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The reality of Kungfu

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  • #61
    Leopard Knuckles are more faster compare to closedfists, and it really works........ he learned that art in one of his old instructor in South Cotabato, Mindanao.
    Leopard knuckles can be fatal in the throat area, one silat guy I knew used them effectively during aquarrel, he is also from Cotabato... The Maranao tribe (lanao) has also a kind of silat tiger-leopard system were they use among other leopard fists...


    • #62
      Originally posted by krys
      Wing Chun has many arm strenghtening exercises, if one knows the proper use of the forms he can effectively reinforce arms-wrists-legs... Then there is wooden dummy practice, practicing the dummy will definetely reinforce your arms .

      It can damage and even break the join if the arm is extended...
      Wing Chun train with iron ring wrist weights right? It can strengthen blocking quickly.


      • #63
        Wing Chun train with iron ring wrist weights right? It can strengthen blocking quickly.
        I don't know if this is part of Wing Chun, I am from the Yp Cheng lineage (one of the two sons of GM Yp Man).... There are many different styles of Wing Chun (Indonesian, Malaysian, Vietnamese, Fukienese....).... some schools use different training mthods, exple. Vietnamese and Fukien Wing Chun are more internal...

        I was shown how to use special hammer weights to developp power in my strikes and for reinforcment but am not sure where it comes from, wether it is wing chun or another CMA...

        There are many strenghtening exercises in WC for those who can read the forms....
        The two weapon forms are especially good to build up strength and power...
        But very few peoples learned them properly


        • #64
          Quit mocking sherwinc, he knows what he's talking about. Chinese gung-fu has just about anything you can ask for: grappling, kicking, hand striking, finger striking, you name it, the repetoire of techniques is far higher than anything in the western world.
          More isn't necessarily better. And have you read some of the stuff sherwinc has said? He takes absurdity to a whole new level.

          Why aren't there any gung-fu practitioners owning people in the UFC? Face it. The easterners think the westerners are pathetic. In China, respect is highly regarded. Chinese culture is just plain different than other cultures, and that is why they don't bother traveling overseas to fight in some dumb competition.
          Neither respect nor culture will make you a better (or worse) fighter.

          Someone mentioned that a Wing Chun master would break his arm by blocking Tyson's punch. Now, that is just plain wrong. If you block a punch correctly you deflect it, not clash with the force. Also, you have to understand that boxers are not as well conditioned as you think. The only thing they are conditioned in is cardiovascular and muscular. Now a wing chunner's bones are probably far more conditioned than most boxers, since boxers don't really block punches.[/

          Ahh...But according to a few here they are saying, "forearm bashing" to cause damage not deflecting. Deflecting is different and does not cause damage.


          • #65
            Isn't forearm bashing a strike, not a block? What idiot would take a punch directly to their forearm?

            What I was trying to say about the Chinese, is that in order to understand them, you must know their history. In the early days, China was a very closed in country, relying solely on itself, and they did not have contact with anyone else (partially due to their geographical location). They were also very secretive, and did not give or take information from outlanders. They were completely self-reliant. That is why Chinese gung-fu has anything you could ask for. Grappling, kicking, punching, odd strikes, all sorts of things.

            The good Chinese fighters have no need to come and prove themselves in the UFC, or K1, or Pride, or whatever.


            • #66
              Hey check this out:

              Kung fu has been in the UFC a LOT. Jason Delucia kicked a lot of ass, but he got defeated by Gracie obviously. Then there are a few other fake kung fu fighters.


              • #67
                Originally posted by AlexJitsu
                In the early days, China was a very closed in country, relying solely on itself, and they did not have contact with anyone else (partially due to their geographical location). .



                • #68
                  Originally posted by AlexJitsu
                  Hey check this out:

                  Kung fu has been in the UFC a LOT. Jason Delucia kicked a lot of ass, but he got defeated by Gracie obviously. Then there are a few other fake kung fu fighters.
                  The thing I like about the kung fu guys in the UFCs are win or loose their KF technique goes right out the window and they end up swinging wildly. Where are their forearm bashes? Where is the trapping? Where is their fancy footwork? Where are their butterfly kicks?

                  It's interesting how the fancy stuff and the plentiful arsenal of techniques that kung-fu has goes right out the window when they are going full speed, full power, especially against a non-KF fighter. They use only a small fraction of what they have learned and even that looks technically horrible.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by darrianation
                    Ahh...But according to a few here they are saying, "forearm bashing" to cause damage not deflecting. Deflecting is different and does not cause damage.
                    KungFu mostly do that "Forearm Bashing" or smashing of forearm against opponents forearm are the following:
                    1. NgoChoKun KungFu
                    2. AngKa KungFu (Arhats, Lohan)
                    3. Tiger Style KungFu
                    4. Leopard Style KungFu
                    5. Choy Li Fut System KungFu
                    6. Southern Style Praying Mantis KungFu

                    KungFu mostly do that "Deflecting of Opponents hand attacks" are the following:
                    1. WingChun KungFu
                    2. ChiDianBun KungFu
                    3. Hsing-I Chuan KungFu
                    4. Pa-Kua System KungFu
                    5. Hap-Kun To KungFu
                    6. Southern Eagle Claw KungFu

                    KungFu mostly do that "Neutralizing of Opponents attacks and lead it to emptiness" are the following:
                    1. Tai Chi Chuan KungFu


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by darrianation
                      The thing I like about the kung fu guys in the UFCs are win or loose their KF technique goes right out the window and they end up swinging wildly. Where are their forearm bashes? Where is the trapping? Where is their fancy footwork? Where are their butterfly kicks?

