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help needed in finding kung fu school

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  • help needed in finding kung fu school

    Hi i am a new guy in martial arts.I need to find a good kung fu school in karachi (pakistan). please reply

  • #2
    Try asking that question in romanized Urdu. It might give you more responses...


    • #3
      Sorry but hand grenades are not openly sold in bazaars in Pakistan

      hey any body know the answer to my question?
      I tried a few sites for lists of kung fu or M-arts schools but they all either had karate,taekwondo or judithsu
      the web lists didnt even have the name of the center where my cousin studies kungfu.whois in Lahore by the way.


      • #4
        Originally posted by HandtoHand
        I'll tell you if you tell me where bin laden is...
        You haven't tried the Yellow pages?


        • #5
          Kung fu...

          What type?

          Why don't you try that one?


          • #6
            Originally posted by HandtoHand
            I'll tell you if you tell me where bin laden is...
            In the White House..


            • #7
              I resent that last statement,and kungfu dude
              try looking at actual search engines

              and make sure you type in something like
              "Kung Fu Schools in Pakistan"
              I have friends who are from pakistan. lol
              good luck


              • #8
                Hey man, you have to be 18 to


                • #9
                  Originally posted by HandtoHand
                  I give him very good offer. Okay, Okay I add on location of kung fu school and one free uniform to my offer.
                  Can he get fries with that?


                  • #10
                    all this guy wanted was some info on kung fu, and all u guys did was make fun of him for his ethnicity and culture. fuckin douchebags.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by HandtoHand
                      You do know Christians and Jews routinely get lynched in Pakistan? Compared to that giving him a hard time is peanuts.
                      that isnt true at all. ur just a big faggot, and an even bigger idiot. we already know how u love to make up shit in order to justify ur bullshit posts, but please, stop claiming shit that isnt even anywere close to true in all of ur shitty posts. pakistans rime minister fully supports bush and his war on terror, and has been arresting terrorists and helping US soldiers hunt for bin laden since the us invaded afghanistan. pakistans one of the us's biggest allies in the "war on terror". they have captured many terrorists and high proiority people and handed them over to us forces. as always, ur sorry 7th grader ass doesnt know what ur talkin about.


                      • #12
                        H2H, I remember after 911 Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was on TV all the time. It was a very sensitive situation and I was amazed at how well he handled it. Pakistan, just like every other country has their own agenda. Dont go flaming a martial artist just because your up-to-date on the current racial slander. If you have a problem against this guy or his culture why dont you just say what it is, instead of making these passive-aggressive statements?

               Kyokushin Karate

                        I also found a tidbit that showed that 2004 February, 02 there was a Kung Fu championship held in Karachi, Pakistan. There is a contact email address of and You might want to write them to see what schools attended from your area.

                        Since I am not very familiar with the proximity of other town in relation to Karachi I'm posting this for you. Hope it helps. I guess you could write them or call them for more info. I've really looked online, and cant find very much. Just dont go to the Pakistan Islamic Model school. H2H will really have his way with you then. :-)

                        Shaolin Temple Of Pakistan
                        Pakistan Kung Fu Federation
                        H.No.1-398 , Moh Kamil Pura , Gujrat

                        Golden Dragon International
                        Public Model High School , Railway Road , Gujrat

                        Asif Chinese Kung Fu Academy
                        Dera Pagganwala , Gujrat

                        Faisal Shaolin Kung Fu Academy
                        Malooh Khokhar , Gujrat

                        Waseem Wudo Kung Fu Academy
                        S.A Model High School , Mohallah Hayyat Pura , Gujrat

                        Bruce Lee Chinese Kung Fu Academy
                        Kharian , Gujrat ,

                        Pakistan Islamic Model School
                        Shadman Colony , Gujrat , Phone : 0433-530140 ,

                        Bruce Lee Chinese Kung Fu Academy
                        Lala Musa , Gujrat ,

                        Jr. Tae Kwon Do Academy
                        R-678 Sector 15-A/3 Buffer Zone , North Nazimabad Town. Karachi.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by HandtoHand
                          Do you know who Daniel Perl was? Daniel Perl was a Jewish journalist whose head was chopped off in Pakistan, or am I making that up too?
                          when pearl was killed, pakistani forces did all they could to arrest his murderers, and worked with the united states to give them all the info and help they could. bad things happen all over the world, but only little kids like you will define an entire culture of people based on a few individual acts.

                          Originally posted by HandtoHand
                          The so-called president Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan is cooperating with us because we represent a bigger threat than al-Queda. That by no means makes him our friend. You do know that the ISI played a large role in the aiding the Taliban in Afghanistan before Sept 11 right?
                          again, that isnt true either, just like most of ur claims.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by EmptyneSs
                            all this guy wanted was some info on kung fu, and all u guys did was make fun of him for his ethnicity and culture. .
                            To the contrary, I was making fun of him being too young to smoke with a play on words AND looking for a Mc Dojo (fries with that...McD).

                            Originally posted by EmptyneSs
                            fuckin douchebags.
                            Danje vand, maderchud, mujko aik cheez pata he, muje teri gan meh LUND dalne he....

                            Thank you, come again!


                            • #15
                              you guys are some funny individuals..

