I've done martial arts for many years, but really found Wing Tsun to be one of the most effective and complete systems I've come across. For anyone in Scotland, WT is coming here! There are now regular classes in Glasgow, and will be more opening in the future in other areas. As well as regular seminars including one in this month - May in Edinburgh (see Events section on this forum), and in Glasgow. WT is a unique system, suitable for men and women; taught to FBI, SEK, bodyguards, etc. So for anyone in Scotland who wants to try WT, now is the perfect chance. Also for anyone interested in opening classes in WT in their area of Scotland, the opportunity is there. For further details please visit www.ewtos.com , and to view videoclips of WT. The EWTOS are the official representatives in Scotland for Grandmaster Leung Ting and GM Keith Kernspecht.