Looked and didnt see anything posted like this so here it is
Shaolin Animal Kung-Fu
The Crane does not attack only counter attack. It would do this from any angle except the front. It would always side step the attack; possibly using it's wings to mask the movement, change direction again, possibly to deliver a technique to the attacker. It is a master of evading supported by blocking and redirection. It would seek to frustrate it's opponent, helping it to defeat itself.
The Crane uses any technique that causes no permanent harm. It's preference would be annoying techniques, energy sapping strategies, (like water wearing down rock,) rather than a single blow or finishing technique. It would seek to give it's opponent the ability to stop and reflect on the consequences of it's aggression, seeking to teach/show it the error of violence. For this it would - like a mother or mentor - seem to be cruel to be kind.
The Shaolin Snake is the bureaucrat, the keeper of knowledge and wisdom. It is the style that likes things ordered and predictable. It is a very unimaginative style that focuses on simplicity, speed, accuracy, knowledge and timing.
Snake stylists uses very simple, straight and Snake (s bend) techniques both for the hands and legs. Generally aiming with a toe or one finger at a specific target that the Snake practitioner has identified for their current opponent. This will then be executed with minimum energy usage. For the Snake Style is that of a single, accurate, very high efficiency strike or kick.
The Snake style practitioner is never the attacker (much like the Shaolin Crane). It waits patiently for the right moment, the right spot, the right 'opportunity' for it's single, precise attack. It does not use any style of blocking but relies on it's agile body and quick reflexes being enough to avoid any contact what so ever. The Snake allows only one contact and that is it's attack.
To practice Snake Style the practitioner must spend a lot of time working on accuracy and precision. He/she must be 100% in timing, distancing, effort, target and opportunity. They may use some distracting, swaying motions, occasional feints (each executed as if it were a real attack, which it could be) but that is as complex as it gets.
The Tiger does not need to defend, it is the ultimate predator. It has no evasion techniques, no blocking or defence. In any confrontation it leaps into attack going for the quick and direct resolution of the conflict. It does not have the stamina, inclination or need for enduring and prolonged activities.
The Tiger uses any simple and direct approach. It's techniques and methods are easily understood with not a lot of strategic thinking or planning; and absolutely no preparation. The Tiger is purely reactive. Either the world is OK or the Tiger will do something immediate and sudden.
The Panther Stylist chooses the time, the place, the conditions, the style, the everything. S/He is in command of any situation, not by brute power but by the breadth of their skills, abilities and cunning. It never does the expected unless that is the last thing you would expect.
The Panther can attack from any direction, with any technique at any time in a hit and run fashion. It is always well prepared, well informed and always surprising. It likes to use and even create confusion for use to it's own advantage. It would never attack frontally unless that is where it is not expected. As a Style is has the greatest amount of technical expertise, widest range of techniques used in the most impossible ways. It is always the attacker, never the attacked. Whatever you expect, expect 1 million other possibilities!
In Dragon Style Kung Fu, power is believed to emanate from the waist. Because the waist is the largest muscle in the body (something not everyone is particularly proud of) and the only one cross-hatched in three different directions, it is considered the best source of physical power. Most people use the strength of their upper bodies and shoulders. But Dragon Style Kung Fu teaches people how to draw energy from the waist and manifest it through their hands and feet. Because this does not depend on a person’s size or weight, it is an effective style for women.
One of the trademarks of the style is the concept that body energy is most efficient when it is used in spiral motions. Like a dragon, who coils and uncoils, the spiral movements are interlinked so there is a continuous flow of energy. Playing a set is like connecting the dots on a three-dimensional drawing. It gives effective self-defense since the hands and feet are constantly moving, leaving no openings or "doors" for an opponent. On an energetic level, practitioners say that it seems to push their internal energy into more organic shapes and forms.
Monkey kung fu is full of rolling, twirling and sometimes playful movements encompassing hundreds of deceiving strikes and techniques. It’ s constantly changing footwork and ascending and descending stances tend to lull it’s opponent into a state of momentary confusion and bewilderment, allowing the monkey an opportunity to unexpectedly leap into an attack with haunting accuracy.
Though the motions of the monkey are visually quite amazing and exotic, many people are unaware that this unique martial art is actually a combination of three separate and distinctive martial art styles – the arts of Ta Sheng men, Pekwar and Tei Tong. However, the two primary arts are Ta Sheng men and Pekwar.
