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Got my ass kicked today

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  • Originally posted by Studiobuddy
    Well this big muscular black kid talked shit to me today. I wasn't to happy, so afterschool we fought. He punched me in the nose head and shit, I did get on his back and elbowed him in the spine and a couple blows to the head. Heres the problem, all that MA crap I practice didn't work at all. Nothing at all, I became sloppy during the fight. It was all swinging arms crap. My punches weren't powerful. This also shows that a real good MA doesn't try to get in fights. I failed, i'm giving up TKD crap and stuff like that. Any one know something that really works? Also I couldnt see his hands really either since we were out in the sun and crap. My eye's suck I guess. He wanted to fight more I said naa you won fair. Then I was calling some one and he ran at me and punched me in the temple area and I flipped and broke my glasses and crap. I didn't even know he was gonna do that. I took all the blows and didn't cry or get K.O. Everyone at the fight thought I was gonna whoop his ass badly. They betted a shit load of money too. MA are not to effective when it comes down right to it. You dont use your moves, you become an animal with no guidance. I didn't do anymore crap back to him, just walked off. This also proves i'm dumb and you should resist fighting until you need too. Fighting when you need too would probably be better too. Anyone know any shit I could really use? O' yeah this was my first real fight ever too. So I know how blows feel now, and their not that bad as I thought. They feel warm and make your head feel really light headed like a drug. Sorry to dissapoint you, but i'm dumb and I need a real thing to use. That will be effective, and I can do it on the spot instead of thinking and crap like using a MA. Also ground work is important, he got me on the ground and wailed at my head, but I covered my head. Still that BJJ I don't think it would be effective on the ground in a streetfight. It take's some thinking, please help me. He broke my glasses and crap, revenge will happen in the future possibly.

    you should take up a grappling art (judo, akido, ext) because if you can stop someone from hitting you and control the tempo of the fight , you've already won . Take it from somone who grew up in one of the most harsh enviroments in this nation (the Cabrini Green projects in Chicago) where you had to be able to fight just to survive.


    • You want to learn how to fight fast?

      Think about it this way. Where do they teach stuff that WORK?

      Things that I think can learn you how to fight fast are.

      Jeet Kune Do or Krav Maga.

      If you want to get really good over time, you should look at Hsing-y, Ba-Gua and Tai-Chi. (Obs Tai-Chi takes a LONG time to learn)

      There are many others, but I don't bother to list them all.

      Anyway why learn to fight? Someone is just going to shot or stab you if you fight long enough. Learn to make a lot of money and how to lay chicks instead.

      Then you won't feel the urge to fight all the time.


      • try internal martial arts like tai chi, bagua or xing i. I dont like the external martial arts because there is so much application you have to remember.For example someone punches with his left arm, you block and do whatever and its is so complicated. Internal martial arts train your body itenally first and then your body will be fit externally first. when you train your body internally there is no application because your body reacts without you thinking.


        • try internal martial arts like tai chi, bagua or xing i. I dont like the external martial arts because there is so much application you have to remember.For example someone punches with his left arm, you block and do whatever and its is so complicated. Internal martial arts train your body itenally first and then your body will be fit externally first. when you train your body internally there is no application because your body reacts without you thinking.
          Do you really beleive this?
          You think that if studiobuddy were to take up Tai Chi all of a sudden he's going to be able to react without thinking? I think you should really evaluate whether you think this is true. If this were true Tai Chi would be running all of the fight forums, and taking all the prizes. People would take Tai Chi to make them a tougher fighter. They dont, because it's not for fighting. It doesn't matter how fit you are internally, if you dont know how to block a uppercut, left hook combo, you're dropped. The only way to get good at anything is through training and practice. Tai Chi offers neither of those in the aspect of combat. In the'll only be good at Tai chi.


          • think what you want, but it works for me.


            • Originally posted by taoistscholar
              think what you want, but it works for me.
              Hook'd o n fon ics workd for mee, thank you.


              • Originally posted by taoistscholar
                try internal martial arts like tai chi, bagua or xing i. I dont like the external martial arts because there is so much application you have to remember.For example someone punches with his left arm, you block and do whatever and its is so complicated. Internal martial arts train your body itenally first and then your body will be fit externally first. when you train your body internally there is no application because your body reacts without you thinking.
                If you need to remember applications, you have missed the entire purpose. The martial arts are about repetition initially, and this is so you respond with out thinking at all.



                • You clearly need a better, more combative school. Most schools are so afraid of being sued that combat get thrown away. It's suppose to be MARTIAL art. That you want to learn says that you have the right spirit.


                  • I dont have time to read all 19 pages of this so maybe someone said it, what happened to you was normal, my first couple of fights I was nuts i just punched the air like a idiot.

                    Just started bujinkan btw, but even without training this can happen, there might not be nothing wrong with the techinques you used but all I can say is practise and in a fight dont think about kicking his ass or he kicking ur ass, just concentrate on getting your moves done. Trust me it works, ive had roughly 50-100 fights so I would know.

                    Also try and find a friend of yours that is roughy your skill level in TKD and just fight, after a while when you too have just been fighting with eachother for a while you will be more focused when in a real fight.


                    • keep your guard up

                      your chin down

                      and protect your self at all times!


                      • just reading the first four pages I'd say your attitude sucks big time - sorry if I missed something on the other pages.

                        I've only been studying martial arts for just over a year so I regard myself as a beginner, my main focus at training is improving my health and learning a few techniques. I feel my attitude is how it should be, meaning I look at people that piss me off in public and think "I don't know that person from a bar of soap, they could have studied martial arts since the day they could walk, why would I want to antagonise somebody who could kill me" Have you ever actually thought about martial arts, when I was a lot younger I used to think 'look at that old useless prick, I could kick his arse' but since beginning training its dawned on me - most of the best martial artists have been studying 20 + years, so quite obviously they're not going to be all that young. You should never assume anything.

                        I get the impression that you want to be a thug, you actually want to use your martial art to hurt people, which is completely wrong.