                      It's interesting how the fancy stuff and the plentiful arsenal of techniques that kung-fu has goes right out the window when they are going full speed, full power, especially against a non-KF fighter. They use only a small fraction of what they have learned and even that looks technically horrible.
                      GOOD POST!!!!!

                      GOOD QUESTION!!!!!

                      and a.....

                      GOOD COMMENT!!!!!!


                      i'll answer this.....

                      actually, Commercialized KungFu Schools and especially the Fake KungFu Schools here in Iloilo are all that too......

                      when they sparr KungFu versus KungFu - there you could see no blocking, no intecepting, no forms, but - it is also a form and a resemblance of Karate, it is also has the qualities of the Human Dummy.......

                      this is the reason why i hate those Fake KungFu Schools here in Iloilo cause they only deteriorated the true art of KungFu.......

                      and i finally know that same also there in your place and as what you've seen Diaarheanation...... but the most saddest thing of all is......... YOU ARE EASILY FOOLED BY WHAT YOU SEEN ON THOSE KungFu versus UFC

                      for how many times do i tell you that the type of KungFu that you seen is also the type of Fake and Commercialized KungFu Schools and KungFu Instructors here in our place Iloilo City, Philippines........

                      We almost survey all KungFu Schools and KungFu Instructors here in Iloilo City but until now (more than 10 years) I NEVER FIND ANY TRUE KUNGFU SCHOOL ESTABLISHED.......EXCEPT OURS, but our KungFu Club is now gone..... so there is no None-Commercialized/True KungFu School here existed open for practice......

                      but there are vastly, plenty of Fake KungFu Schools/Instructors here operated that they fight same as what you seen that they dont emphasize "Defensive Moves" instead, their KungFu is still a Human Dummy.....

                      and most of the Fake KungFu Schools/Instructors here are 100% beated by just a Karate and a Tae Kwon Do......

                      there are many of True KungFu Instructors here in Iloilo City but they dont teach...... you want to give them money in order to teach you KungFu????? Haw Haw Haw Haw, cause you will be failed..... your just wasting your time and effort if you want to learn true kungfu here.....

                      i am just very very lucky......

                      i sometimes see my KungFu instructor crossing in the street or inside the city mall and i ask him if he wants to teach other new student but he replied that he will not teach anymore....... and for the reason why is - that he already teach us...... he dont want to start for an another beginning of teaching - such a waste of time and effort again.......

                      you know, you could not understand even how many times do i tell you Diaarheanation......
                      In a Biblical - you are like Ramsees..... for how many times you see the miracles of the Lord thru Moses..... and still...... you are not CONVINCED..... it really need for the Red Sea to break apart and kills all your soldiers for you to convinced that he is really a true God but too late........

                      for a final Note:
                      Commercialized and Fake KungFu Schools are easily beated by just a Karate/TaeKwonDo (cause this is always happening to our place........ they did not reach the ratio of hits like 2:22

                      instead, Fake KungFu hit his Karate Opponent 2 times while Karate hit his Fake/Commercialized KungFu opponent 22 times...... why????? cause their KungFu is Disasterlously Bullshit...... (to take note that both of them are HUMAN DUMMIES haw haw haw)

                      even Fake Karate versus Fake KungFu...... the winner is.... the winner is still the Fake Karate cause there are still Fake Karate that can be found here in our place.... and as an evidence for their tournament.

                      so you see?????? even Fake Karate versus Fake KungFu..... still, the winner is a Fake Karate.......



                      • #71
                        Dude, that kung fu guy had some submissions and armbars, he didn't just go apeshit. Also, he knocked people out with kicks and palm heels.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by AlexJitsu
                          What I was trying to say about the Chinese, is that in order to understand them, you must know their history. In the early days, China was a very closed in country, relying solely on itself, and they did not have contact with anyone else (partially due to their geographical location). .



                          • #73
                            Originally posted by sherwinc
                            GOOD POST!!!!!

                            GOOD QUESTION!!!!!

                            and a.....

                            GOOD COMMENT!!!!!!


                            i'll answer this.....

                            actually, Commercialized KungFu Schools and especially the Fake KungFu Schools here in Iloilo are all that too......

                            when they sparr KungFu versus KungFu - there you could see no blocking, no intecepting, no forms, but - it is also a form and a resemblance of Karate, it is also has the qualities of the Human Dummy.......

                            this is the reason why i hate those Fake KungFu Schools here in Iloilo cause they only deteriorated the true art of KungFu.......

                            and i finally know that same also there in your place and as what you've seen Diaarheanation...... but the most saddest thing of all is......... YOU ARE EASILY FOOLED BY WHAT YOU SEEN ON THOSE KungFu versus UFC

                            for how many times do i tell you that the type of KungFu that you seen is also the type of Fake and Commercialized KungFu Schools and KungFu Instructors here in our place Iloilo City, Philippines........

