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The reality of Kungfu

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  • #76
    Originally posted by darrianation
    I have seen plenty of KF guys in the UFCs and others like it that have not used there praying mantis "suc nut poo"- techniques effectively.
    i'll repeat.....

    the KF guys especially the praying mantis kungfu that you see in UFC is also the same like what Fake WingChun Fighters that i see here in Iloilo City in their tournament versus karate or taekwondo opponents.......

    Fake WingChun Fighters who uses Reverse Punch and Lung Punch on their tournament versus Karate........ and they both fight like a HUMAN DUMMY FASHIONS...... haw haw haw haw


    WingChun versus Karate ..... and the winner is....... KARATE

    Diarrheanation, we both see the same phenomenon......

    True/Non-Commercialized KungFu never expose their art to public here in our place.....



    • #77
      If you got a good strong forearms all you need to do is block and not just block but use your block to your advantage as a counter or striking move, improvising. Ex. Jab blocking should be the forearm should not only block but also you see to trap someone or lock. In a fight anything goes.


      • #78
        Originally posted by AlexJitsu
        I saw the fight Jason Delucia vs. Royce Gracie. He kicked a lot like Bruce Lee. Also, he was undefeated (for 15 years) until he lost to Gracie.

        ...and dude, quit saying kata. It's FORM. Karate and TKD "kata" are COMPLETELY different from Gung fu forms. Gung Fu forms are much less obvious, and you don't stop and go step by step. Karate and TKD forms are the same thing you could go practice freestyle or on the heavy bag (punching and kicking), but gung fu forms have techniques in them, and you can't practice techniques on the bag.
        I know what you guys call it and I use the correct terminology from time to time but if I want to call it a kata, then a kata it is.

        Actually Jason Delucia has had an extensive fight carreer with many wins and many losses and a few draws. His actual fight record is: 33 (wins) - 19 (losses) - 1 (draw). He is a good fighter.


        • #79
          Guys The Bull Shit in the TMAs runs deep. Lets cut through the shit and get to what’s real.

          I am going to tell you a secret, the secret of self-defense, a secret so secret that I am putting myself in danger by even mentioning it. The traditionalists don’t want you to know this, at this very moment Masters and practitioners from all manner of traditional martial arts from all over the world are gathering outside to try and stop me from telling you this secret.

          Now I charge only a nominal fee for this vitally important information. Remember I am risking my life by revealing these secrets. How much is fair? How much is your life worth? How much do you pay at your dojo or gym for training over a ten your period? $6000? You can make checks payable to Darrianation and send to….

          Now shush, everyone quiet….

          The secret is: (drum roll please)

          Hit!!! Hit first, Hit hard, Hit often…keep Hitting! Hit, Hit, Hit, and then hit some more. Hit with everything you have, hit with determination, Hit with ferocity, Hit violently, and Hit to destroy.

          Hit regardless of what he is doing, Hit even if you are being Hit. Hit if he’s a little skinny snot nose kid, Hit even if he’s larger and stronger, Hit, Hit, and Hit! Drive him back, keep him off balance, Hit him in the chin, in the mouth, the nose, the eye sockets, the temple, the brain stem, the mastoid, the neck, the throat, and the balls…Hit, Hit, Hit! Hit him as hard and as fast as you possibly can, and keep on Hitting!

          Hit! Do not forearm bash, unless it’s your forearm against his face. No trapping, no wristlocks, no gunting, no fancy footwork, no fine motor techniques. This isn’t rocket science, this isn’t any philosophy class, and this isn’t the time to get in touch with your spiritual side, there is no time for reflecting, stop all the theorizing, stop worrying if you foot is pointed in the right direction, just shut the f*** up and hit the guy!!!

          Hit, Hit, Hit! Hit him until he is no longer a threat!

          Remember your priorities in self-defense:

          1) Avoidance

          If you cannot avoid-

          2) Weapons

          If you are not armed (dumb) then find a weapon of opportunity (if time and distance allows), if there are no weapons then use-

          3) Empty hands (Hit, Hit, Hit! Hit first, Hit hard, and Hit often)

          This is the sum of my knowledge from my observations, experiences, and 27 years of martial arts training.This is the truth, this is reality, this aint no party, this aint no f***ing Disco, this aint no fooling the f*** around. Anything else is just fluff, someone trying to take your money. Its sugar, spice, and feel nice garbage, none of it will do you any good when the real Bubba gets out of prison, who isn’t afraid of the law, or of being killed, who maybe chemically fueled and who is determined to cave in your face and
          rape your wife or girlfriend.


          • #80
            Originally posted by darrianation
            Guys [B]

            Hit, Hit, Hit! Hit him until he is no longer a threat!

            Or, instead of breaking your hands, pick him up and drop him on his head.


            • #81
              What I meant with Delucia was he didn't lose until he fought Gracie. Then after that he started losing, maybe it was that he lost his mindset or something.

              TMA kick ass. You'll learn a LOT more in TMA than in MMA. This has been said before and I'll say it again:

              Most of people in the UFC are NOT good. They are not at the instructor level, and they are sure as hell not at the master level. They are just big, ripped guys. Half the time the fights look like a bunch of brawlers throwing haymakers and the like (remember when Lidell got schooled by a grappler with only a few months of boxing training?). Gracie is a 5th degree black belt and that is a reason why he kicks all the other grapplers' asses.