To understand the marriage of these two major arts begins with defining the actual term

Shaolin Animal Kung-Fu
The Crane does not attack only counter attack. It would do this from any angle except the front. It would always side step the attack; possibly using it's wings to mask the movement, change direction again, possibly to deliver a technique to the attacker. It is a master of evading supported by blocking and redirection. It would seek to frustrate it's opponent, helping it to defeat itself.
The Crane uses any technique that causes no permanent harm. It's preference would be annoying techniques, energy sapping strategies, (like water wearing down rock,) rather than a single blow or finishing technique. It would seek to give it's opponent the ability to stop and reflect on the consequences of it's aggression, seeking to teach/show it the error of violence. For this it would - like a mother or mentor - seem to be cruel to be kind.
The Shaolin Snake is the bureaucrat, the keeper of knowledge and wisdom. It is the style that likes things ordered and predictable. It is a very unimaginative style that focuses on simplicity, speed, accuracy, knowledge and timing.
Snake stylists uses very simple, straight and Snake (s bend) techniques both for the hands and legs. Generally aiming with a toe or one finger at a specific target that the Snake practitioner has identified for their current opponent. This will then be executed with minimum energy usage. For the Snake Style is that of a single, accurate, very high efficiency strike or kick.
The Snake style practitioner is never the attacker (much like the Shaolin Crane). It waits patiently for the right moment, the right spot, the right 'opportunity' for it's single, precise attack. It does not use any style of blocking but relies on it's agile body and quick reflexes being enough to avoid any contact what so ever. The Snake allows only one contact and that is it's attack.
To practice Snake Style the practitioner must spend a lot of time working on accuracy and precision. He/she must be 100% in timing, distancing, effort, target and opportunity. They may use some distracting, swaying motions, occasional feints (each executed as if it were a real attack, which it could be) but that is as complex as it gets.
The Tiger does not need to defend, it is the ultimate predator. It has no evasion techniques, no blocking or defence. In any confrontation it leaps into attack going for the quick and direct resolution of the conflict. It does not have the stamina, inclination or need for enduring and prolonged activities.
The Tiger uses any simple and direct approach. It's techniques and methods are easily understood with not a lot of strategic thinking or planning; and absolutely no preparation. The Tiger is purely reactive. Either the world is OK or the Tiger will do something immediate and sudden.
The Panther Stylist chooses the time, the place, the conditions, the style, the everything. S/He is in command of any situation, not by brute power but by the breadth of their skills, abilities and cunning. It never does the expected unless that is the last thing you would expect.
The Panther can attack from any direction, with any technique at any time in a hit and run fashion. It is always well prepared, well informed and always surprising. It likes to use and even create confusion for use to it's own advantage. It would never attack frontally unless that is where it is not expected. As a Style is has the greatest amount of technical expertise, widest range of techniques used in the most impossible ways. It is always the attacker, never the attacked. Whatever you expect, expect 1 million other possibilities!
In Dragon Style Kung Fu, power is believed to emanate from the waist. Because the waist is the largest muscle in the body (something not everyone is particularly proud of) and the only one cross-hatched in three different directions, it is considered the best source of physical power. Most people use the strength of their upper bodies and shoulders. But Dragon Style Kung Fu teaches people how to draw energy from the waist and manifest it through their hands and feet. Because this does not depend on a person’s size or weight, it is an effective style for women.
One of the trademarks of the style is the concept that body energy is most efficient when it is used in spiral motions. Like a dragon, who coils and uncoils, the spiral movements are interlinked so there is a continuous flow of energy. Playing a set is like connecting the dots on a three-dimensional drawing. It gives effective self-defense since the hands and feet are constantly moving, leaving no openings or "doors" for an opponent. On an energetic level, practitioners say that it seems to push their internal energy into more organic shapes and forms.
Monkey kung fu is full of rolling, twirling and sometimes playful movements encompassing hundreds of deceiving strikes and techniques. It’ s constantly changing footwork and ascending and descending stances tend to lull it’s opponent into a state of momentary confusion and bewilderment, allowing the monkey an opportunity to unexpectedly leap into an attack with haunting accuracy.
Though the motions of the monkey are visually quite amazing and exotic, many people are unaware that this unique martial art is actually a combination of three separate and distinctive martial art styles – the arts of Ta Sheng men, Pekwar and Tei Tong. However, the two primary arts are Ta Sheng men and Pekwar.
To understand the marriage of these two major arts begins with defining the actual term