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Kungfu is fake

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  • #16
    You really are 15 years old, aren't you? And I'm not saying all martial arts make you better, you've completely missed the point. The point was for him to ask his sifu about the self defense, ippon kumite or any other one step self defense techniques, and if he didnt have it to leave that kwoon. There are martial arts out there that are fake, I was just assuming that the guy wouldn't be a retard and know when to try a different school. So next time please think before you write your uneeded (and most of the time unwanted) opinion!


    • #17
      I would say leave the kwoon if they DID have ippon kumite


      • #18
        I think a lot of people have mystified and lied about kung fu for so long
        (secret techiques, supernatural name it!) it is normal that it loses credit and credibility. But on the other hand, one should not insult and blindly accuse a whole fighting system, that is a mistake too. Most of this lying is in western countries. In mainland China and in HK,kung fu and qi gong are just part of everyday life, they are just normal practices. It is in Europe and in America that masters or so-called masters understood that they could earn much more money if they created stories about kung fu inner powers and chi. it worked and it still works, like in the movies!
        But there are real masters and they are hard-working practicioners. If you know them you will see that they have no time for polishing their image and for creating stories. Their goal is not the MA magazine cover, it's practice and teaching, that is their job. And I can assure you that they can fight if they really have too. Not showing off and not having that "I am the best" attitude doesn't mean they're not able to fight. In Thailand thai boxers don't have that attitude either, that's their job and they do it. That simple. No magazines (just a thai boxing news magazines), no internet advertisements or challenges. The sad thing in this is that real masters lose credibility because of those full of crap masters we see and hear about everywhere. THEY should be blamed, not the kung fu system!


        • #19
          Originally posted by holyman
          Let me tell u somthing first.

          When i started kungfu, my teacher said he will also teaching praying mantis style. He said he was in a pub once and this guys attacked him. He did one move and the guy hit the ground stunned.

          He said praying mantis style is banned in many countries because its so dangerous.
          Its a shame that you ever had to deal with this instructor of yours he sounds like a real tool. Any intructor should reallize that you are there to learn to defend yourself not defund yourself. Guys like this are an insult to praying mantis and martial arts as a whole. Unfortunately there are more bullshit instructors out there than genuine ones. find someone who can teach you not just show you what they can do.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Thai Bri
            The majority of mainstream martial arts teach things that will get you killed in a real fight.
            Like turning your back after you miss a high roudhousekick because in competition you aren't alowed to attack the back anyway

            MAs geeared to Ruled competition will most definitely teach bad habbits

            Even UFC has rules, and some weird ones too, why when everybody claims wristlocks are useless, are the prohibited ( small joint manipulations)?
            And why not kick an opponent that lies on his back(buttscooping)?

            We all are eluding(sp?) ourself if we think we are still doing martial Arts, most of us are doing martial sports, a hobby
            Warrior is a proffession which we now call soldiers, it's a day ( and night)time profession, not a 4 hours a week pastime
            Selfdefencee is neither, it's a neccesaty


            • #21
              I agree guy, but why thai bri, just why? Ippon Kumite is very easy moves that disables the attacker. Thats all. I am just wondering if you have any logic in what you said or if your going to put some response like "Muay Thai rules all kung fu".


              • #22
                Ippon Kumite is full of the biggest cancer in the martial arts world - compliancy.


                • #23
                  Just cause you cant apply what you have learned in Kung-fu doesnt mean all kung-fu is bs. If they didn't teach you how to defend against a knife what do you expect? If they did you need practice to make it work. Its as simple as that. A big bloke comes up to you with a jacket and you cant use pressurepoint striking, you can always strikethe head cause it has a bunch of em. You got some lame reasons why kung-fu doesnt work dude.


                  • #24
                    So your argument doesnt prove anything about kung-fu.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by holyman
                      I really had my heart set on kungfu I spent years studying the various animal styles. Then one night some kind came up to me and pulled a knife.

                      Then I thought, I wasted my time spirituallity. My kungfu teach never explained how to defend against this kid who drew a knife on me.

                      What aload of rubbish kungfu is. Chi is fake. Thai Bri was right alll along.

                      You kungfu guys should NOT waste time on your fake forms. Learn real fighting stuff not mythical crounching tiger hidden dragon stuff.

                      How does s kungfu guy deal with knife threat, gun threat ? a thug intent on killng u ? jesuzzzzzzz christ
                      How about you tell as what you did when this kid come up 2u ????
                      Also what do you think real fighting stuff do vs a gun????


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Thai Bri
                        Ippon Kumite is full of the biggest cancer in the martial arts world - compliancy.
                        When I was training for the BB exams, I had to come up with some ippon kumite because we never did those ( our organisation is multistyled and have tried to harmonise the exams a bit in the past)
                        I might still have some pics of those

                        Or was he talking about Ippon Shobu ( competition with one point or 2 halves)?


                        • #27
                          Shut up Thai, why do you callme a dim witt

                          Wait till I come up behind you with a baseball bat and smack u then knife you in the kidney

                          Your thai boxing wont help you then stupid ahahahahah


                          • #28
                            I guess thats the measure of your bravery.



                            • #29
                              Thai Bri, you hate Kung Fu because you sucked at it.

                              End of story.


                              • #30
                                Actualy I thought I was rather good.

                                I remember the "Sifu" getting us to do a drill were we played something a little like Chi Sao, and lightly slapped each others faces if we got through. Typically, this arse hole slapped hard.

                                Well I can slap hard too, and you should have seen the look on his ever reddening face when the lowly student slapped him about. Great fun.

                                Alex, you have no idea how good or bad I was / am. You're just a sad bastard who holds Kung Fu up as something to propr up a weak ego, and you perceive any criticism of it as an attack on yourself.

                                Good day!

