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Got my ass kicked today

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  • Originally posted by frankenbeans
    This might help. I was at a Vietnamese friend's house a few weeks ago because he said his Japanese ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend wanted to fight him (the Vietnamese guy owed money to his ex-girlfriend and didn't want to pay her back for crashing her car). He is some Malaysian guy who works at a car dealership and is some kind of gangster or something. He actually came over to the guy's house, and I had to show up in the middle of the night because my friend was worried if the girl's current boyfriend was in a gang or something and wanted me to hide in the bushes). He agreed to fight the Malaysian guy; unfortunately, his fears were right about the guy having friends. He brought along an big Asian ex-Marine and some short preppy white guy. He came up in his nice fancy pick-up with the girl and his buddies in the white guy's Tranz-Am. My Vietnamese friend called me out to jump out and come over there. The 3 guys were getting out of the truck and the Vietnamese and the Malaysian guy were suppose to fight. However, I decided to intervene and annoy all of the guys. I told them hey, there's no need for a fight. I was being cocky and told the ex-Marine that I could take all of them and do martial arts (I've been doing it for 18 years). I was somewhat being sarcastic, but the ex-Marine took me seriously. I was worried about something that a fight might start, but instead I just talked to all of them. I kept telling my friend to take it easy, that we should all just not worry about anything and be quiet. I said there's no need to fight, why not talk over lunch or something? I kept asking the guys don't you have school or work tomorrow (since it was a weeknight?) I asked out loud if they had something better to do, like study or something. I am known to talk constantly and ask a lot of stupid random questions until I give my friends headaches because I habitually do this. I basically talked to everybody, standing exactly between the two parties until I bored them to death with my excessive blabbing. The guys were actually getting a look on their face like they had been interrogated for hours. I commented on the Tranz-Am lights and asked the ex-Marine what kind of training he had and told him I respected it. The Malaysian guy kept asking for the money, but my friend refused, so the Malaysian guy said my friend was an idiot for not paying for his girlfriend's car. I told my friend to take it and let them call you an idiot instead of worrying about a fight. I kept saying, hey guys, let's go out to lunch and talk about it. Insults were exchanged, but they eventually ended up driving off. I talked the guys to death, to the point that they wanted to leave and not listen to my blabbing over and over again. The preppy guy had a dreaded look on his face, not from the prospect of a fight, but from having to listen to me blab when he expected a fight. I can talk nonstop for hours without a breath about random subjects until I make people want to go away, which worked perfectly in this situation. The guys did not come back in what could have been a very bad situation, right in front of his house in his neighborhood. They drove from an hour away potentially to fight, and I saved the day.

    The key here was to be annoying and make yourself look stupid, look like an idiot so people will WANT to avoid you. Don't worry about the guy you wanted to fight. Make him think you are too annoying or wimpy to mess with you because then he'll see no point in bothering you. Who cares about wounded pride, at least you are not wounded. Your life is worth more than this. I could easily have stepped in and probably picked a fight, but I would rather the guy get annoyed with me and my friend by never wanting to come back and have to look at someone like me again. You know those really annoying people that you want to avoid hanging out with and pretend not to be around; the nightmare is just being in their presence and having to listen to them talk you to death. Think of being in a room with that person for hours; it's better to go away than to want to deal with him/her again. It will probably work; make him think you are gay or make him think you are crazy. Say something like you like to look at 80-year-old women and you sniff glue. What's the honor in fighting a wimp or a guy who seems to pose no physical threat? He'll think you're wasting your time and probably leave you alone.

    damn man u sound like u have really low self esteem^.


    • Originally posted by HandtoHand
      Do you want to meat somewhere, bitch?
      thats not how you spell meet. meat is food you eat, and btw, studio would kick your pencil neck ass. at least he had the balls to fight someone man to man, you are just a weak ass bitch who sits on his comp and talks shit all day long. do you even train in a martial art ?


