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Got my ass kicked today

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  • #61
    Whoops, maybe that was already posted, for some reason I didn't notice this forum had 5 pages already, I was responding according to what had been written on the first page.


    • #62
      thats another reason i lost i hit him once in the spine i was like shit i cant do that

      i didnt even hit him hard becuz i didnt wanna mess him up

      i do got wrestling covered i just hate ground fighting

      i do wrestling for the workout and its free


      • #63
        you need a a art that trains in close combat, because all street fights are close quarters, again I'd say give wing chun because I train in it and it's close quarters, but there are other arts as well if wing chun doesn't fit you or what your looking for


        • #64
          how bout full contact karate?


          • #65
            it all depends on your school, but I wouldn't go for it because karate is all a rythem


            • #66
              rhythm** sorry I spelled it wrong


              • #67
                Originally posted by Nemes1s
                it all depends on your school, but I wouldn't go for it because karate is all a rythem
                Oh please tell Sherwinc


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Studiobuddy
                  i said u think im gay

                  And I agree 100%

                  Originally posted by Studiobuddy
                  dude i just got the shit whooped out of me help me
                  I tried but youare not listening. Mr. I'll be a BBin 3 months is still blaming the style for his shortcommings. You should look in the mirror for your answer...It will also help you comming out of the closet.

                  Originally posted by Studiobuddy
                  me help me dont flame me

                  I don't think you need are flamm'in enough


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Studiobuddy
                    i didnt even hit him hard becuz i didnt wanna mess him up
                    That guy was soooooo lucky!

                    HAW HAW HAW!!!!!!1


                    • #70
                      I don’t understand why anyone would want 2 help this racist

                      First he got a problem with Chinese kid, then he got beat up by African American kid, then he makes this Russian joke.

                      He is obviously someone who should be learning the hard way!!


                      • #71
                        Well yes, the colour of the kid who beat him up was totally irrelevant to the point of the story. So why did he mention it?

                        I notice he's from Texas. Deep South and all that. They were still segregated until about the late sixties, right? Bound to take time for those sorts of attitudes to die out. Even people who don't go around in silly costumes made out of sheets are still going to have a different outlook on things. I mean the whole USA seems to be very particular about people's race, so I guess it's probably even more true in the south. I'm not saying that they all go around wearing pointy hats and sheets or anything like that, just that social attitudes take a long time to change and people get influenced by that stuff a lot more than they realise.


                        • #72
                          Studio buddy,

                          first of all my sympathies to you. Second: you've been cool to post your failure here - I think it's a good start to solve your problems.

                          Quick advices:

                          1. You should really refine your "avoidance skills". You say it's difficult to avoid fights. I think it's difficult to avoid crossing scumbags, but it's not impossible to learn avoidance. Also, your awareness needs to be higher.

                          2. Learn to speak to your aggressor so that you can RUTHLESSLY DECEIVE HIM. (After that, hit him so badly that his face will be non-recognizable)

                          3. Learn to hit fukkin hard, and UNDER STRESS. Learn some basic nasty strikes (cross, hook, palm strikes, elbows, headbutts), and find a place where you can train with protective gear, full power, with NON-COOPERATIVE training partners.

                          Oh, and... bad news: Traditional Martial Arts won't help you. Learn Boxing, Thai Boxing, BJJ if you want a combative sport.


                          • #73
                            Im not racist, if I fought a white kid I would say I fought a white kid. I'm giving you a descriptive detail so you can picture the fight in your head. I said Chinese kid because he was Chinese, just seeing what you thought about some kung fu kid from China. About this Russian thing, I said Russian Motel as a joke. That doesnt imply anything to Russians, just a motel in Russia. I thought full contact karate would help me fight on street's better. I've always wanted to go do JKD, but I dunno if that would work.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by OldGit
                              Even people who don't go around in silly costumes made out of sheets are still going to have a different outlook on things. I mean the whole USA seems to be very particular about people's race, so I guess it's probably even more true in the south. I'm not saying that they all go around wearing pointy hats and sheets or anything like that, just that social attitudes take a long time to change and people get influenced by that stuff a lot more than they realise.
                              Fascinating topic.

                              You really should right a book about this or create a comic strip.

                              British writers have an insightful way of making things that seem so normal to one group, seem hillariously different to a larger group. I'd wager that Scott Adams? the writer of the Dilbert comic series is likely of English heritage.


                              • #75
                                Tom Yum,

                                I don't quite follow your last post. Reading between the lines, it sounds like you are an American gentleman who dresses in sheets and a pointy hat and who is amused by the way we Brits describe it. But I suspect that I may well be completely misunderstanding you.

