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Got my ass kicked today

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  • Originally posted by Tom Yum
    Fascinating topic.

    You really should right a book about this or create a comic strip.

    British writers have an insightful way of making things that seem so normal to one group, seem hillariously different to a larger group. I'd wager that Scott Adams? the writer of the Dilbert comic series is likely of English heritage.

    Mr Yum (or may I call you Thomas?)

    It really is most frightfully nice of you to say such frightfully nice things about us English chaps, but do you really think that British or English writers (you use the terms fairly interchangeably, thereby betraying your American-ness) are any different from any others in this respect? What about Matt Groening, creator of the Simpsons - wouldn't you agree that he can do this as well as anyone?

    PS: about that costume of yours: are you a local law enforcement officer?


    • If that black guy is really like you said he will get fucked up real good. Just wait and see. My advice: leave him be, let him act tough and talk shit. You'll see what happens to people like that.


      • Originally posted by OldGit
        Mr Yum (or may I call you Thomas?)

        It really is most frightfully nice of you to say such frightfully nice things about us English chaps, but do you really think that British or English writers (you use the terms fairly interchangeably, thereby betraying your American-ness) are any different from any others in this respect? What about Matt Groening, creator of the Simpsons - wouldn't you agree that he can do this as well as anyone?

        PS: about that costume of yours: are you a local law enforcement officer?
        Yes, I'm an American.

        I won't drag the English/British thing out any further. No intention of making things frightfull. I am a fan of Chaucer, Swift, and Shakespeare. I was simply pointing out that English authors are great at using irony, humor and symbolism.


        • Tom,

          Well I'd say that humour is universal, although it does vary a lot from culture to culture. You mentioned irony, and that is supposed to be a particularly British trait. Or is that sarcasm? Seems like a fine line between them to me.
          Not sure about symbolism.

          I wouldn't say that we're any funnier than you guys. (Although I fail to find anything remotely amusing about 'Friends'.)

          Anyway, I like your posts mate. Always make me chuckle.


          • If your suprise I got comrade's, well I got more now. Even people from last year that hated me will K.O. him for me. We was going around school bragging and shit. Everyone know's I coulda dropped his ass. There even making fun of him. Just to show, just because you win fight doesn't mean you are the victor.


            • I thought this was a Martial Arts forum? It's starting to sound like a primary school playground round here!

              How old did you say you are? About nine, right?


              • Originally posted by Studiobuddy
                OKay guys I may have to fight this guy again. My sister found out about what happened. I think she said she was gonna beat him up or get her friends too. Anyway's he threatens to hurt her now. Let me tell you about this kid's rep at school. People don't really like him, he's mean he lies. He treat's girl's bad. Even the guy's think he's a joke, he goes around and acts like a bully to people. He says he has a sport's car, and he steals his dad's ride when he's mad. He said one time his parent's kicked him out and he took their suit-up Jetta ( its stock everything; such a liar) to San Antonio. Said he knew some girl's there, and he was gonna hook up with them. After the fight he said he could be smashing with his girl instead of doing this ( what girl?; everyone was like yea right). I may not beat him but my sister's boy friend who is 6'3 200 lbs; has long arms might do it. He does boxing, and has been in many street fight's. Basically I got more girl's n' guy's on my side then him. Even all the so-called popular kid's which are my friends. Though i'm not one of them (too much abercrombie for me to handle). O'yeah Thai Bri, i've tried not to be negative but **** YOU ASSHOLE

                Kids these days....


                • Originally posted by Studiobuddy
                  If your suprise I got comrade's, well I got more now. Even people from last year that hated me will K.O. him for me. We was going around school bragging and shit. Everyone know's I coulda dropped his ass. There even making fun of him. Just to show, just because you win fight doesn't mean you are the victor.

                  UmmKay, I think this thread is about done, but I'm going to comment on this Studio, because it really shows what a lot of people here are trying to tell you:

                  Your first post was about you getting a hard lesson and trying to learn from it. You admitted some mistakes and asked how best to grow from that exprience.... Your last post however, makes you sound like just the sort of swaggering idiot kid that Thai Bri thinks you are. The guy in the first post deserves some advice and respect - the guy in the last one deserves the ass-kicking he's probably asking for.

                  You are at an age where you still can decide what kind of person you are going to be. Perhaps you should spend some time thinking about that.


