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  • hypoglycemia

    As a sufferer myself of low blood sugar levels, i wondered if anyone else who studies sport/martial arts has either hypogycemia or low blood sugar levels and what you do to combat this when training because soemtimes i just feel so wiped out after training tis horrible.



  • #2
    While i do not have LBS, i do know the feeling of training when that hunger pang hits yous. Your head isn't exactly on the ground, and your body isn't as fast or as strong as it normally is.

    One tip would be to eat lots of complex carbs during the day. Complex carbs take more time to digest thus the energy is dispersed more evenly. Perhaps have a sandwhich or two(maybe a banana) about 45 mins piror to training(too long a time spand and you'll get hungry again or too soon and you'll get some aches in your sides aka stitches).
    If training is the mornings, get up early for a bowl of cereal(maybe a banana, high in enegry and potassium, stuff you lose in your sweat).
    Supposing that still doesn't help, Pack along a couple of oatmeal cookies, banana muffins, bananas, jam sandwhiches, etc etc. Get permission from your instructor to snack(don't eat too much, roughly what you need to continue) during the breaks to keep your energy levels up.

    I strongly advise agaisnt candy bars for a boost during training cause they tend to spike your energy levels and then you feel drained 20 mins later. Caffine is a no-no for me too, Unless i really need it. The boost lasts longer but you'll get drained eventually, and if you drink too much(more than 2 cups) you'll get kinda dehydrated.

    Hope this helps.


    • #3
      I don't have the sugar problem but I do have high cholesterol. God knows how I get high cholesterol when I eat healthy and hit the gym 5 times a week ( and yes I do heavy cardio 5 days a week).


      • #4

        My friend from nursing told me from her experience that people who are down or passed out from LBS can be fixed with abit of honey smeared on the gums. Never tried it though as I know nobody with LBS problems.