      • nah I'm not insecure or anything

        Nah, I'm not insecure really or a wimp. I just think that sometimes it's okay for people to think of you as a coward in a fight situation. People hate it when you want to fight and then you just walk away. I think it takes more guts to walk away than to actually fight because martial arts teaches you that it's tougher to put your ego aside and prevent violence. Anybody can start it, but who can stop themselves in the heat of an argument and realize that fighting, unless absolutely necessary, is pointless? I don't care about trophies, money to fight, or "respect" that some might think one needs to get a rush or his friends to take him seriously. Let's put it this way; no matter the outcome, my friends would still be my friends if I fought, and I would only have gained one more enemy by beating someone senseless. Also, girls would rather have a guy that avoids fights than starts stuff and gets into trouble. Girls want to be safe around a guy, not worried that some guy is going to get in a fight and potentially get arrested. A lot of girls hate violence and don't like to see their boyfriends potentially get hurt. If I can get a girl without fighting, then what's the point of fighting? Don't worry about it, Studiobuddy. Let the guy go and if he wants to fight you, tell him you don't have time for that stuff or just run away. If you beat someone senseless, you forget that not only could you get arrested, but you could be poor for a long time if you beat him badly. He could sue you for a lot of money, and legal fees are just not worth the trouble. I probably could easily have fought the guys and probably beat on them since I was physically larger (but not wider) than all of them. I'm 6'4" and 185 lbs., and the only guy wider than me was the ex-Marine. But I don't care because it does nothing for me to beat up someone. My doctorate in political science that I'm working on will be worth far more than any mindless beatings I give some worthless losers, as well as my black belt in martial arts. The significance is lasting and I will be pleased for the rest of my life for having these things that I'm working so hard for. Look at the long term and focus on your goals in life. Just be happy.


        • **** hate masturbate


          • Originally posted by frankenbeans
            I probably could easily have fought the guys and probably beat on them since I was physically larger (but not wider) than all of them. I'm 6'4" and 185 lbs., and the only guy wider than me was the ex-Marine.
            Riiiiiiight. Hey man look reality is not for everyone, so I agree you should never involve yourself in a fight.


            • Minister: (studiobuddy) (H2H) I know pronounce you ladies legal domestic partners

              Studiobuddy: Well arne't you going to kiss me

              H2H: well not until you act like you want to be seen in public with me

              Studiobuddy: gasp!! H2h ....... honey how can you say that

              H2h: Ok, just carry me over the threshold and make me your man slave

              ......and they lived happily ever after.


              • hmmm

                Studio, go to some reaction/reality based seminars.
                Ask them to train you to hit the parts of the body that will cause the most pain, which usually they do automatically.

                Get your mental focus on, train repeatedly,
                you will win.

                In my experience, the majority of well trained(physically/mentally) MA's I have met rarely go up and start arguments or fights with someone.
                Mainly because most of them can KILL or seriously MAIM a person.
                So most of the guys I have had to fight were either fellow ghetto street fighters or those few students on the dojo who had an ego bigger than their understanding and thought that their 'black belts' made them invincible.

                the street fighters are the hardest because they are very unpredicable andyou have to worry about them biting, scratching etc.

                be well


                • Originally posted by frankenbeans
                  Nah, I'm not insecure really or a wimp. I just think that sometimes it's okay for people to think of you as a coward in a fight situation. People hate it when you want to fight and then you just walk away. I think it takes more guts to walk away than to actually fight because martial arts teaches you that it's tougher to put your ego aside and prevent violence. Anybody can start it, but who can stop themselves in the heat of an argument and realize that fighting, unless absolutely necessary, is pointless? I don't care about trophies, money to fight, or "respect" that some might think one needs to get a rush or his friends to take him seriously. Let's put it this way; no matter the outcome, my friends would still be my friends if I fought, and I would only have gained one more enemy by beating someone senseless. Also, girls would rather have a guy that avoids fights than starts stuff and gets into trouble. Girls want to be safe around a guy, not worried that some guy is going to get in a fight and potentially get arrested. A lot of girls hate violence and don't like to see their boyfriends potentially get hurt. If I can get a girl without fighting, then what's the point of fighting? Don't worry about it, Studiobuddy. Let the guy go and if he wants to fight you, tell him you don't have time for that stuff or just run away. If you beat someone senseless, you forget that not only could you get arrested, but you could be poor for a long time if you beat him badly. He could sue you for a lot of money, and legal fees are just not worth the trouble. I probably could easily have fought the guys and probably beat on them since I was physically larger (but not wider) than all of them. I'm 6'4" and 185 lbs., and the only guy wider than me was the ex-Marine. But I don't care because it does nothing for me to beat up someone. My doctorate in political science that I'm working on will be worth far more than any mindless beatings I give some worthless losers, as well as my black belt in martial arts. The significance is lasting and I will be pleased for the rest of my life for having these things that I'm working so hard for. Look at the long term and focus on your goals in life. Just be happy.
                  i didnt say u had low self esteem because u chose not fight. i myself am a person who like u would rather difuse a situation and walk away rather than fight. the reason i mentioned u seemed to have low self esteem was because it seemed as if you didnt think too highly of yourself. for example you mentioned people get annoyed with you and whatnot for talking so much and stuff. mabye i was mistaken, but thats the vibe i got.

