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Bruce Lee V Mohammed Ali

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  • Bruce Lee V Mohammed Ali

    Who would win ?

  • #2
    the audience


    • #3
      well i think ali would becuz he was a professional fighter

      bruce made movies and i still think he was in excellent in many ways

      though i think ali would win becuz he can take punches, hes a boxer

      only in a ring though, if this was street it would 50/50

      theres no telling who would win actually

      just because u do like 30 years of kung fu training doesnt mean a street punk cant own u

      what happens happens

      you cant rightfully say who or what would win


      • #4
        No one would win! They wouldn' t fight at all. I think they would share their experiences and techniques and have a good time together!....And Bruce Lee was a fan of Mahammad Ali, so....


        • #5
          apparently this guys started slashing this knife at mohammed ali and ali punched the guy and knocked him out shit man !!

          So it goes to show ali did not learn kungfu or karate knife defense but he still knocked out the knife man


          • #6
            this iwhat i learned

            u gotta hit the motherfucker first


            • #7
              at least this hasn't been asked a bjillion bjillion times


              • #8
                Bruce Lee would. Why? Because he's already dead and you can't kill a dead man twice....


                • #9
                  I believe bruce lee would win because boxers have no way to deal with kicks and bruce lees art(the way of the intercepting fist) incorporates most MAs into it and he could train to deal with mohamads great size. Just my opinion.

                  I agree that they wouldnt fight but spar heavily and share in each others expierience but if they did fight i'd have to say Bruce Lee.

