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The reality of Kungfu

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  • Originally posted by jubaji
    5'11!? Holy crap! A giant!

    ...and still growing about 4 inches a year.

    My point was yes, I've been in high school brawls that involved danger and emotion, but I haven't been in a life-threatening street fight with weapons.


    • Originally posted by AlexJitsu
      Jubaji, the mere fact that you just said a boxer could own a good martial artist is just absurd.

      In a real go, that is completely not absurd it is the truth. Many a MAist have had thier asses handed to them by boxers


      • Yes, I'm 5'11, but by no means "bulky". Do you want to get banned? If so, keep calling me a little girl, idiot, because right now you're acting worse than I ever did.


        • Originally posted by AlexJitsu
          Jubaji, the mere fact that you just said a boxer could own a good martial artist is just absurd. Outside block a shitty boxer's punch and look! He's off balance, his arms are all packaged up, and you're on the side of him? How is he going to use his limited and crappy training to defeat you now, huh? Oh wait, you already threw him on his ass and spat in his face.
          Alex, I find your quote to be quite disturbing. I have seen boxers knock good martial artists around pretty good. I was in the Philippines, near Bohol, a few years back and a karate school issued a challenge to a boxer, just to bet money. As soon as the fight started, the boxer cornered the poor karate guy so he couldn't use his low kicks and beat the heck out of his face. After the 2nd round, the karate guy couldn't take it, the boxer was too fast with his hands, so the karate guy bit him on round 3.
          See? Just cause boxing is boxing, doesn't make it inefficient in fighting.


          • Yeah, there's a big difference between karate and everything else. I'm not a kicker by all means, my style is a punching style. I'm not saying I could take on Mike Tyson or anything, but an amateur boxer, sure.

            I just have something against boxing, it's just an incomplete system that is meant solely for sport, just like TKD.


            • Originally posted by AlexJitsu
              Yeah, my style is a punching style. I'm not saying I could take on Mike Tyson or anything, but an amateur boxer, sure.
              Sure? Suuuuuuuuuure

              Here's hoping you find out the hard way!


              • I think it is unfair to make the assumption that because you have seen a boxer beat up a martial artist that boxing is superior to martial arts. Martial arts is something that takes years to get good at. This is because it involves a great deal of skill, body mechanics, and timing. Some people are good boxers after only a few months of training. It doesn't take as long to learn. Now most people don't stick with martial arts long enough to be good at using it in real life against an opponent or opponents trying to kill you. So many of these people who train for a year or so and call themselves martial artists give all martial artists a bad name. They try and use techniques they haven't fully mastered only to be beaten to a pulp for doing something stupid.


                • Originally posted by jcmack
                  Some people are good boxers after only a few months of training. It doesn't take as long to learn.

                  Another f'ing moron heard from!


                  • Originally posted by jcmack
                    I think it is unfair to make the assumption that because you have seen a boxer beat up a martial artist that boxing is superior to martial arts.

                    Dude let's be specific. I have personally witnessed manya BB get thier asses handed to them. is reality thast painful?


                    • Originally posted by jcmack
                      I think it is unfair to make the assumption that because you have seen a boxer beat up a martial artist that boxing is superior to martial arts. Martial arts is something that takes years to get good at. This is because it involves a great deal of skill, body mechanics, and timing. Some people are good boxers after only a few months of training. It doesn't take as long to learn. Now most people don't stick with martial arts long enough to be good at using it in real life against an opponent or opponents trying to kill you. So many of these people who train for a year or so and call themselves martial artists give all martial artists a bad name. They try and use techniques they haven't fully mastered only to be beaten to a pulp for doing something stupid.
                      Actually, I'm not assuming that a boxer is superior at all to martial arts. Personally, it's just that at that moment, the boxer did have advantage, and from what I gathered, the karate guy was the best at his school, trained many years.
                      I just believe that boxing is practical, not superior( as there are none), but I respect your opinion.

                      Originally posted by AlexJitsu
                      I just have something against boxing, it's just an incomplete system that is meant solely for sport, just like TKD.
                      As for you, Alex, I'm quickly losing respect with what you say. Maybe one day you'll learn that such an incomplete system as boxing can beat the bullcrap out of you if you don't be careful... or maybe your hated TKD? Sorry, Alex, get a life than putting people's arts down.


                      • Maybe I'll say something like that the next time you diss kung fu.


                        • I'm immature? Wow. You can't even spell or use the forum correctly, and all you do all day is diss kung fu and I all day.


                          • Originally posted by sherwinc
                            and how about if your opponent fights also the same like yours???????

                            then both of your fights are all HUMAN DUMMIES.......

                            It is either one of you are DEAD and the other are CRIPPLED

                            there is no winner if both of you are injured, since both of you fight in a Human Dummy Fashion...... no sense of Defensive Forearm Blocking, Intercepting, Neutralizing, Yeilding, Parrying, etc......