                  but anyway, i agree it is much better to walk away from a fight. theres no shame in that. there are so many people out their that let their egos run them, and it really just gets them nowere. being peaceful and difusing situations is much better than creating a scene and risking injury and ruining other peoples nights. ive been in a few confrontations as of late, and i was able to difuse each one with words. in each confrontation, it was some weak ass fool who was barking up the wrong tree wanting to act tough and would have gotten decimated by me and my friends( we are all martial artists and bodybuilders), but then whats the point? when u have skill dont u have certain responsibilities? its easy to mess someone up when u know u can, but it takes alot to walk away and difuse a situation. u know, i dont even like to mention the fact that i do martial arts when i go out because people with big egos feel threatened when its mentioned, and feel the need to prove themselves. alot of people will think u are just trying to act tough when u mention u do martial arts, and that sucks that people have to always measure eachother up and feel the need to prove their toughness. but anyway, it takes a bigger man to walk away from a fight, especially when they know they have skills that others dont.

                  studio bro, u sound like a good guy. dont let all the negative talk get u down. just continue to train hard and keep learning from experiences and stay safe.


                  • frankenbeans had it right

                    sometimes in the past if one guy challenged me and I was pretty sure that no friends will join in I would try to distract him with words and sneak hit him in the nuts or the knees

                    now true I have practiced some against multi opponents, but being my training partners even whendoing random attacks, I knew they werent going to try to kill me

                    having grown up in the streets, those cats will do their best to beat me into and oil I RUN

                    frankenbeans used a method I'd related to being outnumbered - or avoiding violence in the Art of War
                    'confuse your enemy' he talked em to death..

                    with me I usually play stupid or try to change the subject
                    but where I live being 6 foot 3 about 195 makes guys want to challenge you...

                    usually (women have this thing right) I'll cater to their ego and tell em how size means nothing and that I am scared and I am more into reading.. and rattle off a line of bs...

                    because you cant just whip a guy here and be done, some of them come looking for you with friends and guns

                    and in essence, although getting in so many street fights was good for my reflexes and toughening me up and helping me refine skills

                    in the end, violence is in many cases the worst and least efficient way


                    • yo emptyness, normally, i would agree fully with you, and in fact, it annoys me when people who have no idea what they are talking about try to sound like they do. so i understand what you said to me........but consider what i said right after i said i have never gotten into a fight before.......

                      "so most of what im about to tell you has been drawn from other people, and some books"

                      i wasnt giving him my adivce, i was giving him the advicec of several more experienced people i know, advice that i thought might help him.

                      maybe i should have highlighted that point more, emphasised it more. if so, i apologize for any trouble it caused. you sound like a cool guy, and i like most of the stuff you said on here. you dont seem to me to be among the many jackasses on this site. so, we cool?


                      • Originally posted by HandtoHand
                        Do you want to meat somewhere, bitch?
                        Maybe he did mean it to be spelt this way? Maybe to "meat" is some gay slang for an act between consenting males and their "meat".

                        Who knows? After all, he was fantasizing about that 8 year old body builder a few months back. Stalking him, actually.


                        • **** hate masturbate
                          It's good for you. For the lazy fellows who are too lazy to do some pushups or go to the weight room, masturbating is a good way to exercise your arm and build muscle quickly. Because according to reasearchers, if you're horny while you're exercising it doubles the muscle growth. Or if you want to kill 2 birds with one stone, you can be a sperm donor. Heck they PAY you to jack off and provide you with porno magazines and such. Win-Win situation...


                          • quality thread


                            • yo, h2h, i did post above, i suppose you missed it, which isnt your fault, but i wanna hear back from you.


                              • the second one you quoted. the first one was from studio.

                                you know what? i wrote emptyness on there. i think i was thinking about his (emptyness) comment about me and studio (regarding the spelling of "meat") when i wrote it. apologies. yes, the second one you quoted was to you (H2H) .

                                you know ya'll look alike to me.

