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Do soldiers make better Martial Artists?

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  • #16
    Dead on!

    From my experience, the more elite of the US military would be less likely to get into a fight, but the same can be said for any well trained martial artist. When you've gone through any really tough training, and pushed your mind and body beyond all your preconcieved limits, you realize you only have to prove things to yourself. Most people that talk shit are trying to convince everyone else that there hard, because they don't believe it themselves. It just seems like overcompensation. And the military attracts all kinds of people and now takes a lot of the wrong kind, because manning levels are so low and they can't afford to be as choosey as they used to. It sounds like the jerk deserved a beetin.
    I had some army puke step over the line with my wife at her last duty station. I really don't care what people say to me, but if you mess with my family, I'm out for blood. I beat his ass in the office of their command, and the next day when the Colonel found out and called me into his office with that jerk, I pulled my dress blues out of the closet and went on in. When the guy saw me come in, it looked like he pissed his pants. When the Colonel found out what started the fight, the army pfc got 45 days restriction and I got a handshake and a thank you.


    • #17
      Originally posted by EmptyneSs
      im sure there are alot of tough dudes in the military, there are tough dudes everywere. but there are alot of guys who think just because they are inlisted they are automatically badasses, regardless of what training they do or dont get.
      Haha, yep, got them pegged I was amazed at how many pussies actually made it into the Marine Corps, who would talk all tough until a challenge was thrown down then they would hide behind NCOs and the like. One of my old roommates in the Marines was maybe 5'8" and 100 pounds, but acted like he was the hardest guy on Earth until you actually challenged him then he'd back down in a hurry. There were so many people like that, it irritated me, especially when you meet the true badasses and make the comparisons.

      Case in point: this happened just a month or so ago. My best friend and I went to a local bar to get shitty and play some pool. His girlfriend was going to be meeting us so we figured, hey, she'll be DD then. We're at the bar getting some drinks when a guy next to me who sees me in my Gore-Tex jacket and asks "Hey, were you in the military?" I reply yes, I was in the Marines for a time but now I've been out a few months. Then he flat-out says "My buddy here is a Marine, and I think you're fucking lying. Your hair looks a little too long to have just gotten out." Turns out this is some E-3 who does Legal Admin, hence the regulation high-and-tight, tucked-in shirt, and Geek Squad attire, trying to impress some blonde girl next to him. Let's just say I put my foot up his ass verbally, and he and his buddy left pretty red-faced. Once I unzipped my jacket and showed off my 3rd Recon T-shirt it was all downhill from there for them


      • #18
        I consider myself a true martial artist because after my ex boyfriend beat the hell out of me i survived and carried on with my training, my best mate who was the first and only person i told for a very long time about it took a polaroid of my back where he ebat me with the chain but i fought through my depression and lack of self confidence and carried on with my training, but without inner strength i think i would have completely lost myself , your probably thinking if i was already practicing martial arts why didnt i fight back well it is a long story and i loved him which blinded my fight impulse, i was confused because i didnt realsie he got the wrong end of the stick about me going to meet up with a male friend from italy who i have grown up with hes like an older brother and he heard i was meeting "this guy" had me followed got me on my own in a secluded area the next day went to kiss me and punched me across the face then beat me black and blue with a chain on his jeans, it was a harsh lesson i had to learn to never completely trust anyone, i was 15 and he was 19 and i trusted he was a mature adult obviously i was wrong. He never queried me about it before he attacked me if he had he wuld have learned we are friends and i hardly see him because his parents split up so he lives in italy with his dad 99.9% of the time and has a steady gf.

        But i got there in the end, and the way i see it some people are born killers aka soldiers meaning they can kill when it comes down to it and then there are everyday people such as martial artists who can train to know how to kill in depserate circumstances but also what seperates us from soldiers is that their job description is kill or be killed in wars, martial artists train to know how to fight but not necissarily kill if you see what i mean.

        I fought like a dog against depression and have found i can trust men again and am opening up to people again its taken nrlty 4 yrs bt i got there so yeah its not only outer strength but inner strength as well which sperates the weak from the strong!!!!!!

        "I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself, a brid will fall frozen dead from a bow without ever having felt sorry for itself!" G.I. Jane


        • #19
          Originally posted by HandtoHand
          That's some impressive stuff EmptyneSs. Bragging that you would have pounded a soldier with the help of two other martial artists?
          how was i bragging when i said that i stopped a fight from happening???? how am i trying to be a badass by not resorting to violence and instead using words to difuse a situation? yeah its easy to beat someone down when its 3 on 1. thats y i stopped the fight. i mean, i know i have to explain obvious shit like this to ur dumb ass all the time since u cant figure it out for urself, but damn u are one stupid ass kid.


