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Do soldiers make better Martial Artists?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by LittleDemon
    Thing is soldiers are trained killers martial artists are just trained fighters, you cant stick the two in the same category, yeah we learn how to kill people but also how to restrain them you know killing being the very last resort in self defence, soldiers in context of being good martial artists are bloody amazing becayse they learn all the deadliest quickest ways to disarm an opponent also quick gruesome ways to use a knife etc my sisters husand was bosnian military police he and to fight in the bosnian war, im telling you as soon as the guy walks into a room you know he is a killer but he is also the nicest guy ive ever met, you do not want to **** with these guys because soldiers, military police whatever they are know how to kill you within seconds and are used to it but pit them against a martial artist who has never killed a man there will be that little awarness in his/her mind of how much fight to use whereas a soldier will go all out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes that's true I always kill any rude person that even stares at me off the streets, that is the only way to avoid and solve your problems. And my mentality is perfect for that like with all people, everyone can kill as easily as me so lets all do it! There is no way to solve a fight with only knocking them out, giving a nasty shock from a fitst or even break their legs, killing is only answer that is what you must do to fight a man down. If you don't know how to kill people instantly you are uncapable and pussy.


    • #77
      Originally posted by HtTKar

      Retired Army colonel, 70, sent to Afghanistan

      I guess at this point, it doesn't matter how old you are.
      that's the age they should start the draft at. wouldn't it make more sense anyway???


      • #78
        Originally posted by Killuminati
        Yes that's true I always kill any rude person that even stares at me off the streets, that is the only way to avoid and solve your problems. And my mentality is perfect for that like with all people, everyone can kill as easily as me so lets all do it! There is no way to solve a fight with only knocking them out, giving a nasty shock from a fitst or even break their legs, killing is only answer that is what you must do to fight a man down. If you don't know how to kill people instantly you are uncapable and pussy.
        Sarcasm well

        Really, its better to get up and walk away from bad, stand-offish people. Its even harder when they tempt you and make threats to your face.

        I'd rather sparr/grapple 1,000 challenging rounds in a year with real fighters of different levels and shake my partners hand afterward, demonstrating good sportmanship and true character than loose control, break the law, get injured and incarcerated over a name someone called you. Words come freely, but bail? medical bills? lawyer fees?

        What do you have to prove?


        • #79
          Do soldiers make better MA ists?


          They are more disciplined, in better shape and have stronger fight instincts.


          • #80
            Originally posted by HtTKar
            Karate is just being used as an example here.

            I have to completely disagree here.
            All soldiers are Martial artists, but not all martial artists are soldiers.

            A Karate-ka is someone that takes karate, but that does not make him a true martial artist. It just means that he knows karate.

            Someone that studies guns, may have a lot of knowledge about different models and how to shoot, but that doesnt mean they know how to hunt and track a person.

            Martial Arts is so much more than just learning how to fight. It also includes situational awareness, and battle strategies.

            A true martial artist studies the art of war, not the art of fighting. This includes learning from history, your opponent, and yourself.

            If a person were to follow the Art Of War, they would be considered a martial artist, whether they knew Karate or not.

            I could dare to say that a martial artist not even need to know how to fight at all, rather he could just be a commander of an army, or a dictator.

            So do soldiers make good fighters..that depends on the soldier. A group of soldiers standing together, and fighting together would definitely be better of than a group of thugs attempting the same outcome. However, when you separate these on one, they are just regular people.

            I do agree with you that "as soon as he walks into the room you can tell he's a killer". I know that 1000 mile stare more than I'd like to admit. But a person need not be in the military to kill people. I'd rather face someone that killed people during wartime, than someone that kills people in their own hood.

            Each individual is different. The military may make great martial-artists whether or not those individuals excell in H2H combat. Its all about teamwork against greater adversity.
            i think this sums it up.


            • #81
              Originally posted by TheMantis
              For a while I have been thinking about military hand-to-hand combat and how effective it may be. I reckon that it may be one of the best because its based on get in "n" kill or defend for your life, what also makes me think that its one of the best is because the soldiers go through intense physical training like those huge obstacle courses and lots of other exercises, plus the fighting the soldiers use don't waste their time doing spin kicks, backflips or any thing of the such, also they do whats quickest and most effective. And of course this is for real, not some spar in a match or ring. I am asking for your opinions. Of course I'm talking about the Specialist Arms Services, the kind that do the "undercover" work. Here in Australia we have one of the best of their kind. TheMantis
              Il admit u have alot more fitness from the military because i was going to be a Royal Marine but now i am a trainee Personal Fitness Trainer and the truth is its not the militaray that does it for you its yourself how hard you push yourself and how much you practice for instance i practice everyday and work out all the time and ive bin told by many different Martial arts teachers my kicks are amazing and effective this was by a 7th dan and by Tae Kwon Do instructor he actually tried to get me to come to Tae Kwon Do but i wud never leave my club because i trained and became what a am today because of them.. so if u want to be a marine fine but just remmember one thing when u are in the system u can't get out


              • #82
                I completely agree with the person they are not true martial artists they just learn a few techniques of ours well done man u really layedit otu well


                • #83
                  I think Martial artists make better soldiers, not the other way around!

