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had my first wing chun class today

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  • #46
    Originally posted by martialartist88
    So.. where did you hear me talking about me doing full contact training?
    No circular logic Very good.


    • #47
      Originally posted by martialartist88
      innocently asking.. yes i was

      and if you put it that way.

      I put it 'that' way.
      I put 'it' that way
      I 'put' it that way
      'I' put it that way
      I put it that 'way'...


      • #48
        Originally posted by Tom Yum
        No circular logic Very good.
        Alright, you were the one who started believing for some reason that I train under full contact.... I do not know where you got that from ... so wheres the logic in that? hmm i wonder... =P



        • #49
          Now i dont want to start an argument of any sort, so i'll just leave it as that. =D nice chatting!



          • #50
            Originally posted by martialartist88
            Alright, you were the one who started believing for some reason that I train under full contact.... I do not know where you got that from ... so wheres the logic in that? hmm i wonder... =P
            No its not alright...

            Its 'Allright'....someone get this lady a spell check for the Hollidays.

            Where do you train under these days, Ms. Latin of Arabia ?


            • #51
              Originally posted by Tom Yum
              No its not alright...

              Its 'Allright'....someone get this lady a spell check for the Hollidays .

              Where do you train under these days?
              heh... nice.... thats pretty funny how you want to try to correct me when your the one who's actually wrong.. i dont know where your getting that spelling from, but in Canada, Alright is correct, while your 'allright' is not. I think you need a spell check more then i do. ^^ happy holidays!

              oo hollidays.. double L in holidays? i dont think so.. go grab a spell check.. u seriously need one.

              go ask santa for one.. but remember to spell it correctly.. or he won't know what you really want.



              • #52
                Originally posted by martialartist88
                oo hollidays.. double L in holidays? i dont think so.. go grab a spell check.. u seriously need one.
                "u" is generally the formal version of 'you' in spanish. C'mon, can't we be informal together??? Can't we all just get along?

                Afterall, it is the holidays...

                Originally posted by martialartist88
                go ask santa for one.. but remember to spell it correctly.. or he won't know what you really want.

                Ok....'i' 't'


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Tom Yum
                  "u" is generally the formal version of 'you' in spanish. C'mon, can't we be informal together??? Can't we all just get along?

                  Afterall, it is the holidays...

                  Ok....'i' 't'
                  hehehe.. okokok we both cant spell formally then.. doesnt bother me.. =P happy holidays!



                  • #54
                    You seem pretty desperate to believe i Wing Chun, and look to us to orove that it isn't good. Wha proof do you have that it is?

                    I have already written lengthy posts about how Wing Chun fails to cut the mustard. here is a brief summary, off the top of my head.

                    1. Class mates unconciously cooperate with each other. They both keep torsos 100% vertical and neither close the distance to chest to chest range, nor do they go to ground. Ever. Real fighters step outside those unwritten rules,a nd the WC guy has no answer.

                    2. There is too much air punching. Flicky wristy pitter patter punches that a real Mr Angry would not even feel. yet the WC guy invests his belief in them because Sifu tells him too.

                    3. Lengthy class time is wasted on "forms", where Sifu tells you what great benefits you are getting. Guess what, those benefits take time to show themselevs because, of course, they aren't really there........

                    4. Sticky Hands is supposedly a way to develop tactile sensitivity. I agree that if a guy holds his forearms out for you, keeps his torso erect and keeps at the correct distance, then Chi Sao may be of some use. But only WC guys will. Everyone else just batters right through it.

                    Need I go on?


                    • #55
                      Yes. I don't really like wing chun also though I'm just liking this little ramble your doing.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Thai Bri
                        You seem pretty desperate to believe i Wing Chun, and look to us to orove that it isn't good. Wha proof do you have that it is?

                        I have already written lengthy posts about how Wing Chun fails to cut the mustard. here is a brief summary, off the top of my head.

                        1. Class mates unconciously cooperate with each other. They both keep torsos 100% vertical and neither close the distance to chest to chest range, nor do they go to ground. Ever. Real fighters step outside those unwritten rules,a nd the WC guy has no answer.

                        2. There is too much air punching. Flicky wristy pitter patter punches that a real Mr Angry would not even feel. yet the WC guy invests his belief in them because Sifu tells him too.

                        3. Lengthy class time is wasted on "forms", where Sifu tells you what great benefits you are getting. Guess what, those benefits take time to show themselevs because, of course, they aren't really there........

                        4. Sticky Hands is supposedly a way to develop tactile sensitivity. I agree that if a guy holds his forearms out for you, keeps his torso erect and keeps at the correct distance, then Chi Sao may be of some use. But only WC guys will. Everyone else just batters right through it.

                        Need I go on?
                        Yes, please go on, because what you said is completely irrelevant. There are wing chun schools that spar full contact, and train like kickboxing schools. Does the training of the school really count? Hell no.

                        I train in Xing Yi. I do my own conditioning outside of class. Full contact sparring, padwork, bagwork, weights, I do it all. Does it have a single thing to do with the effectiveness of the art? No!


                        • #57

                          [QUOTE=AlexJitsu] Does the training of the school really count? Hell no./QUOTE]

                          How do expect anyone to take what you say seriously when you make statements like this? The training of the school is the most important thing. If you are training for self defense, then go to a school whose only focus is on self defense. If you're more interested in the art aspect, then a self defense only school isn't for you.
                          Mahalo, Jeremy


                          • #58
                            [QUOTE=Jeremy Lobdell]
                            Originally posted by AlexJitsu
                            Does the training of the school really count? Hell no./QUOTE]

                            How do expect anyone to take what you say seriously when you make statements like this? The training of the school is the most important thing. If you are training for self defense, then go to a school whose only focus is on self defense. If you're more interested in the art aspect, then a self defense only school isn't for you.
                            Mahalo, Jeremy
                            You misunderstood me. My intention is to say that you should judge an art based on theory, and the actual mechanics, rather than how a few schools train.


                            • #59

                              My bad. Makes a lot more sense now! Rock on!-Jeremy


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by AlexJitsu
                                Yes, please go on, because what you said is completely irrelevant. There are wing chun schools that spar full contact, and train like kickboxing schools. Does the training of the school really count? Hell no.

                                I train in Xing Yi. I do my own conditioning outside of class. Full contact sparring, padwork, bagwork, weights, I do it all. Does it have a single thing to do with the effectiveness of the art? No!
                                I can not agree with Alex any more than I do now. He is absolutly correct. The way the sifu teaches the class, and the way he makes them train, has NOTHING, to do with the original art itself. Extra training like sparring, conditioning and so on can be added, but the concept of the original can not.
                                So by stating that the way of training in WC makes the art ineffective, it makes your argument faulty and illogical.


