Hi Guys
Im back and badder then ever >.< i have FINALLY!!!! seen the corruption in the Wing tsun organisation for myself after 7 yrs (12-19) and am now a proud member of the UKWCKFA
Don't waste your breath saying how corrupt WT is because trust me til i saw it formyself i just didnt believe it. It's all about money and power and taking the public for a ride!!!!
Sometimes people just turn a blind eye to thing going on around them but i am an honest person and after my Sifu crossed that line, yes THAT line!!!!!! with me and turned nasty when we split i saw A) him for what he really is (which i wont mention), B) How corrupt the organisation was as i was attending I.T.C's for kid's instructor training and its hurrendous the way they talk about people as if they can be treated so badly just to get a hold of their money and make numbers increase.
Anyways moving forward and onward with my martial arts journey and i can say without a doubt now Wing Tsun is NOT a self defence system because there is NO WAY IN HELL!!!! after 7 yrs training i could defend myself on the street and that was proven when i saw the difference between WC and WT - Wing Chun has a balance of Yin and Yang Wing Tsun only uses Yin Energies!!!!!
Anyway's thats MY opinion its called FREEDOM of speech!!!!!! sao any WT guys who want to have a go at me go ahead because you know its all true!!!!!
Little Demon,
Im back and badder then ever >.< i have FINALLY!!!! seen the corruption in the Wing tsun organisation for myself after 7 yrs (12-19) and am now a proud member of the UKWCKFA

Don't waste your breath saying how corrupt WT is because trust me til i saw it formyself i just didnt believe it. It's all about money and power and taking the public for a ride!!!!
Sometimes people just turn a blind eye to thing going on around them but i am an honest person and after my Sifu crossed that line, yes THAT line!!!!!! with me and turned nasty when we split i saw A) him for what he really is (which i wont mention), B) How corrupt the organisation was as i was attending I.T.C's for kid's instructor training and its hurrendous the way they talk about people as if they can be treated so badly just to get a hold of their money and make numbers increase.
Anyways moving forward and onward with my martial arts journey and i can say without a doubt now Wing Tsun is NOT a self defence system because there is NO WAY IN HELL!!!! after 7 yrs training i could defend myself on the street and that was proven when i saw the difference between WC and WT - Wing Chun has a balance of Yin and Yang Wing Tsun only uses Yin Energies!!!!!
Anyway's thats MY opinion its called FREEDOM of speech!!!!!! sao any WT guys who want to have a go at me go ahead because you know its all true!!!!!
Little Demon,
