non of those links are in your state, you should look for a acdemy in a your state, don't rely on tapes. a real school would teach you how to handle a real situation. Does your school not teach you how to handle situations? , I've seen a TKD fello, well I don't know if it was TKD or Tang Soo Do because they both look preety simliar, he ended the fight preety quickly with this fancy kick, so it isn't really the art, it's your training or Trainor, could be your school IT COULD BE YOU
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Got my ass kicked today
I think Studiobuddy is looking for a magic button that makes him win every time. The key to winning a street fight is experience and awareness. I suggest just avoid fights all together.
Originally posted by StudiobuddyAlso I also would like to toughen up the head and face. Thank you
Anyway, perhaps your protegonist was merely trying to help you do just that! Haw haw haw!
OK everyone. We have to take our hats off to this guy. Nobody is this fukkin daft (except sherwinc) He is a troll, and he got us all going. Well done studiobuddy! Haw haw haw!
Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@beI think Studiobuddy is looking for a magic button that makes him win every time. The key to winning a street fight is experience and awareness. I suggest just avoid fights all together.
Grey matter
Originally posted by StudiobuddyAlso what could I do to toughen up my body to take blows. I've seen those video's where those guys can break sticks on their stomache and crap. I also would like to toughen up the head and face. Thank you
Wear a crash helmet! Your Gung-Fu is wasted on the empty space between your ears young master, what are you trying to protect again? No brain?
Originally posted by StudiobuddyI got a cold im sick, it's one of those points in my life where I need to find something new.
I think maybe you're feeling sorry for yourself, unmotivated and hoping someone will give you stuff on a silver platter. There's a lot of good stuff out there, (in here)! You could design your own martial style around some subjects here from BJJ to short stick techniques, but no one can make you a better fighter untill you decide you can be one. Maybe you should get a can of pepper spray and take a rape prevention course...