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Real Kung Fu

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  • #16
    Originally posted by dacosta
    I made one mistake, I used the word "All". Most of the basic punches in my system are design to use the maxium power the body can generate. It is a known fact that the maxium power a 70 kg human male can put into a punch will easly break through a skull, the hardest bone in the body.

    At the intermediate level, most of the basic punches only attack vital but weak spots, so that a 60 kg woman could even kills with two well placed strikes.


    • #17
      Me thinks "Boxing Master" was just sticking his prick in a hornets nest to see how it would react and not looking for honey lol.


      • #18
        I've heard of resurrections before. This thread had been dead almost two years.


        • #19
          We miss Sherwinc.



          • #20
            Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
            We miss Sherwinc.

            Yes indeed. Things were never boring when he got involved. I absolutely loved his grammatical structure.


            • #21
              Sorry folks my mistake, just saw the post in the "similar threads" bit and did not look at the date lol, will pay more attention in future.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Lthunder View Post
                Apparently you do not understand the true nature of Kung Fu. It is a path to travel, not a MMA mess to slap together for the purpose of fighting.

                Yes I have used my Hung Gar Kung Fu in unarmed combat to defend myself during a mugging. Now I didn't drop into a bunch of stances and spoke in subtitled chinese, but I used the PRINCIPLES that are taught to you in the forms.

                Stances teach you structure and how to move within your technique. If you can't move you can't fight. There are linear and circular stiking and kicking within most CMA.

                In most CMA Kwoons there are two concepts to fighting. Classical and Non-Classical. It is the duty of the Sifu to help the student to travel the path from forms and classical fighting to the free-form non-classical fighting you could encounter on the streets.

                The path is what most Americans who take MMA don't understand. It is the the foundation to your personal skill.
                Well said.
                I am so tired of people knocking or questioning CMA, TMA, or any other art outside of their own in the sesne of ineffectiveness.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Rickster View Post
                  Well said.
                  I am so tired of people knocking or questioning CMA, TMA, or any other art outside of their own in the sesne of ineffectiveness.

                  You're tired of people questioning? Too bad.


                  • #24
                    Well-we all get tired of something, only to come back to it


                    • #25
                      Here's a couple of videos of kung fu being used in real fights.

                      WT stylist in a pit fight.

                      kung fu stylist in a street fight. He goes into a deep kung fu stance and freaks the other guy out. Once their all done making fun of him, he knocks the guy out with one strike. funny video!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by punkmonk View Post
                        Here's a couple of videos of kung fu being used in real fights.

                        WT stylist in a pit fight.

                        kung fu stylist in a street fight. He goes into a deep kung fu stance and freaks the other guy out. Once their all done making fun of him, he knocks the guy out with one strike. funny video!

                        What's with the FBI websites?


                        • #27
                          What FBI sites? Those are just from
                          They have tons of fights caught on video, from peoples camra phones, to convience store or bar camras, etc.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by punkmonk View Post
                            What FBI sites? Those are just from
                            They have tons of fights caught on video, from peoples camra phones, to convience store or bar camras, etc.

                            Something weird is going on here, at least for me. The first time I clicked on these sites, the FBI website came up for both of them. I did it three times and it came up every time. I did it again, after reading your response above, and the right ones came up this time, just like you described. If I hadn't done it three times the first time, I would question my sanity. At any rate, the right ones came up this time.


                            • #29
                              no way, your freaking me out. lol!
                              They do monitor everything now, but that's really really weird. I just got those from and copied the url from the browser. Holy cow!
                              I just tried them too and it brought up the FBI website too. reposted them and they still do the same thing. FBI.
                              the url says in it, that's so weird.


                              • #30
                                wow, then after my last post its linking to the correct site again.
                                First the FBI site, now to the video site.
                                Very, Very spooky. (pun intended). lol!

