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Got my ass kicked today

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  • #76
    Originally posted by OldGit
    Tom Yum,

    I don't quite follow your last post. Reading between the lines, it sounds like you are an American gentleman who dresses in sheets and a pointy hat and who is amused by the way we Brits describe it. But I suspect that I may well be completely misunderstanding you.
    I was being sincere about the english writer statement.

    No.....I am of the blue sheet organization. We wear baseball caps, not pointy hats. We are required by law to wear the sheet at all the shower, while getting haircuts, shaving and eating meals, dancing, riding roller coasters etc.


    • #77
      I can tell you JKD will work better. But it all depends on you, I think once you'll start to train realistically you will find out by yourself, and maybe you will understand what went wrong in that fight. I can see that you had the wrong attitude during the fight, and also before the fight started. You should have not let his insults bother you, but I understand your reaction. 8 years ago I would have probably done the same...But what if the guy had a knife? Or a gun? That shit happens, and I saw knives pulled out (but not used) for more stupid reasons. So learn from this experience, and don t blame yourself for having been beaten up. Everyone does, it's up to you to work on it. Don' t you think that guy got his ass kicked too? The way I see it, that's one of the reasons why he could kick yours........And by the way, people who like to start shit will get seriously hit sooner or later......They are just losers, you can be better than that.


      • #78
        As far as I know mousel is like the only JKD place in Houston. I've researched but can't find any other places. His location is just too far from me.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Tee Sok
          I can tell you JKD will work better. But it all depends on you, I think once you'll start to train realistically you will find out by yourself, and maybe you will understand what went wrong in that fight. I can see that you had the wrong attitude during the fight, and also before the fight started. ......
          .... learn from this experience, and don t blame yourself for having been beaten up. Everyone does, it's up to you to work on it. Don' t you think that guy got his ass kicked too? The way I see it, that's one of the reasons why he could kick yours........And by the way, people who like to start shit will get seriously hit sooner or later......They are just losers, you can be better than that.

          LOL I know exactly what went wrong, he tried to fight. He already said he didn't want to mess the guy up. If he knew a simple naked choke and he was there already he could have won. He doesn't have the slightest idea what it takes to win a fight. He's a wrestler and wanted to fight standing up! He's an idiot that has already had more than enough (of my) sympathy... I'd like to help but I think he needs "professional" help.


          • #80
            This guy isn't a wrestler. he may have gone along to watch once or twice, but he never joined in. He's full of shit.


            • #81

              In order for your martial arts to help you, you (not you personally, I mean anyone who wants effective self defense) need to develop a couple things:

              1) You need to get used to getting hit.

              2) You need to get used to hitting other people - hard and more than once.

              3) You need to feel the stress that only comes when you know the other guy is trying to hurt you.

              It's clear from your post that most of the above have been lacking in your training. In fact, most tradtional martial arts fail here.

              In other words, you need to train at a place where at least some of the students are fighting (ring fighting, not point sparring) outside the gym. This means BOXING, or MUAY THAI or MIXED MARTIAL ARTS. JUDO or BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU are fair options as well.

              BUT - Training that works is hard. It's scary, and it's a lot more work than your average TKD/karate/kung fu school. If you want to learn to fight, suck up your courage go somewhere that scares you. Start here:

              Prize Fighter Boxing - 0.3 miles S - 723 Main Str - (713) 224-1630
              Ray's Boxing Club - 0.8 miles N - 1524 Freeman St - (713) 224-7921
              Main Boxing Gym - 0.9 miles S - 1612 Austin St - (713) 658-0299

              4615 Bee Cave Road, Austin, Texas 78746 Telephone: (512)
              327-2900 Fax: (512) 233-5251. ... MUAY THAI KICKBOXING

              Texas Powerhouse Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, Submission Wrestling,
              MMA 410 Austin Highway San Antonio, TX 78209 United States 210-822 - 3785

              Relson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
              MAIN ACADEMY
              2919 Manchaca Ste. 210
              Austin, TX 78704


              • #82

                All right. I'm going to say something that no one has mentioned yet. It's gonna sound harsh and no one wants to accept it.

                Not everyone is a fighter. Some people are not physically, emotionally, or mentally made to be a fighter. Just about everyone can "defend themselves" somewhat....but not everyone is a fighter.

                How tall are you? How much do you weigh? How old are you?

                School fight stories bore me. There is no magic martial art that will make you a fighter. Not even MMA or JKD. It's what you have to begin with (or possibly what's hiding inside you.)

                Learn how to protect your head, clinch, and pound people on the ground while having good base and control. Throw in some chokes.

                It's not BJJ
                It's not JKD
                It's not Martial art.

                But it'll work for the type of "fight" you're talking about...

                Unless you come across a guy who's better at it then you are.

                Sounds unfair, but hey, look in the dictionary for the definition of "life." Sometimes you have to make what's unfair unfair in your favor.



                • #83
                  Im on wrestling dudes who don't believe me. Im on junior varsity, never made varsity. Still I did wrestling for work out, still I know some wrestling shit. Grape Vine is great for restraining an opponent. As for my weight im 224 lbs, and 5'10. People can't believe I weigh that much because I dont look that fat. Nor do I have fat cheeks. I guess i'm messed up.


                  • #84
                    Perhaps you weigh so much because you are so full of shit?


                    • #85
                      OKay guys I may have to fight this guy again. My sister found out about what happened. I think she said she was gonna beat him up or get her friends too. Anyway's he threatens to hurt her now. Let me tell you about this kid's rep at school. People don't really like him, he's mean he lies. He treat's girl's bad. Even the guy's think he's a joke, he goes around and acts like a bully to people. He says he has a sport's car, and he steals his dad's ride when he's mad. He said one time his parent's kicked him out and he took their suit-up Jetta ( its stock everything; such a liar) to San Antonio. Said he knew some girl's there, and he was gonna hook up with them. After the fight he said he could be smashing with his girl instead of doing this ( what girl?; everyone was like yea right). I may not beat him but my sister's boy friend who is 6'3 200 lbs; has long arms might do it. He does boxing, and has been in many street fight's. Basically I got more girl's n' guy's on my side then him. Even all the so-called popular kid's which are my friends. Though i'm not one of them (too much abercrombie for me to handle). O'yeah Thai Bri, i've tried not to be negative but **** YOU ASSHOLE


                      • #86
                        All he has on his side is a white kid who thinks he's ghetto.


                        • #87
                          I'm looking forward to seeing the report of the fight. Since your dumb bitch of a sister has stirred it all up again, can you ask her to let us know how you got killed?


                          • #88
                            dude ur an ass


                            • #89
                              arguing with a 15 year old u must feel tough? dont u?


                              • #90
                                Alright Studio buddy. Since you say this is getting serious I'll take you seriously and give you some good advice. Tell the kid to meet you at the flag pole in front of the nearest police headquarters and tell him you'll fight him there. Make sure you are dressed up in a purple pen1s costume. When he asks you, "What the ---- are you doing in a purple pen1s costume?!", say to him, "Because green penis is gay..." and leave it at that. When he starts swinging, quickly take off your costume and hit him as many times as you can with it before the cops arrest the both of you.

