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Has anyone fought decent chinese MA practitioners?

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  • Has anyone fought decent chinese MA practitioners?

    I myself have never fought any CMA practitioners and would like to know other's experience with them. Tell me your stories of old/memorable fights with practitioners of chinese martial arts. OBEY!
    Estoy pantalones...

  • #2

    If you know BJJ, Bjj, you can throttle about 99 percent of the kung fu guys if you're including groundfighting. lol, no surprise to you I imagine. Unfortunately, most kung fu guys can be somewhat closeminded into thinking they won't be taken to the ground or they'll eyestrike a grappler.

    I have a kung fu background and have sparred a ton of kung fu guys of almost every style. When my Wing Chun couldn't hold up against the really good guys, I used my trump card. Because I also studied JKD, I was able to beat nearly all of them by just kickboxing them. In NYC, they have what's called the Wong Fei Hung tournament. It's held once a year, and all the big names from Chinatown show up. The guys who end up winning in the advanced fighting had backgrounds in JKD, boxing, and muay thai.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Mr. Gordo

      If you know BJJ, Bjj, you can throttle about 99 percent of the kung fu guys if you're including groundfighting. lol, no surprise to you I imagine. Unfortunately, most kung fu guys can be somewhat closeminded into thinking they won't be taken to the ground or they'll eyestrike a grappler.

      I have a kung fu background and have sparred a ton of kung fu guys of almost every style. When my Wing Chun couldn't hold up against the really good guys, I used my trump card. Because I also studied JKD, I was able to beat nearly all of them by just kickboxing them. In NYC, they have what's called the Wong Fei Hung tournament. It's held once a year, and all the big names from Chinatown show up. The guys who end up winning in the advanced fighting had backgrounds in JKD, boxing, and muay thai.
      in this site:

      here you could see AIKIDO have basic 150 alphabets.....


      according to this website that i read....... AIKIDO have a total of 3000 alphabets.......

      meaning...... MORE IS BETTER THAN FEW


      • #4
        here you could see AIKIDO have basic 150 alphabets.....


        according to this website that i read....... AIKIDO have a total of 3000 alphabets.......

        meaning...... MORE IS BETTER THAN FEW


        I don't understand what you're trying to convey.


        • #5
          Originally posted by sherwinc
          in this site:

          here you could see AIKIDO have basic 150 alphabets.....


          according to this website that i read....... AIKIDO have a total of 3000 alphabets.......

          meaning...... MORE IS BETTER THAN FEW

          No no no no no, Aikido has 6 or so throws and about the same amount of controlls, they are just capable of usen them in hundres of different ways

          If you look at the syllabus, you will see for instance Shiho nage but done against lapelgrab, against overhead strike, against wristgrab, against double wristgrab, etc etc etc but the throw is essentially the same only the setup is different
          so what you learn is the same FEW throws but from any possible attack of possition and turning in or out
          the setup is determined by the attack, the throw by the defender(Aikidoka)

          teaching a Few technique but making them applicable in any sytuation ( nvinite amount of applications) is what several other arts do too

          If you can use a FEW techniques in all situations, it is far better than being able to use a LOT of techniques in a limited amount of situations
          The more techniques you learn the less likely you are to be able to apply them in all situations


          • #6
            I see, now I understand what you mean by alphabets. Toudiyama is correct.

            We are different from the other styles of Aikido due to the six basic movements that Shioda Sensei created: elbow power #1; elbow power #2; cross-step in body change; 95 degree pivot; after-class exercise #1; and after-class exercise #2. We also have our basic stance, which is different from any other Aikido group. We stand on our right side, in strong position. In North America, we added: 180 degree pivot cross-step back; cross-step 180 degree pivot shuffle back; and tai sabaki (body movements involving centrifugal force and centripetal force exercise). This makes a total of 9 basic movements. This is our basic Aikido alphabet. If we practice these every class, we create Yoshinkan Aikido forms, techniques and movements. Of all the things that Shioda Sensei left, the basic movements (Kihon Dosa) are the most important. The secret of success in Yoshinkan Aikido is the study of basic movements if we want to continue to grow. - Kimeda Sensei



