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Any Wcers use wc in a real situation?

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  • Any Wcers use wc in a real situation?

    I was just curious because I never seen a thread about a Wcers experience in a real situation, if you had experience in one I'm very curious to know how effective WC is to some people. I only had one small incident which ended kinda quick

    I was at a movie theater at a mall, and of corse there was a line, and this gentlemen thought he can scare me and and cut infront of me, he pushed me out of no where and yeah I busted my ass, but I guess I should've walked away but it was really about principal he had no right to push me out of line so I said " hey f***head what is your problem". and he said " what chu gonna do ?" and I said " I know exactly what I'm gonna do" but when I said it I hit him with my pointing finger on his chest. so he deleived a hook ( i guess it was a hook, I believe it was going to land on the side of my head or face but the punch wasn't all that circular so I don't know if I should call it a hook) at the same time I blocked it with a bil sao and kicked him but before that I was in a front stance sorta and I kicked him with my lead leg I think it was his nuts but I probaly got him on his lower stomache, but he went down and his face all red trying to control his breath , that's when I kinda got scared to be honest because I didn't know if he had friends or if someone is gonna be a tough guy and try to kick my hoot so I hurried and walked away wasn't all that mad about leaving the thaters there because the popcorn and the candy there is freaking expensive, I should've went to savons and bought candy instead of going to another movie theater

    but anyways that is my experience, this happens few months back, kinda hope I wouldn't have to go through any of this but that is my experience

    Please post your experience. doesn't have to be just WC, though that is what I'm sorta curious about


  • #2
    Isnt wing chung punching?... or mostly punching... how is kicking him in the stomach or nuts wing chung?.. is it even wing chung?......uhh.... yeah...


    • #3
      WC/WT/VT actually has several different kicks.

      Front Kick, Side Kick, Slant-Thrust Kick, etc...


      • #4

        So you the little bastard that kicked me in the nuts! Your goin down!


        • #5
          I'm gunna kill you 5 times before you hit the ground!


          • #6
            Wing Chun does have kicks, every style has kicks, as far as I'm concern, plus I kinda see that situation of not fighting force with force which is a principle of wing chun, I didn't use much force with the bil sao, but I believe I did use a bit of force with that front kick, I remeber I threw a pretty fast kick, sorta like a snap kick, but I consider that situation kinda lucky of I came out sucessfull. I'm pretty sure it could've been worse, I thank GOD that it wasn't

            anyways, lets hear some experiences!


            • #7
              Good to hear you didnt get hurt


              • #8
                ignore this


                • #9
                  For my first post im gonna recall a situation that happened about 5 months ago. It was in the summer it was getting kinda dark. Not pitch black but there was no sun either. (if that makes any sense)

                  Well, i had just walked a friend home after the movies. My car was at the parking lot across the street from my friends house so i had to walk back to the theatre which was just across the street.

                  As i started walking back, there were a couple of guys in a small parklette on the street i was on. They called me over so i said what. They asked for the time so i told them. I thought nothign of the situation and continued to walk. Then one of the guys who was smoking a blunt asked for some money. I didnt have any (seriously i used interact) so i said "sorry buddy im broke". I got a couple houses away from the parklette and was prob.50 feet away.

                  Now for the climax. The guy called me a cheapass, whcih didnt bother me at all. Then he yelled out a racial slur which got my atention. There were 3 of them so i guess the smart thing for me to do was keep walking but i'm not proud to say that i turned around and yelled out "wut the **** did u say"? Some Fbombs were exchanged along wiht other explicit words. I was still about 30-40 feet away so the guy said come here and say that to my face.

                  So as i i started to speed walk up to him and he started coming up to me by himself (which was really good) He tried to grab my shirt with both hands (cause he prob. thought he could throw me since he was a couple inches taller and had a couple lbs. over me) i bil sowed one of his arms poped him one and chained punched him 3-4 times in the face. He went down very slowly like he was being poisoned or somehting.

                  BY this time the other 2 guys were close to me as well, a skinny white guy wearing a hood (in the fucking summer! for God's sake) threw a weak ass flailing round punch/hook at me whihc i bil sowed and practically did the same technique as b4. The third guy was a fat guy who didnt want none so i just started jogging and then running as fast i i could so those assclowns wouldnt be able to spot my car.

                  Well, theres my story sounds like a movie i know, but that was no karate kid believe me. Once again im not boasting about this as i know i shoulda just left the scene as one of the guys could of had a gun which i did not take into account.

                  Don't try this a home kids.


                  • #10
                    Its stories like this that encourage me to keep training harder.


                    • #11
                      yep, it just goes to show u the art does work in terms of street defense. U just need to not think about winning or losing the fight. Just think about what u learned and completing the form. B4 u know it hes down and u don't gotta do the rest of the technique.

                      A perfect example of this is in The Last Samurai. During the scene where Tom Cruise is training wiht the more advanced Samerai.


                      • #12
                        Yup, if it was in a Hollywood film, then it must be the way to go in real life.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Thai Bri
                          Yup, if it was in a Hollywood film, then it must be the way to go in real life.
                          So Muay Thai, which Tony Jaa uses in Ong Bak wouldn't work then either?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Thai Bri
                            Yup, if it was in a Hollywood film, then it must be the way to go in real life.
                            buddy, im talking about the conept of an idea that was exercised in the movie. Granted Tom Cruise would get beaten in real life but the idea is to not fear losing or consume yourself with winning.

                            And not all hollywood movies are crocs. THeres plenty of legit self-denfese mechanisms in Seagal, Jet Li, Van Damme and like the above said TOny Jaa movies.


                            • #15
                              I heard VanDamme got beat up by his own Bodyguard, is that true?

