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Got my ass kicked today

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  • Originally posted by HuSanYan
    I'm thinking about buying a new GoldFish actually.
    maybe a budgie as well


    • U stupid fool, kungfu is fake and doesnt teach u about street fighthing.

      Now you have gone and learned the hardway.

      Learn from Geoff Thompson not some old grasshopper blind man who claims to be a grandmaster of hang fang soook wakco

      Stop watching kungfu movies kid and open your eyes, this is the real world.


      • Originally posted by holyman
        U stupid fool, kungfu is fake and doesnt teach u about street fighthing.
        That is garbage.

        Just because 'kungfu' wasn't developed purely and simply for 'street fighting' doesn't make it fake. Something can only be 'fake' if it pretends to be something it is not. Who's to say what 'kungfu' is meant to be? It can be different things to different people.

        For example, an old person practising TaiJi purely for health benefits may not be remotely interested in the martial applications of the art, but that doesn't mean that what they are doing is 'fake'. Another person might practise Shaolin because they love doing forms as much as any other reason, and again that doesn't mean that what they are doing is 'fake'.

        The only MA's that can be judged purely in terms of their 'street fighting' effectivenes are those which claim to be effective purely for that application and that alone.

        I believe at this point I am supposed to say: CONVINCED????!!!!!!!


        • All i am saying is if u wanna learn to defend yourself against a street thug forget kungfu. If you do what they do in the matrix you gonna end up with a knife in your belly.


          Originally posted by OldGit
          That is garbage.

          Just because 'kungfu' wasn't developed purely and simply for 'street fighting' doesn't make it fake. Something can only be 'fake' if it pretends to be something it is not. Who's to say what 'kungfu' is meant to be? It can be different things to different people.

          For example, an old person practising TaiJi purely for health benefits may not be remotely interested in the martial applications of the art, but that doesn't mean that what they are doing is 'fake'. Another person might practise Shaolin because they love doing forms as much as any other reason, and again that doesn't mean that what they are doing is 'fake'.

          The only MA's that can be judged purely in terms of their 'street fighting' effectivenes are those which claim to be effective purely for that application and that alone.

          I believe at this point I am supposed to say: CONVINCED????!!!!!!!


          • Holyman,

            That's true, but your talking about guys in films. Films are entertainment. Someone like Jackie Chan does some really nice choreographed fight sequences that are fun to watch, but no-one except a small child would think that it bears any resemblance to real fighting.

            But... these guys have to have done a lot of hard work and training to be able to do the flashy stuff you see in the films. Do you assume that they couldn't fight in real life? That they never learned stuff like tackling someone with a knife?

            I reckon someone with years of training should know more than just how to 'wave their hands about'. Of course, someone could train for years and still have no fighting ability. Nothing gives you that automatically!


            • If I am having a piss on the toilet and someone attacked me from behind I aint gonna do a reverse jumping back kick and knock them over with my dick out my zipper, come on man ?.

              Maybe jackie chan can do strong high kicks but what if hes wearing tight jeans he would be screwed.

              Originally posted by OldGit

              That's true, but your talking about guys in films. Films are entertainment. Someone like Jackie Chan does some really nice choreographed fight sequences that are fun to watch, but no-one except a small child would think that it bears any resemblance to real fighting.

              But... these guys have to have done a lot of hard work and training to be able to do the flashy stuff you see in the films. Do you assume that they couldn't fight in real life? That they never learned stuff like tackling someone with a knife?

              I reckon someone with years of training should know more than just how to 'wave their hands about'. Of course, someone could train for years and still have no fighting ability. Nothing gives you that automatically!


              • Holyman,

                Hey, maybe you've got something there.

                Maybe Jackie Chan doesn't wear tight jeans.

                Maybe if someone attacks you from behind while your taking a piss then doing a jumping back kick isn't the ideal way to deal with it.

                Maybe you're stating the fecking obvious!


                • Nope. I'm simply bored by the thread and need popcorn to fill in the void of cricket chirping.


                  • My son wanted to know if popcorn is good for him. I said it probably contained dietary fibre but also high carbohydrate and possibly starch. (Leaving aside whatever you put on it.) I really have very little idea.

                    Can anyone enlighten me?


                    • Popcorn & Children's Diet

                      Old Git, here is a website specifically talking about popcorn as a nutritional snack for children.


                      • Cheers Tom, I appreciate that.

                        I don't understand what 'air-popped' means though. Don't you have to heat the corn in a pan to make it pop?


                        • I think air popped pop corn is prepared in a closed, expandable container usually a sealed paper sack, where as kettle corn requires oil.

