Originally posted by Studiobuddy
Bit off a bit more than we could chew, eh? LOL Sorry, it's not funny...
Here's the problem as I see it, buddy. Why didn't it work? Because you don't train realisticlly. You train with cooperating partners that let you perform a technique on them. It's a little different than the dynamic chaos of a real fight, eh? You will learn more about fighting in one day of fighting than you will learn in years of "art". The so called "sucker punch" is like the oldest trick in the book, because it still works!
Check out RMCAT... My (e) buddy Mr. Q will give you tools that work under stress, (for a considerable fee of course). In your case it would be well worth the few hundred bucks for a weekend seminar. Adrenal stress training is the real deal. See also Bill Kipp. He gets his ass kicked hundreds of times a year training folks like you to step up and inflict some trauma. AKA the "Bullet Man" Go GOOGLE studio guy!
