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Got my ass kicked today

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Studiobuddy
    Well this big muscular black kid talked shit to me today. I wasn't to happy, so afterschool we fought. He punched me in the nose head and shit, I did get on his back and elbowed him in the spine and a couple blows to the head. Heres the problem, all that MA crap I practice didn't work at all. Nothing at all, I became sloppy during the fight. It was all swinging arms crap. My punches weren't powerful. This also shows that a real good MA doesn't try to get in fights. I failed, i'm giving up TKD crap and stuff like that. Any one know something that really works? ...............

    Bit off a bit more than we could chew, eh? LOL Sorry, it's not funny...
    Here's the problem as I see it, buddy. Why didn't it work? Because you don't train realisticlly. You train with cooperating partners that let you perform a technique on them. It's a little different than the dynamic chaos of a real fight, eh? You will learn more about fighting in one day of fighting than you will learn in years of "art". The so called "sucker punch" is like the oldest trick in the book, because it still works!

    Check out RMCAT... My (e) buddy Mr. Q will give you tools that work under stress, (for a considerable fee of course). In your case it would be well worth the few hundred bucks for a weekend seminar. Adrenal stress training is the real deal. See also Bill Kipp. He gets his ass kicked hundreds of times a year training folks like you to step up and inflict some trauma. AKA the "Bullet Man" Go GOOGLE studio guy!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Thai Bri
      Anyway, is ti really the technique that counts, OR IS IT THE DETERMINATION, FEROCITY, VICIOUSNESS and BRUTALITY in wehich they are appled? From what you say this kid just waded in with guts and evil intent. And that will carve through flash techniques in any real fight.

      I agree 100%. This is the point I amtrying to make as well.


      • #18
        "Well this big muscular black kid talked shit to me today"

        I have to agree with Thai on this point. I do think you got issues to work through if the first memorable thing you recollect from this experience is the fact that he was black.

        I dont know whether to emphathize with you or to applaud the black guy.



        • #19
          Well he was muscular, he was black, and he did start stuff.


          • #20
            I'm sorry to hear what happened, I've seen some TKD fellas and how they train and it's not very realistic, I'm not saying all TKD classes are like that but I'm saying it's just very hard to find a TKD studio that practice real life situations

            I'd say try these outs

            Krav maga (I was looking for a studio with Krav but there isn't one in my area it was my first choice)

            Wing Chun (I train in this, and it's preety good, doesn't fight force with force and it's easy to learn but it doeesn't have any grappling, a good wing chun acemdy will teach you how not to end up into any grappling or wrestling with an adversary)

            KickBoxing- it's another good choice, I think it's brillant in self defense, you'll probaly learn how to defend yourself quicker in KB then with TKD (as well with the other 2 I have listed)


            • #21
              And reminder, I'd was just suggesting, not saying their the best styles or anything because it depends on what your looking for and how hard your willing to train. I believe allmartial arts classes have a free trial class


              • #22
                what u guys this of this chu's kung fu place?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Studiobuddy
                  what u guys this of this chu's kung fu place?
                  pull your head out, did you just loose a fight? Listen up. You said MA were BS... You were right(kinda). Go here>> read this, find it, do it, learn...


                  • #24
                    I wouldn't really trust it, though it seems as if the guy had most of his experience in wing chun, but you never know You should do some research of one of those arts they offer (that your looking for), and do some research on the sifu (simply type his name on the search engine on yahoo see what you can find ) if nothing then just ask questions. but If I was going for wing chun I would try the trial class there and some other wing chun studio, because it doesn't seem right but that is just my instincts


                    • #25
                      how bout one of these:


                      • #26
                        Can you really fly anywhere in the US to train?

                        If you're in NJ, try the Close Combat guys under Carl Cestari. They do nasty things. Which is good!


                        • #27
                          A chinese (if l remember well) proverb put it like this: "A fight avoided is a victory", and Bruce Lee said that it is not the martial art that makes the difference, it's the martial artist.

                          In Wing Chun they taught me to avoid dangerous situations and to walk away in case of insults and menacing behaviour, and I agree with that. Fight only if there is no other choice.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Thai Bri
                            Can you really fly anywhere in the US to train?

                            If you're in NJ, try the Close Combat guys under Carl Cestari. They do nasty things. Which is good!

                            In all honesty, do you think our Studiobuddy is ready for Cestari? I don't think so. He might actually hurt someone and end up in jail or prison. And living with yourself after you really hurt someone can be a drag too...Surgeries to repair destroyed joints take so long to heal...If you have to look at some guy's jaw wired for a few weeks to remind you about that one thing you's nasty no matter how you see it,IMHO....Bruises and contusions are one thing... CQC is ruthless destruction. It might help with his confidence but is that a good thing?


                            • #29
                              how does flowing combat or fight2survive look like to u?


                              • #30
                                You are lucky he wasn’t waiting behind a door with a baseball bat really wanting to kill you. This kind of thing happens all the time to martial artists, more than people want you to know. Many people get into the martial arts after a violent confrontation in which they were on the loosing end of. Many people buy into the hype and the shit that many MA schools are shoveling. Many martial artists feel completely failed when their training lets them down. There are a gazillion posts on why MAs are so ineffective on this forum. Look around and you can find a bunch of info on this.

                                The basic problem is most (yes MOST, but not all) MA schools do not truly prepare their students for the emotional and psychological rigors of real combat. They pay little attention to reality. Payton Quinn once said that “The TMAs have ingenious solutions to non-existent problems” (not an exact quote), Stress and adrenaline as well as fear play a very real and vital role on how the human body performs. No one performs as well in a real street encounter as they do in the dojo/dojang/gym/place where you train; it’s just a fact of life.

                                Honestly you shouldn’t have fought him just for calling you names or whatever. But if you must fight keep things simple, keep them direct, and keep them aggressive. Also some good grappling always comes in handy, especially the stand up grapple (clinch), from here you can get inside his punches and do some very nasty things. Or learn how to distract and sucker punch well.

                                Look for a good Reality Based Self-Defense program if SD is what you want. They teach solid mental/psychological attribute development, techniques, tactics, and strategies that work. As well as train you in stress adrenal response conditioning for better performances when it really counts. TB gave you the web site to Geoff Thompson, He’s one of the best, and you can get some good ideas from him or at least some good ideas of what to look for. Geoff Thompson once said “The winner of the fight will be the one that controls the immediate moments leading up to the fight” (again not an exact quote). Animal Mac Young once said “The winner of the fight will be the one who escalates the violence the furthest the fastest”. I think both are true. You need to learn techniques/tactics that doesn’t rely on the other guy’s reactions or dependant on what he’s doing. Just control the beginning and end the fight before he can escalate the violence.

                                And next time leave your pride at home.

