Well this big muscular black kid talked shit to me today. I wasn't to happy, so afterschool we fought. He punched me in the nose head and shit, I did get on his back and elbowed him in the spine and a couple blows to the head. Heres the problem, all that MA crap I practice didn't work at all. Nothing at all, I became sloppy during the fight. It was all swinging arms crap. My punches weren't powerful. This also shows that a real good MA doesn't try to get in fights. I failed, i'm giving up TKD crap and stuff like that. Any one know something that really works? Also I couldnt see his hands really either since we were out in the sun and crap. My eye's suck I guess. He wanted to fight more I said naa you won fair. Then I was calling some one and he ran at me and punched me in the temple area and I flipped and broke my glasses and crap. I didn't even know he was gonna do that. I took all the blows and didn't cry or get K.O. Everyone at the fight thought I was gonna whoop his ass badly. They betted a shit load of money too. MA are not to effective when it comes down right to it. You dont use your moves, you become an animal with no guidance. I didn't do anymore crap back to him, just walked off. This also proves i'm dumb and you should resist fighting until you need too. Fighting when you need too would probably be better too. Anyone know any shit I could really use? O' yeah this was my first real fight ever too. So I know how blows feel now, and their not that bad as I thought. They feel warm and make your head feel really light headed like a drug. Sorry to dissapoint you, but i'm dumb and I need a real thing to use. That will be effective, and I can do it on the spot instead of thinking and crap like using a MA. Also ground work is important, he got me on the ground and wailed at my head, but I covered my head. Still that BJJ I don't think it would be effective on the ground in a streetfight. It take's some thinking, please help me. He broke my glasses and crap, revenge will happen in the future possibly.
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Got my ass kicked today
MA are not to effective when it comes down right to it. You dont use your moves, you become an animal with no guidance.
There are styles out there that work much better than others. There are also instructors who teach reality fighting much better than others. I have a feeling you are going to get a lot of responses in the next few hours.
Originally posted by StudiobuddyI became sloppy during the fight. It was all swinging arms crap. My punches weren't powerful. This also shows that a real good MA doesn't try to get in fights. I failed, i'm giving up TKD crap and stuff like that. Any one know something that really works?
MA are not to effective when it comes down right to it. You dont use your moves, you become an animal with no guidance. I didn't do anymore crap back to him, just walked off. This also proves i'm dumb and you should resist fighting until you need too.
Still that BJJ I don't think it would be effective on the ground in a streetfight. It take's some thinking, please help me. He broke my glasses and crap, revenge will happen in the future possibly.
When you go into automatic pilot while under fight pressure, something switches on and you start doing what you've done the most - whether its karate, thaiboxing, or judo - in your case, haymakerdo. On top of that, you get this extremely intense focus and loose track of time.
Well this big muscular black kid talked shit to me today. I wasn't to happy, so afterschool we fought. He punched me in the nose head and shit, I did get on his back and elbowed him in the spine and a couple blows to the head. Heres the problem, all that MA crap I practice didn't work at all. Nothing at all, I became sloppy during the fight. It was all swinging arms crap. My punches weren't powerful. This also shows that a real good MA doesn't try to get in fights. I failed, i'm giving up TKD crap and stuff like that.
Firstly I would suggest taking a more realistic art besides Olympic TKD. I would suggest the Russian Martial arts, some good rb school, or a full contact art like judo or mt. Can you tell me your general location so I can find some good schools? http://members.tripod.com/~CombatMachine/machin_e.htm This is the page of one of Belarus's top reality based methods teachers. At the bottom there is a link to some of the best reality based U.S. books he recomends.
No offense but in fairness to the style the reason for the loss was not due to improper technique or failed technique rather it was due to Studiobuddy not being a serious realist MAist. Training is not just the dojang and becuase you get beat does not mean the style is flawed. But I think you should look at your character, the assumptions you make in fighting, the lack of observation and awareness of your surroundings. While there is an argument for other styles (and I would probably agree with some of them) none would have prevented the sucker punch. It is your responsibility to be aware, just as it is your responsibility to know what techniques you can use effectively vs. what you practice.
Lastly, any fight where you can state "He wanted to fight more I said naa you won fair." was not that serious. Be glad you had a easy lesson for your first fight. Studiobuddy, a true praticioner will learn from the loss and grow only a coward runs. MAs are tools to be more effective at fighting they cannot fight your fight YOU have to.
"MAs are tools to be more effective at fighting they cannot fight your fight YOU have to.[/QUOTE]"
This says it all I guess. Maybe you still haven't found the MA that suits you best, maybe the TKD school you are in is not that good, maybe you didn't train enough, maybe you didn t train realistically enough.......there are many more "maybes" and you are the only one who can find the right solution.
When I got my ass kicked for the first time I experienced the same things you did, the adrenaline rush and my head was immediately clear and focused. It dawned on me that something was wrong and now I know what mistakes I did and l won't do them again.
I had an argument with a guy in a pub, I told him to @#$# off and I went back to my friends and my drink, turning my back to him (first mistake). He turned me around, kneed me twice in the face. I was lucky I didn't go k.o., this guy was around 50 pounds heavier and much taller than me! Security threw us out and held the guy while telling him to knock it off. He calmed down so I thought it was over (second mistake), and then he kicked me in the groin-I was lucky his kick wasn't "clean". I was doing wu-shu at the time(third mistake-it didn't suit me) and then I went for Boxing, Wing Chun and JKD. As a result, I handled my next fight better and threw the guy on the ground. Now I feel much more confident and trained, and ready to fight if I have to. Like Wu-Shu, I think TKD doesn't prepare you enough for a real fight situation, doesn' t give you the right attributes. But this is just my opinion, you have to find out what was wrong by yourself.