              • #82
                Originally posted by AlexJitsu
                Most of people in the UFC are NOT good. They are not at the instructor level, and they are sure as hell not at the master level. They are just big, ripped guys.

                I guess it depends how you define "good". Wouldn't you admit that most of the top UFC types would physically dominate most instructors or masters of TMA?


                • #83
                  Originally posted by AlexJitsu
                  In the early days, China was a very closed in country, relying solely on itself, and they did not have contact with anyone else (partially due to their geographical location).



                  • #84
                    What the hell is your problem? Do you have any idea how annoying that is? GO BACK TO FRESHMAN WORLD HISTORY. China didn't want anyone's help, thus they developed everything on their own.

                    China invented the compass, gunpowder, and like everything before the west did, INCLUDING martial arts.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by jubaji
                      Or, instead of breaking your hands, pick him up and drop him on his head.
                      I do have throws I use and train but my main priority is to execute throws while staying on my feet, so I can escape or execute stomps, or at least fall on top if I loose my balance, or he grabs on and pulls me down with him. I do not use throws that have complicated setups, turns my back to my opponent, or brings him down on top of me. Also I don’t rely to much on throws that need clothing to execute, many grips can be modified like instead of lapel grab hook the hand around the head or neck, instead of grabbing the sleeve you can over/under hook the arm/armpit. But if the clothing is there I will take advantage of it.

                      My most often used strikes are palm/s, tiger claw, hammer fists,elbows, clicnh and knees these are hand preserving strategies. However I will throw a jab/cross at times to get inside.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by darrianation
                        I do have throws I use and train but my main priority is to execute throws while staying on my feet, so I can escape or execute stomps, or at least fall on top if I loose my balance, or he grabs on and pulls me down with him. I do not use throws that have complicated setups, turns my back to my opponent, or brings him down on top of me. Also I don’t rely to much on throws that need clothing to execute, many grips can be modified like instead of lapel grab hook the hand around the head or neck, instead of grabbing the sleeve you can over/under hook the arm/armpit. But if the clothing is there I will take advantage of it.

                        My most often used strikes are palm/s, tiger claw, hammer fists,elbows, clicnh and knees these are hand preserving strategies. However I will throw a jab/cross at times to get inside.
                        I'm impressed that you don't strike like a stupid boxer. You must not like normal punching because of the risk of hurting your wrist.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by AlexJitsu
                          What the hell is your problem? Do you have any idea how annoying that is? GO BACK TO FRESHMAN WORLD HISTORY. .
                          Terribly sorry if I've annoyed you, but stupid statements like:

                          "they did not have contact with anyone else partially due to their geographical location."

                          confuse me to no end.

                          Maybe you need to read more than the Cliff's Notes version of history and buy yourself a world map.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by darrianation
                            I do not use throws that brings him down on top of me.

                            Good idea!


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by AlexJitsu
                              I'm impressed that you don't strike like a stupid boxer. You must not like normal punching because of the risk of hurting your wrist.

                              Yeah, those silly boxers don't know how to fight. Strip-mall dojo darlings like you are much more dangerous.


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by darrianation
                                The secret is: (drum roll please)

                                Hit!!! Hit first, Hit hard, Hit often…keep Hitting! Hit, Hit, Hit, and then hit some more. Hit with everything you have, hit with determination, Hit with ferocity, Hit violently, and Hit to destroy.

                                Hit regardless of what he is doing, Hit even if you are being Hit. Hit if he’s a little skinny snot nose kid, Hit even if he’s larger and stronger, Hit, Hit, and Hit! Drive him back, keep him off balance, Hit him in the chin, in the mouth, the nose, the eye sockets, the temple, the brain stem, the mastoid, the neck, the throat, and the balls…Hit, Hit, Hit! Hit him as hard and as fast as you possibly can, and keep on Hitting!

                                Hit! Do not forearm bash, unless it’s your forearm against his face. No trapping, no wristlocks, no gunting, no fancy footwork, no fine motor techniques. This isn’t rocket science, this isn’t any philosophy class, and this isn’t the time to get in touch with your spiritual side, there is no time for reflecting, stop all the theorizing, stop worrying if you foot is pointed in the right direction, just shut the f*** up and hit the guy!!!

                                Hit, Hit, Hit! Hit him until he is no longer a threat!

                                Remember your priorities in self-defense:

                                1) Avoidance

                                If you cannot avoid-

                                2) Weapons

                                If you are not armed (dumb) then find a weapon of opportunity (if time and distance allows), if there are no weapons then use-

                                3) Empty hands (Hit, Hit, Hit! Hit first, Hit hard, and Hit often)

                                This is the sum of my knowledge from my observations, experiences, and 27 years of martial arts training.This is the truth, this is reality, this aint no party, this aint no f***ing Disco, this aint no fooling the f*** around. Anything else is just fluff, someone trying to take your money. Its sugar, spice, and feel nice garbage, none of it will do you any good when the real Bubba gets out of prison, who isn’t afraid of the law, or of being killed, who maybe chemically fueled and who is determined to cave in your face and
                                rape your wife or girlfriend.
                                and how about if your opponent fights also the same like yours???????

                                then both of your fights are all HUMAN DUMMIES.......

                                It is either one of you are DEAD and the other are CRIPPLED

                                there is no winner if both of you are injured, since both of you fight in a Human Dummy Fashion...... no sense of Defensive Forearm Blocking, Intercepting, Neutralizing, Yeilding, Parrying, etc......

                                Try to analyze pls......

