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Kungfu is fake

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  • Kungfu is fake

    I really had my heart set on kungfu I spent years studying the various animal styles. Then one night some kind came up to me and pulled a knife.

    Then I thought, I wasted my time spirituallity. My kungfu teach never explained how to defend against this kid who drew a knife on me.

    What aload of rubbish kungfu is. Chi is fake. Thai Bri was right alll along.

    You kungfu guys should NOT waste time on your fake forms. Learn real fighting stuff not mythical crounching tiger hidden dragon stuff.

    How does s kungfu guy deal with knife threat, gun threat ? a thug intent on killng u ? jesuzzzzzzz christ

  • #2
    Originally posted by holyman
    I really had my heart set on kungfu I spent years studying the various animal styles. Then one night some kind came up to me and pulled a knife.

    Then I thought, I wasted my time spirituallity. My kungfu teach never explained how to defend against this kid who drew a knife on me.

    What aload of rubbish kungfu is. Chi is fake. Thai Bri was right alll along.

    You kungfu guys should NOT waste time on your fake forms. Learn real fighting stuff not mythical crounching tiger hidden dragon stuff.

    How does s kungfu guy deal with knife threat, gun threat ? a thug intent on killng u ? jesuzzzzzzz christ

    My second student that i teach my ChiDianBun KungFu alphabets (without forms but only alphabets) he defeated two officials (Brgy. Konsehal and Brgy. Captain) and those two are expert in Western Boxing and Karate and Arnis.............

    haw haw haw haw haw

    to tell you the truth.... i have also a book of Choy Li Fut's Five Animals KungFu by Doc Fai Wong.... i study it before and spent more years to learn it but i now accept that - that art of Five Animals KungFu is not suitable for me, i mean that it is not compatible within my self/built......

    but thanks to my KungFu (KokSut) Instructor that he teach me ChiDianBun KungFu as well as Hik Style TaiChiChuan and Hik Style TaiChiSword...... with a combination of Go-Cho(NgoChoKun), AngKaKun, SevenStarPrayingMantis, etc....

    haw haw haw haw.....

    you know........ you'll learn a Fake KungFu that's the reason why you can't perform it in an actual confrontation.......

    even my first student (he's my instructor in Karate and arnis too), we shared martial arts knowledge so i teach him ChiDianBun, then during 1996 he encounter a stupid big built guy inside the bus in Manila, he also apply ChiDianBun to that stupid guy and the stupid guy with a knife to his pocket dont know where did the hands(fist) of my first student came from, but it hit that guy plenty of times and he even never retaliate even just 1 punch.....

    haw haw haw......

    now tell me, who's your instructor that teach you that kind of kungfu and what is the complete name of your kungfu style????????

    did he teach you only forms or he didnt teach you its alphabets........

    most of my sparring, i did not use my FORMS, but most of my combinations are mostly ALPHABETS....... thru alphabets you can make words, thru words you can make sentences and sentences to back-to-back conversation.....

    but i never execute my FORMS cause of risk!!!!!!! its too risky

    The Five Animals KungFu of Doc Fai Wong that i study is composed of Forms, there they have no Alphabets of Hand and Feet Attacks..... and that is the reason why..........

    Hope you Convinced..........


    • #3
      Let me tell u somthing first.

      When i started kungfu, my teacher said he will also teaching praying mantis style. He said he was in a pub once and this guys attacked him. He did one move and the guy hit the ground stunned.

      He said praying mantis style is banned in many countries because its so dangerous i was impressed but realize that these were only words to make me join the kungfu school and buy pjyamas.

      Originally posted by sherwinc

      My second student that i teach my ChiDianBun KungFu alphabets (without forms but only alphabets) he defeated two officials (Brgy. Konsehal and Brgy. Captain) and those two are expert in Western Boxing and Karate and Arnis.............

      haw haw haw haw haw

      to tell you the truth.... i have also a book of Choy Li Fut's Five Animals KungFu by Doc Fai Wong.... i study it before and spent more years to learn it but i now accept that - that art of Five Animals KungFu is not suitable for me, i mean that it is not compatible within my self/built......

      but thanks to my KungFu (KokSut) Instructor that he teach me ChiDianBun KungFu as well as Hik Style TaiChiChuan and Hik Style TaiChiSword...... with a combination of Go-Cho(NgoChoKun), AngKaKun, SevenStarPrayingMantis, etc....

      haw haw haw haw.....

      you know........ you'll learn a Fake KungFu that's the reason why you can't perform it in an actual confrontation.......

      even my first student (he's my instructor in Karate and arnis too), we shared martial arts knowledge so i teach him ChiDianBun, then during 1996 he encounter a stupid big built guy inside the bus in Manila, he also apply ChiDianBun to that stupid guy and the stupid guy with a knife to his pocket dont know where did the hands(fist) of my first student came from, but it hit that guy plenty of times and he even never retaliate even just 1 punch.....

      haw haw haw......

      now tell me, who's your instructor that teach you that kind of kungfu and what is the complete name of your kungfu style????????

      did he teach you only forms or he didnt teach you its alphabets........

      most of my sparring, i did not use my FORMS, but most of my combinations are mostly ALPHABETS....... thru alphabets you can make words, thru words you can make sentences and sentences to back-to-back conversation.....

      but i never execute my FORMS cause of risk!!!!!!! its too risky

      The Five Animals KungFu of Doc Fai Wong that i study is composed of Forms, there they have no Alphabets of Hand and Feet Attacks..... and that is the reason why..........

      Hope you Convinced..........


