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Got my ass kicked today

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  • #91
    Originally posted by HandtoHand
    It's just killing me to be mean to somebody a year (shortly 2) younger than me. I don't know how I'll go on living knowing that I hurt your fealings.

    It's just fun being mean.
    not u dude thai bri


    • #92
      Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
      Alright Studio buddy. Since you say this is getting serious I'll take you seriously and give you some good advice. Tell the kid to meet you at the flag pole in front of the nearest police headquarters and tell him you'll fight him there. Make sure you are dressed up in a purple pen1s costume. When he asks you, "What the ---- are you doing in a purple pen1s costume?!", say to him, "Because green penis is gay..." and leave it at that. When he starts swinging, quickly take off your costume and hit him as many times as you can with it before the cops arrest the both of you.
      nah i dk that would suck for me as well


      • #93
        look, the point is, there is no real answer to ur problem studio. training hard in a discipline or art doesnt mean u will in fights. all it does is increase ur chances of winning as opposed to someone who doesnt train. still, there are people out there who dont train at all, but are naturally stronger, tougher, bigger, and more athletic than u will ever be. sometimes your best just isnt good enough man. they way i see it, u should strive to train hard, and become as physically strong and fast as u possibly can, and fight only when u need to. fighting when u dont need to is what will get ur ass kicked.

        i knew a kid back in highschool who thought he was a toughguy and loved to pick fights. he is dead now, because he tried to be tough when he was outnumbered by vietnamese gang members who carved him up


        • #94
          Try offering him your sister as a token of good will. jk
          Well if she's not going to be doing anything better with her life you might as well.


          • #95
            my friend was going to get his vietnamese gang from sharpstown to **** up this kid


            • #96
              Your a sick little fellah aren't ya?

              Its lucky for the world that your a cowardly little twat!


              • #97
                im not sick, actually i have a respitory infection

                i think ur just gay

                pickin on a 15 year old


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Studiobuddy
                  nah i dk that would suck for me as well
                  Success from hard work and risk taking is the best form of revenge. Not because of success alone, rather people shun hard work these days in favor of image, envy, jealousy etc.

                  The more little successes you build up, the more you laugh when people think you are simply lucky or undeserving (heaven forbid you have a tiny bit of talent and work hard...LOL)

                  You're young. So what. So am I. So is everyone else compared to someone else. Don't fall into the crowd mentality BS. Live your own life.


                  • #99
                    Yeah, I had a little chat with studiobuddy on AIM, and he's going to join the MMA school on Looks pretty damn good.



                    • Lol! Yeah, I'm CONVINCED!


                      • then imma learn how to hopscotch


                        • Studiobuddy,

                          I wouldn't say that traditional martial arts don't work. The practitioner just needs to make sure the techniques he trains with are practical and natural to him. Then the techniques will become effective instinct!

                          Oh yeah, I'm new. Hello!


                          • you can't rely on other people to do your battles for you. I'm suprized you still have comrades after your loss, but it seems as if you still have pride in you. just forget about what happenned, we win some, we looose some. so just move on, and learn from your mistakes from all this, though I still recommand a close quater martial art, though you said you do westling, you should give muay thai a try, I hear both arts really do well together, I'm sure you can mix in some of your TKD in there.


                            • well I suppose I'm a lil late with my post, so I hope it all goes well with you with the MMA on defend,net, just remeber don't train just to seek for vegeanence


                              • sup man, i got to this thread from another forum and signed up just to tell you this. if you want to practice a MA that's proven to work in the street, take any of the following: boxing, muay thai, kickboxing, brazilian jiu jitsu, judo, wrestling, etc. watch recent UFC, Pancrase, Pride FC, King of the Cage, etc type events to see how to apply these skills. These fight venues, called MMA events are the closest you'll get to real life street fighting. Stay away from traditional MA's such as TKD, Karate(except for Kyokushin or SaedoKaikan, the modernized Karate styles derived from muay thai), and Kung Fu(except for the modernized styles of Sanshou or Sanda, which are basically muay thai spoofs). These fight venues have showed time and time again the effectiveness of the styles i've mentioned above, and showed the ineffectiveness of most traditional arts i stated above. of course there are exceptions to the rule, i like to believe most of fighting comes down to the person and not the art. but, style has a huge part to do with fighting. also, visit and's forums if you want to learn more. cya, and goodluck.

                                ps. my username is the same on subfighter and bullshido.