          • #20
            Originally posted by EmptyneSs
            yeah, most people in the military dont get that much training in hand to hand combat. some of the more elite units probobly do, but for the most part they dont train that much in martial arts. they learn to use guns and equipment, and outdoor survival skills because these are more important in todays battlefield. their training in no way compares to a skilled, well conditioned martial artist that trains hours everyday, works out, and spars all the time.

            im sure there are alot of tough dudes in the military, there are tough dudes everywere. but there are alot of guys who think just because they are inlisted they are automatically badasses, regardless of what training they do or dont get. the guy who was getting in my face was just a regular guy in the us army. the entire night he was starting shit with people and acting like he was the shit because he was a soldier, and would look down on others or measure them up. the problem is cockiness. so many arrogant people out there. i see it alot in ma too. there are people in ma who love to talk about how tough they are 24-7. they think just cause the practice a ma they are the shit. i know a kid who tries to fight everyone because he been doing bjj for a few months, isnt good, and is in poor shape. and he tries to get chicks with it all the time, he is such a douche. i see alot of people like that were i train as well as other places, just like some of the military guys who think they are badasses when they arent.cockiness is lame. cockiness always leads to an asskicking eventually.
            Well I have to disagree in one area, in that the training of a martial artist in no way compares to compares to a skilled, well conditioned professional soldier that trains hours everyday, works out, and shoots all the time.

            Both are martial skills, just the one guy emphasizes old-style ways of fighting, the other guy emphasizes the newer style.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Broadsword2004
              Well I have to disagree in one area, in that the training of a martial artist in no way compares to compares to a skilled, well conditioned professional soldier that trains hours everyday, works out, and shoots all the time.

              Both are martial skills, just the one guy emphasizes old-style ways of fighting, the other guy emphasizes the newer style.
              were talking about hand to hand combat ability though, and the fact is most military units dont get that much hand to hand combat training. a us army soldier does not have the same hand to hand combat abilities as dedicated martial artist that trains in hand to hand combat everday.


              • #22
                Originally posted by EmptyneSs
                were talking about hand to hand combat ability though, and the fact is most military units dont get that much hand to hand combat training. a us army soldier does not have the same hand to hand combat abilities as dedicated martial artist that trains in hand to hand combat everday.
                Very true. As I said before, if I were to count the number of times I saw an admin geek get his ass kicked because he just got his tan belt in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program and decided to try to fight in a bar, I'd run out of finger AND toes. I went through when the LINE training was still in effect and then I got into MCMAP, and I actually feel the LINE training was far more effective. I've been in and seen a few brawls where you'll have two Marines against four or five guys and the Marines'll be stacking up their bodies like cordwood just due to the fact that Jarheads are well-conditioned, most of em are pretty tough, and for the sheer fact that we like scrapping more than anybody else. God gave Marines brains larger than horses so we don't shit on the streets when we're marching in parades, but with some exceptions (i.e. the 10% that slip by and manage to make the Corps look bad), there's really only two kinds of Marines: big and mean, or small and mean. The majority of Marines are rude, lewd, hard-nosed, and iron-balled; the rest who aren't are just playing Marine and should really be in another service (i.e. Air Force).

                I'm saying Marines as this was my main experience, being on a few Army bases didn't put them in too well of a light with me, especially after we were having a friendly little brawl outside of a bar one night and the soldiers were flailing around their arms like a schoolkid getting his ass beat. Some Navy guys are pretty tough, but I've mostly only worked with corpsmen. As for the Air Force, we called them "punching bags in dress uniforms"


                • #23
                  Originally posted by HandtoHand
                  But all the martial arts, dope smoking and weight lifting isn't going to help you if you're still a scared little pussy on the inside.
                  thats probobly the reason u dont train at all cause u know either way ur still a weak little bitch who hasnt even hit puberty yet. not only that, but yet again u are talking about drugs in a thread that has nothing to do with em, wich leads me to believe u still havent seeked help for ur addictions.

                  and whats funnier is how ur trying to say im bragging, yet all i mentioned was that i stopped a fight. yeah im tooting my own horn, im so hardcore at stopping fights. im the best fight stopper ever. get a life u pencil neck faggot instead of trying to chime in on my posts by replying to things i didnt even say, or that u just made up. also, if 1 person is facing 3, he is gonna get his ass kicked, thats just a fact, its not me bragging. and its great how u call me a pussy when u dont even train in a ma, ur just a bitch, and everyone knows it, especially u.


                  • #24
                    Funny how both of you don't know each other, but lay the verbal smack down - so much for the internet improving

                    One of my old MA classmates is an ex-soldier and is a really good fighter, with a solid amateur record. He was good enough to get up to championship fights at the Toughman.

                    There's no doubt he can handle himself on the street or in the ring. Still, he's gotten smacked down during training sessions. It happens. Anyone whos trained long enough in martial arts has gotten beaten down a few times...

                    Emptyness, I would say that soldiers who train in MA are at an equal footing with athletes who switch over to MA. Having good discipline and being in good shape is going to put you ahead of others who live sedentary lives, that's just a fact. This coming from many years experience training in MAs and befriending classmates who were in the army or the marines.

                    The loud tough drill sargeant stereotype doesn't fit all military people H2H, but for some reason people think that's the way that people think they are supposed to behave whether they are trained in infantry, armory, mp, intel or whatever job. But they don't, so I don't know why you keep suggesting this? Many of the guys I've met are some of the most respectful, polite and non-confrontational people I've met so not every guy is an in yer face bad ass; they are trained to do what they do though. I'm sure there are some mean SOB's out there too.