                          You can buy pre-filled bags of kernels that you put into the microwave.


                          • "That's a word of advice from the kids who's conceded that he's never been in a street fight before."

                            look dude, you dont need to be a street fighter to know that no one likes fags. right? no offence, but what you said up there was stupid. i dont fight, but i know that no one likes people who are losers. is there a connection between the two? do you need to fight to know that idiots are generally looked down upon by everybody else?

                            anyway studio, i would just walk away at this point. theres no shame in that.


                            • Originally posted by HandtoHand
                              Well I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings by pointing out the obvious "dude". You're offering advice on how to handle a conflict that has already degraded into a so-called "street fight" despite the fact that you're never been one. Now if you ask me that's plain stupid and I hope you understand why I'm looking down on you right now.

                              One can take the path of being a little pussy (like you) or take of path of respect, intimidation and fighting. The path that you take has a direct impact on how others interact and treat you.

                              You may not fight, but I'm sure that you get pushed around a bit, which is better than people like you fare at my school. If you take the passive route you get the crap beaten out of you.

                              That's a reality that you don't know son so why don't you STFU.

                              lick my ass crack bitch


                              • forget all this garbage and try this approach

                                This might help. I was at a Vietnamese friend's house a few weeks ago because he said his Japanese ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend wanted to fight him (the Vietnamese guy owed money to his ex-girlfriend and didn't want to pay her back for crashing her car). He is some Malaysian guy who works at a car dealership and is some kind of gangster or something. He actually came over to the guy's house, and I had to show up in the middle of the night because my friend was worried if the girl's current boyfriend was in a gang or something and wanted me to hide in the bushes). He agreed to fight the Malaysian guy; unfortunately, his fears were right about the guy having friends. He brought along an big Asian ex-Marine and some short preppy white guy. He came up in his nice fancy pick-up with the girl and his buddies in the white guy's Tranz-Am. My Vietnamese friend called me out to jump out and come over there. The 3 guys were getting out of the truck and the Vietnamese and the Malaysian guy were suppose to fight. However, I decided to intervene and annoy all of the guys. I told them hey, there's no need for a fight. I was being cocky and told the ex-Marine that I could take all of them and do martial arts (I've been doing it for 18 years). I was somewhat being sarcastic, but the ex-Marine took me seriously. I was worried about something that a fight might start, but instead I just talked to all of them. I kept telling my friend to take it easy, that we should all just not worry about anything and be quiet. I said there's no need to fight, why not talk over lunch or something? I kept asking the guys don't you have school or work tomorrow (since it was a weeknight?) I asked out loud if they had something better to do, like study or something. I am known to talk constantly and ask a lot of stupid random questions until I give my friends headaches because I habitually do this. I basically talked to everybody, standing exactly between the two parties until I bored them to death with my excessive blabbing. The guys were actually getting a look on their face like they had been interrogated for hours. I commented on the Tranz-Am lights and asked the ex-Marine what kind of training he had and told him I respected it. The Malaysian guy kept asking for the money, but my friend refused, so the Malaysian guy said my friend was an idiot for not paying for his girlfriend's car. I told my friend to take it and let them call you an idiot instead of worrying about a fight. I kept saying, hey guys, let's go out to lunch and talk about it. Insults were exchanged, but they eventually ended up driving off. I talked the guys to death, to the point that they wanted to leave and not listen to my blabbing over and over again. The preppy guy had a dreaded look on his face, not from the prospect of a fight, but from having to listen to me blab when he expected a fight. I can talk nonstop for hours without a breath about random subjects until I make people want to go away, which worked perfectly in this situation. The guys did not come back in what could have been a very bad situation, right in front of his house in his neighborhood. They drove from an hour away potentially to fight, and I saved the day.

                                The key here was to be annoying and make yourself look stupid, look like an idiot so people will WANT to avoid you. Don't worry about the guy you wanted to fight. Make him think you are too annoying or wimpy to mess with you because then he'll see no point in bothering you. Who cares about wounded pride, at least you are not wounded. Your life is worth more than this. I could easily have stepped in and probably picked a fight, but I would rather the guy get annoyed with me and my friend by never wanting to come back and have to look at someone like me again. You know those really annoying people that you want to avoid hanging out with and pretend not to be around; the nightmare is just being in their presence and having to listen to them talk you to death. Think of being in a room with that person for hours; it's better to go away than to want to deal with him/her again. It will probably work; make him think you are gay or make him think you are crazy. Say something like you like to look at 80-year-old women and you sniff glue. What's the honor in fighting a wimp or a guy who seems to pose no physical threat? He'll think you're wasting your time and probably leave you alone.

