Originally posted by Studiobuddy
No announcement yet.
Got my ass kicked today
You only lose if you don't fight back. It's only happened to me once in my entire life. I was 16 and got sucker punched on the baskeball court by a semi professional boxer. I was stunned and scared and ambushed. I didn't retaliate. I didn't fall or suffer serious injury just a badly busted lip. But, I didn't fight back so I lost. I've been in dozens and dozens and dozens of real fights since then and never lost. This doesn't even include the dozens and dozens of sparring matches.
The point is; you fought back so you really didn't lose. This is just my opinion; take it for what it's worth. I'm 47 now.
Man i can't believe this thread is still going!.....First of all....Studio shut the F*$k up! You're making the rest of the people on this forum who are from Houston look bad!....Second...If you're 5'10" and 240lbs...YOU'RE FAT!!!! Deal with it...(Oh and by the way everyone...not all houstonians are fat...i weigh about the same as Oraenor but i'm 5'6")....Third...Quit trying to talk like your some gangster and shit threatening to have people smoked...Just the other day you im me while i was at the office and you were crying about your friend in trouble and shit....and now you're an online gangster and shit....oh and do me a favor.....don't im me...please!!....i gave you advice about martial arts before...but it obviously looks like you don't listen and i feel you deserved to get your ass whooped by that dude...Look little boy...we all talk shit in the forums but in this thread you act like you're "billy badass"...Dude please!!!....my little bro can whoop your ass guaranteed...and he's way smaller and lighter than you.....Hahahaha.....You know if you're such the gangster you think you are talking all this and that about getting people smoked....Why don't you come out to Chinatown and let us old school peeps show what it's all about....
Like Tom Yum said "you got a long way to go"
Originally posted by AlexJitsuHell yes, he IMed me too about that gangster shit, and that he was in deep shit with "the mob".
Really nice group of crazy 'n talented kids!
Originally posted by Infinite1Man i can't believe this thread is still going!.....First of all....Studio shut the F*$k up! You're making the rest of the people on this forum who are from Houston look bad!....Second...If you're 5'10" and 240lbs...YOU'RE FAT!!!! Deal with it...(Oh and by the way everyone...not all houstonians are fat...i weigh about the same as Oraenor but i'm 5'6")....Third...Quit trying to talk like your some gangster and shit threatening to have people smoked...Just the other day you im me while i was at the office and you were crying about your friend in trouble and shit....and now you're an online gangster and shit....oh and do me a favor.....don't im me...please!!....i gave you advice about martial arts before...but it obviously looks like you don't listen and i feel you deserved to get your ass whooped by that dude...Look little boy...we all talk shit in the forums but in this thread you act like you're "billy badass"...Dude please!!!....my little bro can whoop your ass guaranteed...and he's way smaller and lighter than you.....Hahahaha.....You know if you're such the gangster you think you are talking all this and that about getting people smoked....Why don't you come out to Chinatown and let us old school peeps show what it's all about....
Like Tom Yum said "you got a long way to go"
2. If that biatch oreanor or w.e he's called did come here...I could have that arranged
3. I was freakin out bout my friend cuz he could have got shot and I couldn't do shit about it. I known people who've been in this situation but I wasn't best friends with them. So I didnt butt in.
4. Do you know Alex?
5. This is a damn internet forum, i'll say what I want because anything anyone ever says doesnt mean shit on the net. I don't give a f*ck...so you shut the f*ck tapioca BIATCH!!! WHO CAREZ ITS WORDS IT AINT REAL ON THE NET
DUR...What the ****'s all this about? I thought I was looking up martial arts threads, not gay sexuality threads...oh well, guess I'm just gonna have to tally this up to more gross shit I've come across on accident online.
That is after I wash my eyes out with a lysol and ajax mix...maybe sniff some too, selective brain damage works wonders...
Seriously, I'm full of good advice today.
Such as showering with a radio enhances your chi. (so long as it's plugged in, non of that stupid cordless shit)
and huffing dust-off (or generic en-dust) WILL infact, increase your lung capacity by 22.2% everytime you do it.
Bumps...bumbs....whip-its? anyone??
Originally posted by Studiobuddynever said mob
go run a mile
wait you can't hahaha!!! wheres your inhaler?
Don't get so personal on an internet forum, it only fucks you up more and gives the trolls more bait to ridicule you. People shouldn't know so much personal information about you.