                            Try to analyze pls......

                            No, you analyze this, Bubba, a big mean motha’ f***a’, even his friends are afraid of him. He has an antisocial disorder and does not play by societies rules. He doesn’t care who the f*** you are, he doesn’t like you. He has been in and out of prison; he has been a drug dealer, has committed robbery, assault, aggravated assault, or maybe even murder. In prison he was a member of the most feared gang, and all he did was lift weights, get meaner, and intimidate other prisoners including dispatching a couple of guys from a rival gang.

                            Try your intercepting, forearm-bashing, neutralizing shit on him; he’ll take your head off! And more than likely he is armed with the biggest nastiest knife you ever saw!

                            Be careful when relying on techniques that use reaction instead of action (like forearm- bashing, intercepting, trapping, etc), exact timing, and precision targeting. Unpredictability Stress, fear, and adrenaline interfere with fine motor movements, changes perception, decrease or distort reaction time, and throws off timing.

                            Techniques like the ones you are referring to rely on performing the technique with such preciseness, and flawlessness that under such extremes as Bubba suddenly, brutally, and violently attacking you have a higher fail rate.

                            So while you are worshiping your fancy, complicated, and intricate techniques, I’ll be preparing for Bubba; I’ll be practicing fighting my way through three of Bubbas friends to get to the exit. I’ll be preparing for that guy pulling a tire iron, or crow bar from the trunk of his car. I’ll prepare for the guy who kicks in my door waving a gun in my face.

                            While you are spending your time perfecting character, pondering the mysteries of the ancient masters and chi power, and working towards flawless pristine techniques, I’ll be spending more time on weapons than on empty hands, not samurai swords, not broad swords, spears, three sectional staffs, or sais, but real weapons that real people use to defend themselves like guns, knives, stick, pepper spray. I’ll be practicing ECQB (extremely close quarters battle) using clearing techniques like the flinch or startle method to provide me with distance to draw my weapon.

                            So while you are worshiping your techniques, I’ll be training to be brutal, while your spending years learning and perfecting technique, pondering philosophy, and feeling spiritually fulfilled, I’ll be training for functionality, while you fight like a gymnast or a ballerina, I may look crude but I’ll be effective.

                            Stop worshiping technique!

                            Weapons beats empty hands, mental toughness beats physical toughness, and physical toughness often beats technique. You need to be aggressive, you need to be brutal, and you need to hit, hit, and hit! Use palm strikes, web hands (to the throat), hammer fists, punches, ridge hands, reverse ridge hands, elbows, knees, head buts, bite, kick him in the balls, stomp his knee, tiger claw and other eye gouging techniques, but keep on striking until he is no longer a threat! Forget about the aesthetics of flowery movements; just go brutal on his ass.


                            • Originally posted by AlexJitsu
                              I'm impressed that you don't strike like a stupid boxer. You must not like normal punching because of the risk of hurting your wrist.
                              In street fighting the potential for damaging your hands is high. Using closed fist punches you increase the likelihood of injury. Vertical punches will help reduce injury a little, but I rely mostly on openhanded strikes like the palm heel, I also use the hammer fist, and tiger claw more often than closed fist knuckle punches.

                              My favorite technique, I call this a universal technique because it can be used as a platform for many other techniques/applications.

                              A double palm strike and drive!

                              The hands are out to deflect/catch (like a boxer’s catching the jab)/block incoming punches, and driving him back keeps him off balance so he cannot punch or can only throw weak punches. My chin is down to protect my throat, the shoulders protect my chin, and the arms protect the neck. Hips are back (pelvis tilted back) so he cannot stab a vital area (if armed with a knife), also protects groin. Fingers are slightly curled to prevent injury and hopefully slide into the eyes but if they don’t that’s fine too because at some point while pushing him back I’ll try to slide my thumbs into his eyes.

                              This is also a good bridge for many other techniques; sliding thumbs into eyes, punching, hammer fists, web hand to throat, collapsing the arms into elbow strikes, if the guy grabs onto me I will clinch and knee him, throw a head but or an Osoto gari, and etc. This technique takes advantage of the startle response, is fast, powerful, brutal, both offensive and defensive, and off balances the attacker. This also works well against multiple attackers allowing you to plow through them to the exit or escape.

                              *Note this technique is not meant to use if the attacker is visibly armed.


                              • Heh, Osoto gari, now THAT'S a technique. Couple it with the Shredder technique, and I think that would put any street fighter flat on his ass.

                                This one time this fatass grabbed me in like a front arms closed bearhug, he must have weighed 300 lbs. But anyhow, he was SO fat, that pressure points on the ribs wouldn't work. I then did osoto-gari on him and he fell flat on his ass (and head), onto the concrete, with me on top.

