Let me first clear something up about the william cheung and emin boztepe issue. Emin jumped cheung as soon as he turned his back on emin he jumped cheung. Second Thai Thai little Thai. I respect all martial arts styles. One thing I hate is when people disrespect styles and grandmasters. I am a wing chun student and william cheung is the head of the association. I don't like disrecpectful people like you bri. You call yourself a martial artist please buddy. I'll tell you what I travel alot just for tournaments. I do not mine traveling to where you are and showing you what wing chun is all about. Yes I am asking for a battle and I promise you if you accept you will learn to respect not just wing chun but all kung fu styles and most of all my grandmaster william cheung.
No announcement yet.
Iron dragon vs Thai Bri
ok little demon your right
Little Demon I read what you said to me on the William cheung/Emin boztepe thread your right I will stand down and your right as a martial artist I am not to start fights but avoid them. I will let this go because of I am as a martial artist a have to keep my head stright. Ok Little Demon I'll stand down.
This thread made me wonder a bit. 'as a martial artist I should avoid fights'.
Why is that ? I'm not thinking 'self defence', but the main concept of combat arts is combat, is it not ?
Take Kung Fu (or I guess any other art). every style was created by Usha Dusha taking a beating from Doshka boshka then training harder and come back for another challenge etc. etc. The myths are _filled_ with people who seemingly did nothing but train and fight, observing ducks fight then create one hit kill-punch.
some fighters go out and fight. Not nesecarily pick them, but don't do anything to prevent them. That includes quite some instructors and practiconers I know, from Kung Fu to Thai and even Aikido/hapkido (!).
Now, random violence is some of the most disgusting things I know of, and I hold utterly small respect for people taking out their own agression on strangers.
But I must admit, I dont really care if some martial artist accept these challenges and whipe the floor with the bar-brawlers.
Im not saying there is a 'right' or 'wrong' here, but the whole 'MA people should not fight' aspect somwhat puzzles me. Why should we not ?
(personaly I eat verbal 'shit' from strangers to avoid fighting, mostly because I dont want to get badly hurt myself, witch is a possible outcome of any fight. But thats beside the point)
Dear Miss Dragon. It was actually Cheung who was disrespecting other styles (both inside and outside the WC regime). And then he got his arse kicked. You come over to Manchester in the UK anytime. I will even pick you up from the airport and take you to wherever you're staying.
As an LEO I cannot professionally involve myself in no rules affairs. But some kind of UFC type structure should suit us fine.
William Cheung is a bullying big headed boastful bastard. He got what he deserved. By the way, what so called Master would turn his back when challenged? Haw haw haw!
It always kills me when people try to make Cheung sound all noble and modest. The guy laid an open challenge, and proclaimed that he was the ONLY guy who knew "real Wing Chun. He also seriously disrespected everyone else.
So come on down. It will be an experience for both of us.
Originally posted by Iron dragonLet me first clear something up about the william cheung and emin boztepe issue. Emin jumped cheung as soon as he turned his back on emin he jumped cheung.I will try not to laugh, but have you anything to back that up, cause that's what you probably heard from your self-proclaimed Grandmaster. As with all there isn't just one point of view. Just becuase CHeung says so it doesnt mean that it is so.
BTW have your read the whole thread about this subject in particular?http://www.defend.net/deluxeforums/s...ad.php?t=11857
If not then I suggest that you do.
Thai Bri
Dear Mrs. little Thai Bri I will say this only once then you will not be worth my time with me replying or posting threads about you. It was not just about william cheung and wing chun. I read other threads and replys of yours it seems that you have a problem with disrespecting other styles. I am I martial artist who respect other styles I might say the fighting style is not for me but I will always respect other styles. You see everyone one was young once I don't never ask grandmaster cheung about his past when I see him but I can tell you this he was the one who told me to respect other styles. I don't think a bully as you thai bri called him would say something like that.
My style
Wing chun can compete in any type of match. Wing chun is truly not just kung fu but it is a mixture of other styles as well. HandtoHand you want to know why I am going to turn this match down you see thai bri is not worth my time. As I martial artist I have to keep my head stright. As I martial artist I was always told to battle other martial artist out of respect and honor and if I was going to fight Thai Bri it would not be out of respect or honor.