      • #4
        chek out the crappy kung fu self defense clips ive posted, they could work

        maybe ur kung fu didnt work becuz u were too busy becoming the animal


        • #5
          Originally posted by holyman
          Let me tell u somthing first.

          When i started kungfu, my teacher said he will also teaching praying mantis style. He said he was in a pub once and this guys attacked him. He did one move and the guy hit the ground stunned.

          He said praying mantis style is banned in many countries because its so dangerous i was impressed but realize that these were only words to make me join the kungfu school and buy pjyamas.

          Hehe "the Ultimate Praying Mantis Championships"

          It seems in KF a lot of "too secret" or "too dangerous" is used
          It was probaly banned because it was too dangerous to mislead people into thinking they can defend themself


          • #6
            I used to be amazed by all u kungfu people who talked about dim mak.

            Then i thought one day if some big bloke is wearing a huge jacket and a wolly jumper how do i apply a dim mak touch if his jacket is protecthing him ?

            u cant just grab someones arm and start pressing it at different points to stun him, its impossible in a real siuation.


            • #7
              Originally posted by holyman
              What aload of rubbish kungfu is. Chi is fake. ....

              You kungfu guys should NOT waste time on your fake forms. Learn real fighting stuff not mythical crounching tiger hidden dragon stuff.
              I mean... that should be just common sense nowadays. Welcome to reality.
              (Reality encompasses also funny self-deluding jokes who still believe in the invincibility of mysterious phony Chinese internal styles... but that's another story )


              • #8
                Holyman: You are still alive and typing away. You must have done something right. I was on a walk last night and two American bulldogs (90 pounders) came charging at me barking menacingly. I had my Bo Staff and was ready to use it in a very vicious manner. There was no attack and no use of the staff. One dog ran away and I ended up petting and scratching one. I believe I did something right. In kenpo and Jiu Jitsu we do a lot of knife defenses. Truth be told, empty handed techniques against a knife against a skilled knife wielder and still going to get you cut. It's just a question of how badly. Don't give up on the kung fu. Add onto it with another system that you feel will better your martial arts skills.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by holyman
                  Thai Bri was right alll along.
                  True that......

                  Dim Wit. You are aptly named. Why carry on with something that is useless?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by holyman
                    Then I thought, I wasted my time spirituallity. My kungfu teach never explained how to defend against this kid who drew a knife on me.
                    Your Kung Fu teach must be an idiot then (no offense to the guy, i dont know him), but one of the things you should learn is one step sparring or ippon kumite. It teaches you basic stuff; this is like lowest rank material. If you haven't learned it ask about it, and your teacher doesnt know about it then switch schools.

                    And mantis could be very deadly under the right hands. But it takes years of practice to learn and master so dont expect to watch some stupid video on it and learn it 15 min or whatever. I can't say how much you have to practice these forms to become good at them and a lot of forms have lost their true strength developing power. Not to bash americans because I am one, but people who live in the USA are impatient, stubborn, and selfish. Not only do they want to learn all the material in an hour they expect to become some "Kung Fu god" just by doing it a couple of times. And instructors hear dont help, they let students slide with crappy bow and horse and catstances(ect). Your only hurting yourself bye giving yourself fake confidence if you do this and that quite frankly sucks. Did you know that in old china a martial arts student would spend at LEAST 6 months perfecting horse and bow stances. That is 6 months without doing any form whatsoever. People hear would never pay to take class if their instructors told them to do this and that makes americans stupid. So stop fooling yourself and either quit or start doing things right and stop bashing things you don't even know about because your too stupid to comprehend all this.


                    • #11
                      But they can't fight neither, except those nice San Shou people who copy Thai Boxing methods.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Thai Bri
                        But they can't fight neither, except those nice San Shou people who copy Thai Boxing methods.
                        They dont "copy" thai fighters, they just techniques that are the best for kicking which happen to be the same. I'm sure any idiot would realize that your shin is harder than your the instep of your foot. And San Shou comes directly from the forms, just most people don't do it the traditional way. They just learn what the techniques are not where they came from or the excercise that made them strong. For example Bai Hur Chua Chou, or white crane flips the leg as it is known in english, is where the tradtional scissor sweep is derived from. It sounds like you watch too much TV Thai Bri and don't learn enough history.


                        • #13
                          Thai: At first you were a 15 year old kid, and now you're a cop in Great Britain. I don't know what you are, but I sure hope you use more wisdom in your police activities than you do in cyberspace. No marial art is "useless". Some are better for self-defense than others. Much of the Tai Chi that is practiced is primarily for health, but there are some self-defense applications. If someone adds years to their life, then the system is definately useful. Some kung fu systems are so stuck in the "classical mess" quagmire that that they do not adjust to modern realities. There are many useful fighting applications of SOME kung fu, and many people have spent a lot of time finding these out.

                          If some guy wants to spend his time and money on some classical system, and is receiving benefit in some way, then who am I to judge? If he comes up at the short end in a confrontation, then he has some decisions to make.

                          I use the Dim Wit name in a "tongue in cheek" way and as an acknowlegement that I will be learning the rest of my life. It must be nice to be so brilliant that there is nothing else to learn. Maybe I should take the attitude that those people who think they know everything really annoy those of us who do.


                          • #14
                            amen to that


                            • #15
                              You do, indeed, have a lot more to learn. All this "all martial arts have something to offer" bull shit is naive nonsense.

                              The majority of mainstream martial arts teach things that will get you killed in a real fight. You would be better off NOT training in them at all.

                              Shaolinfman - I flip my white finger to you, knob haed.

