So u wanna be a prick to me?
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Got my ass kicked today
Originally posted by StudiobuddySo when we fought I gave him mercy.
So what is the point of creating all of these threads stating that TKD is so useless if you were in control (eventhough you stated you were not). If you can kick this guys ass as you say why do you need you "friends" to help. Personally, that is the sign of a bitch if you can't fight your own battles. Also, stop with all the dam racial shit...this is a MA forum not the McDonald land playground
Moderator Please close this pointless thread. Infact please close all the threads from Studio "bendover" buddy
Dude that is harsh. Please im trying to say sorry, but you guy's should be nice. As in having control of him, I didnt have him the whole time. After the fight though I realized I coulda whooped him. I found this out yesterday, I had so much adrenaline pumping. Please be nice man, ain't looking for a war. No hard feeling's dude, please accept my apology sir. I've just start realising stuff, I was an idiot. I learn from mistakes, please be nice, thank you.
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- Aug 2004
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"there are 4 types of people in this world.....
those who know and know they know, they are wise, follow them.
those who know and know not they know, they are asleep, wake them.
those who know not and know they know not, they are simple, teach them.
those who know not and know not they know not, they are fools, shun them." -unknown
you know, i agree with hand to hand. man, if they dont respect you, why respect them? im not sayin go a mouth them off, but ignore them, once you stop talking to them, theyll shut up and die.
i find it funny how immature some people on this thread can be. now, im not gonna say much, cause i dont want enemies of my own, but my daddy (yea, i dont really call him that) said if you cant say somthing nice, dont say anything at all. alright? so how about all you *caughthaicaughbri ahemm* who have nothing better to do than be jerks just not say anything. alright? just go and give advice to the guy, and if you cant to that, than just dont post. or just follow rippy the razor's advice (yea, lol, thats hilarious, if slightly sick and twisted.)
anyway, in a fight, its hard to think exactly whats happening, but later, you relize what happened, and you start to think. alright? so lets lay off? studio is talking about how he thought after the fight, and he had a good situation. but it was a fight and he got stressed.
so my point of all this is.....
LAY OFF DUDES! alright? i could see making fun of him, cause, its always fun to make fun of people you dont know, but making fun of his sister? dont mess with peoples sisters. that will get you hurt. or killed. only the weak attack women, especially when they arent involved to begin with. so again i say, dont mess with the lady's. alright?
nobody likes people who just go around making fun of people. alright? get lives people.
Originally posted by HandtoHandExactly, although if they mouth off to you than you mouth off back. He's a very contradicted youth you should have some quiet time by a waterfall and think for a long time. For one he has to admit that he got his ass wooped and stop living in denial.
It's more amusing to torture him, although I'm starting to feel sorry for him, which is why I attempted to give him some advice, that most likely went over his head.
He just didn't get stressed, Mr. Black belt in 3 months he got his ass whooped.
His dumb bitch sister went and stirred up trouble again. Bri stated that she was a dumb bitch, which she clearly was. I used to be a follower of the philosophy of don't hit girls, but now I've come to the conclusion that if bitches got knocked around they wouldn't act so damn bitchy.
I remember I got this kid at my school wicked pissed off because I kept on telling him that his sister was a lesbian and that she unlocked the door for me to come in and spank her. He kept on trying to fight me until this guy came over, I ended up with a few detentions.
That's a word of advice from the kids who's conceded that he's never been in a street fight before.
I looked at the advice you gave me and researched it. I thank you for it sir, but I plan to began in JKD and grappling. My sister didn't start it up, it was already started. It don't matter though, I don't think I'll be fighting him anytime soon or ever. I won in the end, no one cared he beat me up, they stuck up for me. Thanks for the advice again, and yes I was gonna be a black belt. He told me in 3 months I would get it, he evaluated me and I got an A' in everything. Coulda been a scam to get my money, but I doubt it. Not all school's give you black belt if you deserve it. Anyone can get a black belt, I was just sharing I was going to become one. So if you hate or w/e I dont care, its ur life live it.
Originally posted by StudiobuddyI let him catch his breath when he was wheezing, was about to kick him in the face with a front snap kick. I was actually kicking his ass in the beginning, had him in a head lock and wailed on him. Then I was about to elbow to the spine, but I know that wasn't right, the conflict wasn't life threatening. All of sudden he took me to the ground, and wailed on me.