • #3
      I'd still beat a crusty old kung fu moron with a headbutt and a couple of combo's and a kick in the ribs as he writhes on the floor in agony, just to prove that kung fu is for people who want to feel better about being bitches.

      And as an after thought, I'll put him in a rear choke just so then I could say I beat him standing up and on the ground.

      have a nice day


      • #4
        Nice try, but I know Ju-Jitsu and XingYiQuan. I know how to block a headbutt, dodge your slow, tensed punches, and then you'd suffer the wraith of Pi Quan as I rip your arm out of your socket, and then drill you with two one knuckle punches in the solar plexus.



        • #5
          I'd just fish hook you, bite off your nose, and go put down a few shots before I go to the hospital to get my shoulder fixed.


          • #6
            if you guys are telling eachother what you would do in a fight, then i see 2 things
            1. you would both lose. fights are not coreographed(sp?)
            2. neither of you have been in a fight
            you don't tell someone what your going to do. and doing so shows your ignorance to the martial arts


            • #7
              The reality of kung-fu, or any martial art for that matter is simply this: whatever works, works... If a tiger claw is gonna save my ass, then I'll use it pertaining to that situation. If I get approached in an alley, the first thing I'm gonna do is look for the nearest exit or weapon... NOT think about how my BJJ, Muay Thai or kung-fu is gonna work. To me, martial art is a kick to the groin, a baseball bat to the face or brick to the skull... All the fancy stuff I save for combat sport.


              • #8
                Originally posted by pstevens
                The reality of kung-fu, or any martial art for that matter is simply this: whatever works, works... If a tiger claw is gonna save my ass, then I'll use it pertaining to that situation. If I get approached in an alley, the first thing I'm gonna do is look for the nearest exit or weapon... NOT think about how my BJJ, Muay Thai or kung-fu is gonna work. To me, martial art is a kick to the groin, a baseball bat to the face or brick to the skull... All the fancy stuff I save for combat sport.

                well said
                couldn't have said it any better


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DrAgOn-T
                  I'd still beat a crusty old kung fu moron with a headbutt and a couple of combo's and a kick in the ribs as he writhes on the floor in agony, just to prove that kung fu is for people who want to feel better about being bitches.

                  And as an after thought, I'll put him in a rear choke just so then I could say I beat him standing up and on the ground.

                  have a nice day
                  i will gonna hit you with my BiuJee to both of your eyes, (like a fish hook) my both two fingers anchored to your inside skull, i run away while pulling your skull and continue laughing (my both two fingers still anchored to the back of your eyes......


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by HandtoHand
                    My thoughts were much of the same, but I didnt say anything because i was waiting for it to deteriorate to the point of well you're this would be blocked by my this. Then the response from the other would be well your this would suck because of my this.

                    I thought that your post would discourage futher comments like this but leave it up to sherwinc.

                    yup, he has proved us wrong many times before hasn't he?
                    oh wait, this is his first


                    • #11
                      eh well
                      we do what we can though i suppose


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by HandtoHand

                        I think dragon-t was expressing just how bad most kung fu people are, but then alex jitsu managed to turn it into a make belive fight.
                        thank you H2H, I was just messing around and someone decieded to take it seriously.


                        • #13
                          Ok big Man

                          Originally posted by DrAgOn-T
                          I'd still beat a crusty old kung fu moron with a headbutt and a couple of combo's and a kick in the ribs as he writhes on the floor in agony, just to prove that kung fu is for people who want to feel better about being bitches.

                          And as an after thought, I'll put him in a rear choke just so then I could say I beat him standing up and on the ground.

                          have a nice day
                          Ok you martial arts god. Try this. Go to a great tai chi school with an old master and try to kick him and put a rear choke. On secong thought videotape it and tell me what happens. You obbviously have no idea what you are talking about and dont even have respect for other peoples styles.


                          • #14
                            I like sherwinc’s definition the best: Sherwinc’s definition of fake KF is “Any kung fu system who's practitioner is beaten by any non-kung fu practitioner or school, is fake kung fu. Sweet definition huh?

                            Talking to some of you about TMAs and especially Kung Fu is like talking to an old dead horse. I say “prove it” You say “it is to deadly to be proven” I say “How do you know you can actually do what you think you can do” You say “We do throat strikes, and eye strikes, we will put someone in the hospital” or “If someone looses he comes from fake karate or commercialized kung fu”. And Around and around we go.

                            I guess many years ago I was there too. It took 20 years for all the evidence to finally mount up enough for me to see the forest through the trees. Believe me it has been difficult to rid myself of back fists and ridged stances and the karate style round kick. We all get lost in these little worlds that we cannot see anything outside, regardless of what people are telling us.

                            I have put a great deal of time and energy into training in different Martial arts, From TMAs, self-defense systems, to combatives. I have put in a lot of time into self study of every thing I could get my hands on books, videos, internet, forums, chat rooms, seminars, training camps to learn more from other folks, some who know far more then me. I have put a lot of time studying psychology both behavioral and sport, as well as sport science. I have researched nearly every criminal study especially studies done on violent crime and self-defense. I then held it all up to my real world experiences and sifted through all the crap to get to the meat.

                            I have found out what happens before, during, and after the assault. I learned what happens during the fight and it aint the shit their shoveling in all those martial arts classes out there. Let me tell you what I found was something I really didn’t expect. I could write a book with the all the research I’ve done but let me tell a few things right here and now. Most of the shit they are selling in most TMAs, and self-defense schools I wouldn’t buy it if it only cost a quarter. I would not give much consideration to any system that is highly stylized or sophisticated, I’d rather practice throwing rocks, it would be more effective.

                            I am tired of the “my art is to deadly” routine or our forms practice give us great chi power and teaches practical defenses or whatever the hell. Anyone who says that in their art they can easily defeat armed or unarmed thugs with “wristlocks, weaponless defangs, disarms, can kill with one strike”, or “my art is secret because it’s so deadly”, and anything with the word butterfly in it definitely belongs to a fake martial art!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by holyman
                              Dear Brothers

                              Does it not make u gape in aw when u see an elderly wing chum man take on
                              a thai boxer and deflect his every punch whilst he smiles and the thai boxer
                              growls and sweats pours from his forehead as he becomes more and more frustrated
                              Put down the opium pipe, master Xiao Yin Jing