                    Who knows, there could be some ex-Navy Seals or Rangers lurking these boards??

                    I've met fighters reagardless of profession that are the nicest, decent and moral people you would ever meet, but could kill you mercilessly in the ring (and there are rules in the ring).

                    Off me soapbox!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by HandtoHand
                      Denying that you have no balls and have the emotional maturity of a 10 year old will not help you overcome your sickness. You must first admit that you have a problem before you can overcome it.
                      its good that u are aware of your prolbems, however its a shame that u do nothing to change your ways. u keep admitting to ur problems, but u still cant overcome them.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by HandtoHand
                        Haw, Haw, Haw

                        Who was it that chickened out when a soldier started talking shit to him
                        u may condone violence, but that doesnt mean everyone else does. just like u condone heavy drug use and unprotected anal sex with other males; doesnt mean everyone else does.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by HandtoHand
                          What's the point of training in martial arts if you're never going to use them? Why don't you just run away from every possible conflict and continue to lift weights and practice fighting. If you aren't willing to use what you've learned then why are you wasting you time learning? As I said everything else will do you no good if you're still a scared little boy on the inside.
                          just cause u train in a ma doesnt give u the right to go around picking fights and fighting others. yeah if ur life is in danger, by all means do what u gotta do, but that for sure wasnt the case in my situation. its ok that u dont understand this, u usually never do, and i mean its not as if u train in a ma anyway. self control is one of the most importand parts of training. also, unlike u, i dont lift weights so i can "try" to be tough or look tough. same with my training, i dont train hard to "try" to be tough. people like u who feel the need to prove themselves as a result of their insecurity are the people who do shit for the sake of looking tough. instead of fighting and causing a scene and ruining the night for many people who just wanted to have a good time, i decided to not let a fight happen. why let some dick ruin ur night? fighting is easy, anybody can fight and cause a scene, but it really does take alot to walk away.

                          Originally posted by HandtoHand
                          You're insecurity is causing you to angrily lash out at those who are trying to help you, and is warping your perception of reality. At this point you're so delusional that you won't see the truth in what I'm saying so follow this advice; check into a drug treatment center.

                          You're the who you smokes dope and started a thread on marijuana. You're the one who likes getting pounded in the ass. You're the one who's a scared little boy who is afraid to put somebody who's self-confident their place.
                          here we can see that u are once again projecting ur own issues on others because u feel bad about them and dont want to deal with them

                          btw its funny how u talk all this shit and call me a pussy when at the same time u post in the open access section telling us about how u get ur ass kicked. but hey, thats what happens when u are an armchair martial artist(if i can even call u that since u arent a martial artist whatsoever), and feel the need to prove urself to make urself feel better about ur insecurities.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by HandtoHand
                            It isn't about going around and picking fights its about respect. It's about sticking up for youself. If somebody comes and picks a fight with me its not my responsibility to back down. If you're always backing down and chickening out then you'll get a rep for just that and every vulture will be coming down you because they know you won't do a damn thing. Many bullies don't want a hard fight. Instead they want to posture and look tough when they push you around and you back down or beat somebody who's not even close to them.

                            Self-control is the ability to control you emotions, not chickening out like you do.

                            How do I explain this to somebody who constantly shirks away from physical conflict?

                            Fighting somebody who comes up to you and acts like an ass isn't playing tough, it's sticking up for yourself. Playing tough is lifting weights, studying a fighting system, and picking fights with wimps. It isn't fighting an asshole who started shit with you.

                            Yeah it takes a real big man to hang your head and walk away with your tail between you legs. That asshole at that party wanted you to do exactly what you did; walk away like a scared little child which impresses wanna-be bad asses. Sure you may call yourself the better man but anytime somebody wants to make themselves look tough you're going to be on the list to challenge

                            How many real fights have you been in? Eventually somebody else comes along who beats you. That doesn't make you a pussy. Letting people dominate you makes you a pussy.

                            How many more times will I have to explain this? Sticking up for yourself, does not make you insecure. It means that you aren't going to be walked all over.
                            yeah u should stick up for urself, but starting a fight in a packed house during a party isnt the right time or place to be fighting, and btw i did stick up for myself. i told the guy to **** off and he did, he was the one who backed down. but hey u can keep talking shit abouta situation u know nothing about, just like u always do. i wasnt a pussy like u who got ur ass kicked in a pussy fight andt nearly disabled for life by some bitch pushing me into a window ledge. haha u suck balls and u still talk shit


                            • #29
                              You guys have issues...


                              • #30
                                Military hand to hand

                                The military trains very specific techniques. Ive had the goood fortune on two occasions to be trained by unarmed combat instructors from the local army base. They teach things like how to fight with webbing on and with knives and bayonets. These instructors are able to get soldiers proficient in a few tech. in a short period of time. But it's the same here in aust. Some soldiers think they are martial arts experts after a limited amount of training. As i said they train very specifically and can become very good at what they are taught though.

