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Fighting against someone 2x your size!

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  • Fighting against someone 2x your size!

    Lets say someone of an average size of 5 feet 8 inches, 140 pounds, agile, and with some APPLIABLE martial arts background were to fight a giant sizing 6feet 6inches, 220 pounds, slow, no martial arts background, no techniques, but an ability to slam someone with incredible force. What would be some useful fighting strategies in taking down such a large opponent? But consider the emotional state the smaller person would be during that situation. I've been thinking... taking out his legs first with a quick low kick to the knee, causing it to hyperextend... but considering his size, his arms may be able to reach the smaller persons face before he even lands his full kick. Another solution i came up with was just rushing in threw his center and wailing rabbit punches up his jaw, but it may be very unsafe if he gets one of his grizzly paws on me. I came up with many more also... but it's just an idea. Of course, to come up with a fixed routine to deal with the opponent wouother solution i came up with was just rushing in threw his center and wailing rabbit punches up his jaw, but it may be very unsafe if he gets one of his grizzly paws on me. I came up with many more also... but it's just an idea. Of course, to come up with a fixed routine to deal with the opponent would not the such a great idea, but tips to approach and wear down the opponent woudl definintly be helpful.

    -JON =D

  • #2
    Kick him in the beans. when her bends over round kick to the temples or an upwards frint kick to the face. short sweet and to the point. Otherwise, 1)shoot him 2) find another weapon.


    • #3
      Kick him in the beans. when he bends over, round kick to the temples or an upwards front kick to the face. short sweet and to the point. Otherwise, 1)shoot him 2) find another weapon.


      • #4
        heh... the beans are every mans most precious valueables... over their years of living, whether he is a martial artist or not, they will acquire the reflex to protect his jewels. im afraid it might not be that easy to just simply kick him there... but if it had worked... it would be one of the best solutions. =D

        -JON =D


        • #5
          Originally posted by MatthewAlphonso
          Kick him in the beans.
          Great idea. Then, instead of just whuppin' ya, he'll flat out stomp ya into oblivion.


          • #6
            =D yes.. that's exactly what he'd do if you missed his jewels

            -JON =D


            • #7
              Originally posted by martialartist88
              =D yes.. that's exactly what he'd do if you missed his jewels

              -JON =D

              and maybe worse if you actually hit them.


              • #8
                =P yes
                but back to the question..... what woudl be some good fighting strategies against such a monster?

                -JON =D


                • #9
                  Originally posted by martialartist88
                  Of course, to come up with a fixed routine to deal with the opponent would not the such a great idea, but tips to approach and wear down the opponent woudl definintly be helpful.
                  Work with some of the bigger guys with sparring & grappling in your MA classes. BTW rabbit punching isn't going to help you win a fight. A hard hit will....remember when Hackney knocked down that 600lb Sumo?

                  A huge, slow strong guy whose out of shape is going to fight differently than a pretty big guy who is a competitive athlete.

                  When it comes to grappling, its better to learn to relax and sometimes let the stronger guy wear himself down a little, while neutralizing some of his attempts, hooking legs when he tries to lift and using your body weight to keep him off balance. Try to allways be where he is structurally weak. He will spend energy trying to move you to where he is strong.

                  I worked with an 18 year old guy, 6'1" and 240 with a 400 bench. He was incredibly strong and didn't hold back when we were grappling. I am also not an impressive grappler, but know the basics. The best I could do was keep him a little off balance and wait out his onslaught. About 7 minutes (seemed like 20!) into our grappling session, he kind of stalled to catch his breath - That's where good sweeps come into play, but you have to fight smart because even a tired giant is still strong.

                  Good luck in your training.


                  • #10
                    When I saw the tale of the tape on this bout, I thought Hackney (Karate) was going to get slammed and smashed about because he was at a significant size and strength disadvantage. In most cases, that's enough to win most of the time.


                    • #11
                      Clinic on fighting the big man.

                      I thought Minotauro Noguera put on a clinic for fighting the big guy in his fight against Bob Sapp in Pride. In the beginning, Noguera was able to survive the onslaught from Sapp and wait him out, until fatigue set in and Noguera's techincal superiority became a factor. Anyone who hasn't seen that fight should definitely check it out. The fact that Noguera survived those slams that he took is as much a testament to his toughness as anything else. If that was a hard floor instead of a ring, it probably would of ended him.
                      Mahalo, Jeremy


                      • #12
                        Yet another clinic..

                        Yeah, that's a pretty good one. Sapp is a true monster in the sense. 6'6" and 360 lbs, benching 600+ is beyond most folks skills.

                        Yet another clinic is the Sudo/Butterbean Pride match. Sudo is about 5'8" and 150; Butterbean 6' 300. Sudo played the outside game, then landed a jumping knee which caused Bean to fall (wasn't really hurt though). Bean tried to crowd Sudo, but he manuevered quickly to Bean's leg for the ankle lock. end of fight.

                        Its amazing these guys are able to pull off wins. Good technique is good technique.


                        • #13
                          thanks thanks..

                          so rabbit punches wont work? i am a wing chun practicioner... i just started about 2 months ago... but asides from wing chun, i also do free style sparring with friends. grappling would be good for practicing, but what if it were to be a real fight between the two? oh yes to clearify one point, the giant is slow, and definintly large, but not to the point where hes nearly immovable and ready to topple over from heavy push/blow. would rapid palm strikes up the chin effect such a giant?

                          -JON =D


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by martialartist88
                            thanks thanks..

                            so rabbit punches wont work?
                            A rabbit punch has nothing behind it.


                            • #15
                              A proper TWC punch has your whole body behind it.