Iron Dragon.....I think you should channel your energy into UFC and PRIDE since you like fighting, like to travel and want to make a name for WC. Empty internet threats are silly and actually makes a statement about you.
Zirk...the goal of MA is not to fight, it ois to raise yourself beyond the need to fight and prepare you for the times you cannot avoid it. There are philosophy and principles about how a human should try a human and knowing that you may easily engage somone with harmful and potentially dangerous techniques is wrong. The goal is not just mastery of techniqe but yourself....or simply put just becuase you can do something doesn't mean you should.....with great power comes greater responsibility
Let's put words into action with money on it.Anyway I'm inviting you to join MMA events here in Manila! Interested? Check URCC.NET we encourage foreigners to fight and train with Filipino fighters.
You know with the amount of forum fights that go on at this site, I'd hate to see what would happen if this were a physical forum (a room with cafe, tables, chairs, etc...) there'd be fights every night, Sherwinc and Chinese martial arts table would be fighting everyone from TKD to Japanese to BJJ to Muay Thai martial arts tables, since he announces kung fu is dominant to all arts, Thai Bri would be banging "stupid" people over the head, we'd have Chinese broadsword vs. Japanese katana fighting for dominance, Japanese martial arts table and Korean martial arts table would have karate and TKD fighters jumping and fighting each other and Thai and BJJ fighters to prove they aren't worthless arts, etc....hahahaha we'd have the "UFC Goes Gladiatorial Roman-Style" here if this forum was an actual building and not a website.
Originally posted by Broadsword2004You know with the amount of forum fights that go on at this site, I'd hate to see what would happen if this were a physical forum (a room with cafe, tables, chairs, etc...) there'd be fights every night
Yes, and I would like to take my place as the official promoter.....I simpley request 10% upfront and in cash (y'know I can't trust any of you MA guys for payment after the match)
Originally posted by avelocciMeh, it would be sick to watch them battle it out, i'd even make a sign for Thai Bri since he is my hero. I wonder how it would match up, Iron Dragon what belt are you?
Andrew Velocci
That was all he said initially (my Kung Fu slippers were slippery....blah blah blah". It was quite a few years before he came up with the more creative excuses (jumped from behind, threatened by a group, he won really etc. ec.).
Originally posted by Iron dragonWing chun can compete in any type of match. Wing chun is truly not just kung fu but it is a mixture of other styles as well. HandtoHand you want to know why I am going to turn this match down you see thai bri is not worth my time. As I martial artist I have to keep my head stright. As I martial artist I was always told to battle other martial artist out of respect and honor and if I was going to fight Thai Bri it would not be out of respect or honor.
me???? before i spar other non-kungfu martial arts i usually bring dit dat jow,
i remember the story of NgoChoKun's Founder Chua Giok Beng, that his best students was his best opponents before he convinced them to a friendly match...... the objectives of that friendly match is a sharing of martial arts learn and not for personal fighting/quarrels....
ThaiBri will become one of your trustfull students.......
Even my Chi Dian Bun has no match with this WingChun, i mean it really..... but i notice that in WingChun - there is lacking and i cant considered it as a perfect kungfu arts ever invented..... do you want to know what is lacking in WingChun's hand arsenals?????????
1. WingChun has no Circling Hand Attacks......
The only thing that WingChun has is:
1. Straight Hand Attacks..... Simple, Direct, and To-The-Point.... where the shortest distance between point A to point B is a straight line..... the leading fist is prioritize....
2. Angle Hand attacks...... that an immediate change of hand strokes from Straight Hand Attacks to Angle Hand Attacks...... the result is...... the opponent is hit by plenty of hand combinations before he will notice that change of strokes.....
Angle Hand Attacks is a very hard to intercept cause it is not delivered straight......
WingChun has no Circling Hand Attacks....... the advantages of circling hand attacks is its "WHAT YOU SEE IS NOT" or "ILLUSION TECHNIQUES"
but wait.......
even thou WingChun has no Circling Hand Attacks (like the Walking Hand Techniques of ChiDianBun) still, WingChun as its ChiSau (Defensive AutoPilot) to intercept almost all Circling Hand Attacks.......