                            We almost survey all KungFu Schools and KungFu Instructors here in Iloilo City but until now (more than 10 years) I NEVER FIND ANY TRUE KUNGFU SCHOOL ESTABLISHED.......EXCEPT OURS, but our KungFu Club is now gone..... so there is no None-Commercialized/True KungFu School here existed open for practice......

                            but there are vastly, plenty of Fake KungFu Schools/Instructors here operated that they fight same as what you seen that they dont emphasize "Defensive Moves" instead, their KungFu is still a Human Dummy.....

                            and most of the Fake KungFu Schools/Instructors here are 100% beated by just a Karate and a Tae Kwon Do......

                            there are many of True KungFu Instructors here in Iloilo City but they dont teach...... you want to give them money in order to teach you KungFu????? Haw Haw Haw Haw, cause you will be failed..... your just wasting your time and effort if you want to learn true kungfu here.....

                            i am just very very lucky......

                            i sometimes see my KungFu instructor crossing in the street or inside the city mall and i ask him if he wants to teach other new student but he replied that he will not teach anymore....... and for the reason why is - that he already teach us...... he dont want to start for an another beginning of teaching - such a waste of time and effort again.......

                            you know, you could not understand even how many times do i tell you Diaarheanation......
                            In a Biblical - you are like Ramsees..... for how many times you see the miracles of the Lord thru Moses..... and still...... you are not CONVINCED..... it really need for the Red Sea to break apart and kills all your soldiers for you to convinced that he is really a true God but too late........

                            for a final Note:
                            Commercialized and Fake KungFu Schools are easily beated by just a Karate/TaeKwonDo (cause this is always happening to our place........ they did not reach the ratio of hits like 2:22

                            instead, Fake KungFu hit his Karate Opponent 2 times while Karate hit his Fake/Commercialized KungFu opponent 22 times...... why????? cause their KungFu is Disasterlously Bullshit...... (to take note that both of them are HUMAN DUMMIES haw haw haw)

                            even Fake Karate versus Fake KungFu...... the winner is.... the winner is still the Fake Karate cause there are still Fake Karate that can be found here in our place.... and as an evidence for their tournament.

                            so you see?????? even Fake Karate versus Fake KungFu..... still, the winner is a Fake Karate.......

                            Oh whatever Once again with the "HE Fake commercialized Kung Fu" defense, how convenient.

                            I’ll tell you something, and I have stated this before, the problem with to many TMAs and especially KF is there so concerned with “Hold your hand like this, exactly at this angle, fingers pointed in that direction, knees like this, and chin that way, Blah, blah, blah…Find the meaning in the Kata”. Instead just shut the **** up and hit him!

                            The TMAs are more concerned with (at least it seems to me) the technical aspects of the technique than it is in its application. This is narrow-minded because this limits the individualism and universality of the techniques(meaning one technique many applications).

                            Things fall apart in real fighting because things happen that aren’t supposed to happen, somebody did not react the way you thought he should, or he is tougher, quicker, stronger than you thought. In real fighting your autonomic reflexes limit the techniques you can use, you’ll find your weapons locker nearly empty. You find you use, or should I say forced to use a limited amount of sloppy looking techniques. This is not bad in and of it self, it’s reality, and if they work, then they work.

                            So way train in all these other 6000 punches, 10,000 kicks, 1000 blocks, (yes, I am exaggerating a little), traps and other crap like that when usually you are mechanically (techniques) reduced in real fighting. It is a waste of time and energy.

                            Things that work in the Dojo during training don’t necessarily work in the street. Dojo conditions are not street conditions.

                            This is also why when a KF guy gets in the octagon against a non-kung Fu guy who isn’t cooperating finds his techniques limited.

                            And Alex, I have seen plenty of KF guys in the UFCs and others like it that have not used there praying mantis "suc nut poo"- techniques effectively. This guy you are referring to has obviously sought some training outside his masters school and is an exception. But as more KF practitioners seek more professional MMA training from MMA coaches they will do better, but they are leaving their traditional training behind.


                            • #74
                              I saw the fight Jason Delucia vs. Royce Gracie. He kicked a lot like Bruce Lee. Also, he was undefeated (for 15 years) until he lost to Gracie.

                              ...and dude, quit saying kata. It's FORM. Karate and TKD "kata" are COMPLETELY different from Gung fu forms. Gung Fu forms are much less obvious, and you don't stop and go step by step. Karate and TKD forms are the same thing you could go practice freestyle or on the heavy bag (punching and kicking), but gung fu forms have techniques in them, and you can't practice techniques on the bag.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by AlexJitsu
                                ...and dude, quit saying kata. It's FORM. Karate and TKD "kata" are COMPLETELY different from Gung fu forms. Gung Fu forms are much less obvious, and you don't stop and go step by step. Karate and TKD forms are the same thing you could go practice freestyle or on the heavy bag (punching and kicking), but gung fu forms have techniques in them, and you can't practice techniques on the bag.