            • #7
              Thanks for that qoute Gordo


              • #8
                I fought a CMA guy once... mind u he was only a green belt or something... and we were just sparring... but i made him tap out while we were standing... and without choking or anything... he's put up the best fight of anyone ive ever sparred with though... oh except for my brother beating me up when i was little.. lol


                • #9
                  In NYC, they have what's called the Wong Fei Hung tournament. It's held once a year, and all the big names from Chinatown show up. The guys who end up winning in the advanced fighting had backgrounds in JKD, boxing, and muay thai
                  Sigh. They're naming tournaments after a Jet Li movie now. What's this world coming to?

                  Oh and try to ignore sherwinc. He's one of the few trolls out there that manage to change every thread into a "KungFu is superior to all" thread.

                  Thanks for the comments. Now i demand more stories and such.


                  • #10
                    Theres a Jet Li movie called... Wei Hei Feung... or w/e it is i cant remember since reading last post... too lazy to check.... maybe i should go see that movie... and eh whats the point of asking for these stories if ur not gonna comment on them? not that i really care but y 'know...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
                      I myself have never fought any CMA practitioners and would like to know other's experience with them. Tell me your stories of old/memorable fights with practitioners of chinese martial arts. OBEY!
                      Sanshou fighters are the best fighters in Chinese martial arts. Ever get slammed into the ground? Even at 2/3 power landing in the ring, you're gonna feel it...

                      now imagine full-power and on harder surface NURSE!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
                        Sigh. They're naming tournaments after a Jet Li movie now. What's this world coming to?
                        Wow, you're kidding right? Wong Fei Hung was like the best fighter to ever live, he was also a doctor and various other things. He's one of the most well known legends in China.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
                          Theres a Jet Li movie called... Wei Hei Feung... or w/e it is i cant remember since reading last post... too lazy to check.... maybe i should go see that movie... and eh whats the point of asking for these stories if ur not gonna comment on them? not that i really care but y 'know...
                          Yea the movie is called Once apon a time in China, my sifu playes a role of the bad guy in one of the movies... Think there are like 4-6 of em.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tameo
                            Yea the movie is called Once apon a time in China, my sifu playes a role of the bad guy in one of the movies... Think there are like 4-6 of em.
                            which bad guy was he in which movie?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL]
                              No no no no no, Aikido has 6 or so throws and about the same amount of controlls, they are just capable of usen them in hundres of different ways

                              If you look at the syllabus, you will see for instance Shiho nage but done against lapelgrab, against overhead strike, against wristgrab, against double wristgrab, etc etc etc but the throw is essentially the same only the setup is different
                              so what you learn is the same FEW throws but from any possible attack of possition and turning in or out
                              the setup is determined by the attack, the throw by the defender(Aikidoka)

                              teaching a Few technique but making them applicable in any sytuation ( nvinite amount of applications) is what several other arts do too

                              If you can use a FEW techniques in all situations, it is far better than being able to use a LOT of techniques in a limited amount of situations
                              The more techniques you learn the less likely you are to be able to apply them in all situations
                              Actually ChiDianBun KungFu has a total of over 200+ fighting alphabets......

                              but my KungFu instructor teach me only 55 of it..........

                              but this 55 alphabets x 6 unique applications each = 330 overall unique fighting alphabets.....


                              if you compare ChiDianBun to AiKiDo

                              ChiDianBun that i learn i have a total of 330 overall unique fighting alphabets


                              AiKiDo has a total of 3000 alphabets.......

                              comparing 330 versus 3000 ????????????


                              The reason why you could not use your AiKiDo versus other martial arts like Boxing cause of AiKiDo's 3000 alphabets versus 6 alphabets of western boxing


                              Western Boxing Wins.......

                              I am correct?????????