                  • Loosing is loosing. even you admitted to loosing the fight. forget about HIM peroid, let him do what he does, let your comrades talk about him, if they hate him as much as you said, then one of them will kick his ass soon even if they do, just worry about yourself and worry about your training and school, life is too short for this


                    • Im saying this dude may fuckin start shit with me again and i'll have to protect myself. I may have been swapping around, but I was confused, and basically everything got spinned around. I admit some shit I posted on this thread was me being a little bitch after I realized it. All the stuff that happened to me really changed my aspects, left me in shock. As for the question if i'm 9, well i'm 15 sir. You guy's wanna say stuff like "kid's these day's" While you sir or mam is saying im a gay ass twat, my sister's a bitch. You must feel really tough don't you? Talking shit to a 15 yr. old, that's just cool dude. Before you can criticise me, you better growup. Aren't you the mature one's? The one's know from wrong and right? If you can't say nothing nice, then don't say anything at all. So if your like Thai Bri or whoever else. You just sound like a bully to me, come on picking on a 15 year old for christ sake's. How I started the shit between me and him, when he grabbed me and cussed out my face. For no reason, I told nothing is up and to shut the hell up. Which is rightful to say after what he did for no reason. Being a bully is what he is, I gotta stand up for myself, not let the counselor handle it. I didn't tell him I wanted to fight him. Some one else told him I wanted too, and he said fight me, or i'll beat your ass motha fucka'. So when we fought I gave him mercy. I let him catch his breath when he was wheezing, was about to kick him in the face with a front snap kick. I was actually kicking his ass in the beginning, had him in a head lock and wailed on him. Then I was about to elbow to the spine, but I know that wasn't right, the conflict wasn't life threatening. All of sudden he took me to the ground, and wailed on me. I did nothing but think, suprisingly his punches didnt hurt. The impact just numbed me bad though. I told him he won; it over. He started approaching me and said " These are 2 options you got nigga', stand your ground, or imma beat yo ass." I just walked away, even when he kept coming closer. I just said it wasn't worth it. He wasn't worth me getting in trouble for hurting him so bad. I didn't want him to get stitches or press charges. He made me tell him He whooped my ass. I said that he whooped my ass and he won fair. He kept trying to fight me saying regain your title bitch. I said you won fair, and I was even laughing. I went to talk to my friend on the cellphone at the end of the drive-way. I asked him if he could give me a ride home. All of sudden I hear my name and in a split second his fist hit me in the temple area of the head. I flipped over, my glasse's cracked, my cellphone busted. Even though I wanted to beat his ass for it, I couldn't feel any anger toward's him. I only get mad emotionally, not when some one hit's me sadly. If I was emotionally angered, I would have stomped him. I just walked off, didn't bother to say anything after the sucker punch. Everyone at the fight was yelling at him about cheap-shotting me. Some of them were gonna kick his ass. Anyway's I come home, now mad at myself for not beating him. I'm blaming my MA and style because I should have. When I fought him I was wrestling with him, and basically street brawling. I was throwing sloppy punches and everything. I didn't control and execute proper skill's. My reality situation training wasn't there. As for why no more TKD, I noticed all the skills i've been taught at school didnt work at all. Except kicking, i'm a great kicker though. I practice kicking alot. I had no good hand skill's at all whatsoever. So hopefully Mousel's Self Defense Academy will be a great step. Tim said they practiced what to do and win in real streetfights. Now i'm not planning for this school to make all my problem's go away and kick ass. I hope though, my attitude skills, and the way I apply them, in all aspect's improve. I wen't to school today and he was telling everyone how he whooped me good. When they saw me, they were shocked, I have no marks or bruises at all. I guess I can take a hit, or maybe just the weak ass one's (LOL). Everyone stuck up for me though, and told people I was getting him, but I was too nice to beat him up. Everyone know's I could do it, and with support, I can see myself believing that I can. I did watch my Jeet Kune Do movie, and I reviewed on some great things. Like keeping the distance, foot work, and stepping in with the punch. So anyone who has beef with me, arguing with me, hate's me, dislike's me. Just to let you know I don't have of this against you man. Let's please quit this flaming each other. I apologize if I offended you, I hope we all can start being nice each other. Support to all you guy's
                      Last edited by Studiobuddy; 09-14-2004, 03:56 PM.


                      • You're fukkin barkin' mad!

                        Haw haw haw!


                        • Come on dude, let's just be cool.


                          • Convinced?


                            • Whos up for some ramen noodles?


                              • Originally posted by Thai Bri
                                You're fukkin barkin' mad!

                                Haw haw haw!
                                Still applies..........

