I have noticed that most if not all the police train in some kind of grappling art and learn a few moves that help them capture a criminal or restrain someone. Iv also noticed that grappling is mostly used by strong people who like to face their opponent directly and overpower him or somehow bring him down. Striking arts on the other hand I see as more of a defensive way of fighting on the street. Why would someone need to grapple someone in the street and restrain him, maybe put him in some joint lock or something? Just hit, gouge eyes, bite or try to injure the person who attacked you and then get out. If you grapple someone to the ground and beat them and hold them in a headlock or arm lock people might see that and call police and they will think you were initiating the fight. My point I’m trying to get across is that on the streets a striking art would be more effective, because its 1) faster, 2) safer, because you just bash and get out without having to face any legal problems and 3) more practical on the street. If you thing I'm wrong please correct me and share your thoughts on this.
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Grappling vs. Striking in streets
Originally posted by TameoI have noticed that most if not all the police train in some kind of grappling art and learn a few moves that help them capture a criminal or restrain someone. Iv also noticed that grappling is mostly used by strong people who like to face their opponent directly and overpower him or somehow bring him down. Striking arts on the other hand I see as more of a defensive way of fighting on the street. Why would someone need to grapple someone in the street and restrain him, maybe put him in some joint lock or something? Just hit, gouge eyes, bite or try to injure the person who attacked you and then get out. If you grapple someone to the ground and beat them and hold them in a headlock or arm lock people might see that and call police and they will think you were initiating the fight. My point I’m trying to get across is that on the streets a striking art would be more effective, because its 1) faster, 2) safer, because you just bash and get out without having to face any legal problems and 3) more practical on the street. If you thing I'm wrong please correct me and share your thoughts on this.
1.If your friend gets drunk and starts a fight with a random person, would you:
a. Hit him?
b.Grapple him?
d.join in?
2.if a better puncher fights you do you:
a. Hit him?
b.Grapple him?
d.Call Mummy?
3.If a little kid decides to come punch you in the nuts, do you:
a. Hit him?
b.Grapple him?
d.punch them yourself to show the kid how it's done?
4. If a hot chick intends to punch the guy next to you but misses and heads your direction, do you:
a. Hit her?
b.Grapple her?
d.Jerk off as quick as you can because she touched you?
Mostly a's
You are a merciless bastard and all you know is to hit hit hit, learn to use your brain about it!
mostly b's
you are in control of the situation showing some conderation for someone else's stupidity
mostly c's
you are a robot or a practitioner of iron body kung fu which is fake. Lets just say your not very fast!
mostly d's
your a weird one, thats all I have to say!
say it with me kids-
going to the ground in a street fight is not always up to you. surprising but true. you better hope like hell you know what to do if it goes there.
Originally posted by Ikken Hisatsusay it with me kids-
going to the ground in a street fight is not always up to you. surprising but true. you better hope like hell you know what to do if it goes there.beloved thai bri!
Im not talking about stipid situations when your at a party or something or a freind is drunk and tries to hit you. Im talking about when you have to defend your life against some maniac on the street, most poeple on the street arent pro fighters.
1.If your friend gets drunk and starts a fight with a random person, would you:
a. Hit him?
b.Grapple him?
d.join in?
E, buy another round and enjoy the show.
2.if a better puncher fights you do you:
a. Hit him?
b.Grapple him?
d.Call Mummy?
E, use my taser on him.
3.If a little kid decides to come punch you in the nuts, do you:
a. Hit him?
b.Grapple him?
d.punch them yourself to show the kid how it's done?
D, cause I'm tough.
4. If a hot chick intends to punch the guy next to you but misses and heads your direction, do you:
a. Hit her?
b.Grapple her?
d.Jerk off as quick as you can because she touched you?
D, hey, everybody does it
Originally posted by TameoIm not talking about stipid situations when your at a party or something or a freind is drunk and tries to hit you. Im talking about when you have to defend your life against some maniac on the street, most poeple on the street arent pro fighters.
Luckily for you there is that highly combat proven "Wing Chun Anti Grappling"
I think it would be useful for a striking art such as wing chun to have atleast a couple of basic grapling or joint locks teqs that anyone can do. but I suppose some wing chun schools would like to keep it traditional which is cool too but a real wing chun school would teach you how not to end up on to the ground. but I may be wrong but I don't think there are pro fighters on the street because if they were pro fighters they wouldn't use it unless they have to, most attacks on the street are strikes and sometimes they are grabs as well most of them can be easily countered, a wing chunschool that focues on self defense would teach about that as well
Originally posted by Thai BriRead what Ikken Hisatsu said.
Luckily for you there is that highly combat proven "Wing Chun Anti Grappling"
Originally posted by OraenorWC uses counter grappling, not anti grappling.This type of combat resembles chi sau, they grapple, you counter grapple, then the combat chi sau version begins. WC grapples just drags you back into combat so theres no escape while they continuosly assault you. Very rare to see a WC doing ground fighting as it is hard to get them down in the first place hence why this is a "female kung fu" and why it works well with females.
And now we have "Female KungFu"???
Originally posted by Oraenorlets look at these situations in this months issue of cosmo.....
1.If your friend gets drunk and starts a fight with a random person, would you:
a. Hit him?
b.Grapple him?
d.join in?
2.if a better puncher fights you do you:
a. Hit him?
b.Grapple him?
d.Call Mummy?
3.If a little kid decides to come punch you in the nuts, do you:
a. Hit him?
b.Grapple him?
d.punch them yourself to show the kid how it's done?
4. If a hot chick intends to punch the guy next to you but misses and heads your direction, do you:
a. Hit her?
b.Grapple her?
d.Jerk off as quick as you can because she touched you?
Mostly a's
You are a merciless bastard and all you know is to hit hit hit, learn to use your brain about it!
mostly b's
you are in control of the situation showing some conderation for someone else's stupidity
mostly c's
you are a robot or a practitioner of iron body kung fu which is fake. Lets just say your not very fast!
mostly d's
your a weird one, thats all I have to say!
but there are plenty of situations that Grappling is recommended......