Hope I could help you in some way.
Learning can be painful. And be careful too, as some of the advice in this thread is total shite.
Speaking as a veteran of many real fights, and a long time student of martial arts, here is my take. I am being brief. For more info I will post a couple of sites.
The overall strategy should be one of avoidance. Use your awareness to see/feel potential trouble and then leave. If that fails, use your verbal skills to defuse. Awareness can be trained. research "Cooper's colour codes" for more info (find it yourself, black belt).
Find out about the "Fence". This is a method of speaking to people whilst, at the same time, maintaining a natural looking posture that will enable you to either defend against an attack or, if necessary, hit first. Geoff Thompson has some fantastic material about it, go here www.geoffthompson.com
The pre emptive strike is not just about hitting, it is about applying the strike. He will also teahc you about the deceptive dialogue that will confuse the other guy for a moment and, during that moment, you will learn to win te fight before he realises that it has even started.
Learn about grappling. No one should want to fight in the street on the floor. But, regardless of that, you still need to know what to do if and when you end up there.
One of the best tools I have ever seen for close upreal fighting is the "Shredder". Go here for further info www.senshido.com It is easily learned and realy fooks people up. There is also a vast array of material here about real world fighting.
What you took part in is called a "square go", a pre arranged fight that you agreed to. there are three basic confrontation types - the square go, the ambush attack (the awareness training helps you avoid this) and the pre emptive strike. If you really needed to go physical, you should have done it via the pre emptive strike. You should never have agreed to a fight later when he could get prepared.
Lastly you need a system with a small amount of techniques that have a wide application. In WW2 they designed a system for the newly formed British Commandos, and they only had a week to teach it to them. There were about 6 techniques, but they learned to do these very well. This is infinitely preferable to having 60 techniques, as your brain will not bring them to mind in a real go.
Ditch high kicks. They put you in more danger than the other guy. Try Kelly McCanns (aka Jim Grover) "Combative" series. These things work. Jumping spinning back somersaulting face high triple double kicks don't.
You have a lto to learn. You are lucky that you have an opportunity to go on the right path at your age.
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- Aug 2004
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"there are 4 types of people in this world.....
those who know and know they know, they are wise, follow them.
those who know and know not they know, they are asleep, wake them.
those who know not and know they know not, they are simple, teach them.
those who know not and know not they know not, they are fools, shun them." -unknown
hey dude, i agree with alot of things on there. now, i must warn you, i have never gotten into a real fight, so most of what im about to tell you has been drawn from other people, and some books.
first, before you fight, take time to examine your enemy. sun tzu said "know your enemy and know yourself, and you will always be victorious." theres a kid at my school whos messing with me, threatening to punch me and stuff, so i take time and notice things about him. is he left handed or right handed? how does he walk? is he clumsy, is he fast and coordinated? does he have a load of large and muscular friends? in my case, most of his friends like me more, so if there was a fight, id be able to count on them.
next, avoid a fight. your honor, your pride, your reputation, none of them are as important as your face. walk away, talk him out of it, run away, but the smart people will see you not as a coward, but as a brave guy. people might look down on you, but not as much as if you get destroyed. so, avoid a fight.
next grab your friends. this kid at my school is not gonna fight me, and i know it, because nobody likes him, and i have a bunch of seniors to do my bidding. now, i dont know about this guy, you dont wanna show up with a gang of 5 guys, and then have him show with 50 ex-cons. and that is why its important to notice weather or not he has friends. if he has alot of muscular friends dont bring your friends into it. but you should have them there, watching, because if you start beating this guy, you have to expect his friends are gonna jump in.
next, carry or grab a weapon. but be smart about it. dont pull out your swiss army knife to see him pull his beretta. that kinda falls under the "know your enemy" catergory. this is a touchy one, and i would only use a weapon if i knew i was screwed. but if your gonna use it, learn how to use the weapon so as not to kill the guy. you dont wanna murder him. also, do not carry a weapon in school. grab a stick.
also, make sure you MA is good for you. although, by the time your fighting, its a little late for that. before the fight, make sure you like your MA, but once your there, you cannot second guess yourself.
now, most importantly, practice. some of the guys touched on it. but i like the way my instructor puts it. "dont be afraid of the guy who knows 10000 techniques and practices them once, be afraid of the guy who knows 1 technique, and practices it 10000 times." which is what you should do. dont be okay at 10000 moves, be really good at a few.
thats all i got now dude, but ill talk to you later about it.
What should I learn? Should I go for senshido, vale tudo, geoff thompson, sanshou, boxing, wing tsun? I have no honor is what it feels like now. My dream of doing NHB is almost gone. The black kid punches didn't hurt like it would. They shock you more than hurt. He fought like a black dude, arms wide apart swinging. Being intimidating, like he's a boxer or some shit.Last edited by Studiobuddy; 09-11-2004, 12:30 PM.
What does "he fought like a black dude" mean? Perhaps you have some issues to iron out.
Anyway, is ti really the technique that counts, OR IS IT THE DETERMINATION, FEROCITY, VICIOUSNESS and BRUTALITY in wehich they are appled? From what you say this kid just waded in with guts and evil intent. And that will carve through flash techniques in any real fight.
There s no need to dedicate yourself to one art. Pick things up as you go. Do some boxing (it is very tough)do some Thai, Judo, MMA anything.
But work on application, avoidance, fence etc also.
It ain't what you do its the way that you do it.